Chapter 2.5 Make a Wish
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Keven walked into the meeting room. It was plan with a large round table. He looked down to see the Green outfit. He knew he looked like Superman with a green uniform. He loved how he looked and felt in this world. His chest was hurting again tonight, but here at least it wasn’t a struggle to sit up. He heard the door open and a purple Spiderman walk in. “Hay Berry.” He looked like a tall strong man, the voice that came out sounded like a small child. Berry waved and sat at the table. Jack Sparrow walked in trying to strut and wave like he did in the movies. “Getting better Timmy.” Timmy bowed and smiled. A dark skinned batman came in and gave the group a goofy grin.

“What are we playing tonight?” Timmy asked.

“We are waiting for the others. Gretta and Mark seem to be having trouble.” Keven said. A red superman came in shortly followed by a blonde wonder woman. They all sat at the table and started talking.

“Anyone want to play superheroes tonight?” Billy the dark skinned batman asked.

“Sure. So long as we can do some minecraft tonight. I want to work on my garden.” Gretta the blonde wonder woman replied.

“Mind if I help?” Berry asked. She smiled at him and nodded. A strong male voice came from the top of the room.

“We did get a copy of the new Rocket Raccoon in.” All the boys except Berry cheered.

“Thanks Mr. Wolf.” Keven said. “Anyone want to play superheroes first?” They all nodded and smiled.

“So superheroes for the first part. Remember you can change your hero at any time in the menu.” Mr wolf said. Suddenly they were all on the top of a large building. Berry backed away from the edge as the Gretta, Keven and the red superman started flying. Keven looked back. They were so high up. He could feel the wind, hear the birds on the ledge with them. It all felt so real.

“You okay Berry?” Berry shook his head.

“I’ll be fine. Just scared. Gretta flue to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

“Berry if you fall, you wont get hurt here. Even if you do fall you know we got you.” Berry looked at her and nodded.

“Gretta is right. We got you man. You can do this.” Keven said

“If you can’t do this, we understand. You can go to the game room if you want. No one is going to judge you.” Gretta said. Berry shook his head and walked to the edge. He was scared, but had to do this. He took a deep breath and jumped off the edge. His body moved on it’s own making him more aerodynamic, his hand shot out and a line of web flew out sticking to a building. The others cheered as they flew beside him. The dark skinned batman had turned into a black green lantern and Timmy had become Antman. Berry felt free swinging with his friends as a giant robot started attacking the city. It looked silly and rounded like it was made out of soup cans. All of them working together brought the robot down and cheered as they stood over the mangled wreckage. Gretta gave Berry a hug and the others joined in.

“I have to try spiderman next time. That looked like fun.” Keven said

“It was a blast. Keven I’d love to race you as spidermen.” Berry replied

“I have a great idea. Why don’t we all pick a spiderman and have a race around the city?” Gretta said. They all waved their hands and soon spidermen of every color and a spider woman were all slinging around the city flying and flipping through the air.

“First one to central park wins.” Keven said taking the lead and flipping down a side street. The others laughed and followed him. Keven came in near the front and landed in the park. He lay in the grass breathing hard. His chest was hurting a bit more than normal.

“Sorry guys. You go on. I need to go to the nap room for a little..” he said laying in the grass. His head was hurting. It happened to all of them from time to time, but each time could mean the last. They all looked around a bit worried. Each gave him a hug before switching games. Gretta and Berry went into their minecraft world and the other boys went off to watch the movie.

Keven woke in the room. It was dark and the other kids were sleeping with strange helmets on their heads. He looked to the door and saw a tall strong man standing there. It was superman wearing a green suit, just like Keven’s avatar. He walked over to Keven and held his arms out. “Hey Keven, would you like to go flying with me?” The frail boy held his arms out and Superman picked him up. He raised his arm in the air and the two flew through the wall and out into the night.

In the long term wing of St. Merry’s children’s hospital, a buzzer sounded at the nurses station. Bethany Jude stood and called the others. Keven’s screen was showing an abnormal reading. They went in and she started crying. He was gone. Luckily the other children were out and playing together in their sleep. A sheet was placed over Keven and his body was wheeled out. She would have to call his parents. He was born with a heart defect and should have died before his first birthday. Two months ago he started having chest pains and had to be brought in. they told his parents it could be any day and he pushed that back as long as he could. They couldn’t even try to revive him because his heart wouldn’t be able to take the shock. The small brave child was always the first to show the others kindness. She would miss him dearly. She went back to her desk and cried while one of the other nurses notified his parents. Both would be in to say their final goodbyes. She dried her eyes and grabbed her tablet to let Mr. Wolf know what had happened.

Val Wolfwood watched Keven fade and feared what may be coming. He put on an action superhero movie for the boys and watched Gretta and Berry planting flowers in a block like world. They were still in their superhero avatars, but they now looked blocky to match the world. He looked at a screen to see the incoming message. Keven had left them. He started crying wondering when it would be his own son’s turn. He looked up through his tears at the boy planting a rose push in the back of a simple house. “Berry You made me proud today. Stay strong son.” He said weeping into his hands. All the kids were sick and dying. This is why he fought to make this happen. He took over Martian’s spot for this reason. To let his son live even if only for a little while. It was greed on his part, he knew it.

A child was born on a dark night in a cabin. The only thing he knew is he was cold, it was dark and he was hungry. A soft blanket was wrapped around him and he was pressed to something soft and large. A warm fluid filled his mouth. Once he was full, he opened his eyes and looked around. All he could see was blurry shapes moving around him. One came close and said “Kay es to er on? Ha vos toni votso.” He smiled at the sound and heard a chuckle. “He mokons” He was moved to the blurry shape.

“Welcome to the world my son.” Hevos said. He kissed the red scales on his new born son’s head and smiled at the small bumps on the baby’s head. He looked at his wife beaming. “What shall we call him?” She glowed softly delighting in the joy of a new light in their world.

“Why don’t we call him Kav, after your grandfather?” His long tail swished in delighted approval. He leaned down and pressed his forehead to his wife’s careful not to lock their horns. Her soft blue scales glowed with the inner light of true joy.