Chapter One
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The Hatari' has been a part of Gaia as long as mankind has been. Some say even before, some say the Aesir were the first to start the Hatari'. The Hatari' is a secret society transcending the monarchies of the races and nobles. Its goal is to persevere the history and balance of Gaia. As a continent, Gaia was vast in culture, races, and creatures. Its delicate nature was always on the line due to its violent children. Hatari' was a collaboration of the 5 races to ensure order and peace. Peace at sometimes through means of violence, coercion, and manipulation. Though these means were on the table and readily used, it was not its practice. The Hatari consider themselves righteous carriers of justice and order to the realm. They were hidden in high and low places but never to have glory from their secret actions. Hatari' in the ancient language, meant danger. Dangerous they were!

The five races have been at a struggle since their arrival. Their history was long and dark. Each race twisted its history to fit its narrative, but the Hatari' kept accurate records of each conflict and history. This allowed its members to understand the trivial nature of the nobles and people. To truly see past one's prejudices could only be done with truth. This has allowed the Hatari' to stay alive and thrive for two thousand years.

The five races consisted of the Serf, Aesir, Dwarf, Boar, and Rogue. Each race had its own cities and culture, which made them different from their warring neighbors.

The serf is considered the most fragile of races, also just known as humans. The name serf is a nickname for humans. The Aesir are humans, or some would say, were humans. On their 17th birthday, some humans have a transformation to gain elemental powers. The history is quite complicated, and civil war broke out at one point to separate the two factions. The humans who forgo this transformation are brought before the Aesir. They then train these few in their own country. The Aesir also provides protection and borders the rest of the land of Gaia. The Aesir background is human, but they are quickly treated as others because of their newfound abilities. Some looked upon them with great reverence, others with disgust.

The Drones are a peculiar race; short, strong, and quick-tempered. They are considered the builders and tradesmen of Gaia. They are a proud race and feel like the most incredible artisans of Gaia, building the biggest city in Gaia's existence. Their name, the Drones, comes from their perfect harmony in teamwork. This is the only race with the ingenuity and ability to work as well as they do. Like a beehive works for its Queen, the Drones work together for a common goal, hence the name Drones. Some even say they all become of one mind for a common goal when they are at work. Even with this particular gift bestowed upon this race, they have individual personalities and opinions. They were extremely loyal to the monarch even when some Kings and Queens were authoritarian.

The Boars are considered the longest and most proud warrior race of Gaia. A warrior race of prominent ogre-like men and women. Society is wholly built on strength and fighting capability. No one is above their law, and anyone who is not of use is banished. Their young start training at a tender age and then off to war. This has been an issue for the Boars, as they are always looking for the next war because prestige and glory can only be found in battle. They are used heavily as mercenaries throughout the realm. This was one of the few ways to move up through the ranks; rank meant everything.

Lastly, we get to the most complicated of the 5 races. The Rogues. The Rogue's history is tortured and disheartening. A race of shadows, assassins, and thieves. They weren't always like this, but they knew of nothing different to the world of Gaia citizens. Outcast from the realm, they dwell in the deepest part of Lewa Forest to live as vagabonds. They are hated by all and live off of the most despicable work. Not much is known about their history, but they are treated like pariahs. They are rarely spotted because most don't live to tell the tale. The people know of them to their children as bedtime stories of when children misbehave.

One is not considered a race, but the gods of Gaia are to be the Wisps. No one has seen one in hundreds of years. Said to be the spirits that created all the races and Gaia. Wolves were said to be the first creation of Gaia and used to protect the races in the beginning. Some of the wolves would have the blessing of the wisps and become dragon-wolfs. No one has seen one outside of a picture book; most believe this to be an ancient religion and fairy tale. To this day, it is said that wolves can communicate with these invisible wisps and are the wisest creatures of all Gaia.

Chapter Break

It was a bitter night in Nakuru. The night sky was clouded, and the moon's light barely showed. The city was lit with lanterns and candles on the window sill. Vladamir walked silently through the alleyways of the town. Walls extending 10 men high on each side of him. He wore his cloak over his whole body and head. He shivered a little as the wind blew hard between the walls of his brisk walk to his destination.

Nakuru, built in the middle of the valley, was the pride of the Gaia world. The dense population was full of life, trade, and prosperity. It has turned into something different now. Its blatant corruption, theft, and murder have turned the streets of this once incredible city into something of a nightmare. Vladamir himself was even afraid to walk the streets by himself. Not because he couldn't defend himself but because he might have to, which he often had to do. The mud under his shoe doesn't even feel like mud no longer, but rather soil mixed with blood and disease. He had no time to shed tears for his once beloved home of the last 40 years. Only to move forward and bring a plan to action.

As he walked out of the alleyway, he came to a square built in the city. He looked for a sign, keeping his head on a swivel, and in the distance, he could see a light flicker seven times. This was the cue to go, and he slowly approached, still watching his surroundings. He turns the corner and follows the man. He was tall, burly, with a beard down to his collarbone. He spoke with a raspy voice that of one who has smoked tobacco for years.

The Hatari' is a secret society as old as the land of Gaia itself. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the ongoing situation of the land. Zaragon the King has put the nation in a war state to declare himself the ultimate supreme leader, thereby consolidating power to the democratic arms of the government.

The Hatari' issued an order for a mandatory meeting of all members. This one will define the history of Gaia. Its members include those of all races of Gaia. Members such as Vladamir of the Aesir are one of the councils of the 4 tribes.

