Interlude – The Admins
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Glistle sighed and switched his point of view over to the war between the demons and the humans.

The older brother to two of the humans he had been just watching over was participating in the fight. He was doing quite well, swinging his big sword all over the place, cutting through his opponents.
Glistle sighed. The fight was pretty boring. It was like every single fight before. The two armies charged at their opponents and then cut each other to pieces until one of them was gone or retreated.
"What are you doing," A deep male voice asked from behind Glistle. He turned around to see one of the other Admins, Orogon.
"I'm just watching over some humans and demons fighting," Glistle told Orogon. "That's all."
"Hmm," Orogon said. "Well, He is here."
"Alright," Glistle said. He stood up on his three legs and followed Orogon to a large room.
"Hello, Glistle," A new voice said. Sitting in a chair in the room was a very strange-looking person. They looked like someone wearing a suit, but the body itself could not be seen. White gloves covered the hands and black shoes showed where the feet were. Where the head should have been was a floating black circle with a white smiling face on it. "How are you doing?"
"Quite well, Smiles," Glistle said. "And you?"
"Oh, I've been doing great," Smiles replied. "Although, recording not only this world's story as well as the other four is a bit stressful sometimes. I have met some other Chaos Recorders, though."
"Really?" Glistle asked. "How wonderful. Will I ever meet them?"
"I'm afraid not," Smiles said. "In my own world, they live in different areas. I contact them through this wonderful device called Discord."
"Isn't that a synonym for chaos?" Orogon asked.
"It can be, yes," Smiles answered. "Where are the others?"
"Scavalin is almost here," Orogon said. "Dacroxin and Jxorin are busy. They won't make it today."
"Ah, well," Smiles said.
"Hello," A feminine voice said. Smiles turned to see a short, monkey-like creature walking toward the group. They wore a black mask over their face that had several spiked horns. "Nice to see you again."
"Indeed, indeed," Smiles said. "How is Timothy?"
"That bastard keeps interrupting our attempts to help the humans," Orogon said. "He's also managed to get four of the reincarnators onto his side."
"I knew about the first three," Smiles said. "But who is this fourth one?"
"His name is Liam," Glistle said. "Somehow, he ended up as a Wyvern."
"Oh, well," Smiles said. "Nothing I can do about it now." Suddenly, a small object in one of their pockets buzzed. They pulled the strange device out of the pocket and one side of it illuminated with a bright glow. They tapped a few things. "Hmm. It seems I must go. The newest world is getting a bit chaotic."
"Goodbye," Glistle said. "We'll see you whenever you next drop in."
With a poof of white smoke and shimmering glitter, Smiles disappeared.