"Few things in this world seem what they really are. The ability to differentiate between reality and fantasy makes a man great. For a man to accept his destiny can be one of the most difficult tasks in this great land. Each of us is responsible for bringing this man to accept and fulfill his destiny."

"Vladamir, what you ask is impossible. Zaragon's grip on the council is strong, and the military allegiance cannot be broken. How long can you expect us to have these blasphemous meetings behind his back before he learns of our intentions?" says Boragon of the Boar tribe.

Boragon was born of the proud Boar race. Born into war and living his life through war, he knew of nothing else. It made him quite skeptical of anyone and anything. His intention, nevertheless, always remained pure, but his doubt of all people made him dangerous.

"If we do not take action now, Zaragon's power will only grow to the point of supreme control. Now my brothers and sisters are time to strike to bring Gaia back to the original way of order, as our forefathers have set down for us. Zaragon moves now to bring back the Rogues to the city. They will desolate our lands, and our homes will vanish right before our eyes."

"If we keep putting the Rouges into such a category, we will never have peace. Is it truly impossible to let the Rouges join with the 4 tribes to bring peace? By keeping exorcising them from society, are we guilty of intolerance? For hundreds of years, we villainized them and cornered them to extinction. They are clawing back finally at full force, with the backing of Zaragon, though in plain sight." Boragon spoke boldly.

"I think you forget we are at war, my friend. It is not a matter of intolerance when we are at war!" said Vladamir.

"He's right!"

"The time of diplomacy ended a long ago."

The random voices of the council shouted in a union. The Rouge tribe has been at war with the rest of the tribes for the last two hundred years. The Rouges have been known to pillage and attack the smaller villages without admitting their treacherous deeds. It caused strife and hardship throughout the Kingdom. Until the Rouge tribe was found guilty of their crimes and sent to the darkest parts of the curse, Lewa Forest, for the last two hundred years. The proud Rouge tribe has not shown a way of slowing down. Even now, they push harder back into the Kingdom due to their survival.

Vladamir looks around the room, it's night outside, and the dark is only lit by the candles in homes that be scarcely seen with the naked eye. Inside, he stands on a platform overlooking the arguing men of the Hatari'. He feels defeated to bring a plan of action most can agree to. The Hatari' has never been more divided than it is now. The Hatari' a secret organization, stood to balance all five races, now just four. Its members included politicians, merchants, fishermen, blacksmiths, and even courtesans. Its power was immense at its pinnacle, even having more power than the King himself said, some at one point at another. Now it is just a flickering memory of its used power.

"Brothers and Sisters, please now heed my call. The prophecy from the Wisps is upon us. I can not say my source at such a time. But we must be prepared to protect the one they call who will bring balance to Gaia. It is our sworn duty. It is the very fabric of which our organization has started its 500 years of history."

"Bullshit! Prophecy, prophecy, prophecy… We all have heard the story. It's been told for almost 500 years, and never has such a person existed. Why now? There have been worse kings than Zaragon, and they will be worse than him after he's gone. Our focus needs to be not in such fairy tails." Said Thordin.

Thordin came from the Drone tribe, the largest population of Gaia. He was noble, strong-willed, and determined. His arrogance could get the best of him at times. Like most Drones, they believe in the cooperation of the masses. Using technology and trade markets to better the world. This pursuit leaves many to become poor and support the rich while thousands starve in their cities. This was how the world worked in his eyes. This would never fit the idea of a Drone's lifestyle or his status quo.

"Tales of this prophecy have been told since my grandfather, grandfathers. Yet never once have any of these stories been true. Yet you want us, the council, and the entire Hatari' to fall in line with a child's tale? There is no being of all five races to come and bring balance to Gaia. To stray away from some evil that we don't have. The Wisps, our creators, have yet to speak to anyone who knows how long or even if they still exist in Gaia. We might have fallen on hard times, but a single hero cannot fix what we have. This hero we have all waited for, keep in mind for generations Vladamir, is most likely inaccurate. There is not some all-powerful being who can take thousands down by himself and bring peace to all races ever going to happen. Anyone who can like that brute Boragon can kill themselves." The crowd laughs at his remark. Boragon smirks as he is unpleased but doesn't want to involve himself in mocking matters.

"Zaragon might be power hungry, manipulative, and damn it, a dictator, but we still move on like we always have." Said Thordin mockingly."

Vladimir, his brow tense, circled the room. He put his head in his hands out of frustration. "Thordin, how long have we known each other, and have I ever steered you wrong? Zaragon has positioned himself to be the ultimate power of Gaia. He now has full control of the military. He has been playing games with the Senate since his very first day. We are a democratic society but lost the keys of power to Zaragon. Now we stand more powerless than ever. We have rebel attacks all across Gaia, yet we know of no actual rebel force. He has pushed his way into power, yet we all know of the rumors of his cruelty. We are down a dark and slippery slope, my friends. Times have been so chaotic with the murder, thieving, and pillaging. We have never been down a path so dark in our history, our very empire built on peace and a diverse community, yet we stand more divided than ever. My concern is that we move back towards our early days and lose all the progress we've gained."

The room fell with yelling and insults. It was heavy with dread. Vladamir was lost in thought but knew his plan was pushed aside by the quarreling nobles and members. His only idea was to find the one to bring peace. How would he find him? How would he know who they were? His religious belief may provide the answer. All he could do was pray.