Beneath the Weeping Starlight
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Beneath the weeping starlight, where the heavens themselves seemed to mourn, lay a world suffused with a quiet sadness. The nights were painted in hues of indigo and ebony, a tapestry woven with the distant glow of stars that shed their tearful light upon the earth below. In the midst of this celestial melancholy, a lone figure stood atop a weathered hill, her gaze fixed upward as if seeking solace from the cosmic cascade. 

"Love me," the figure muttered to herself. Gazing out into the expanse of the night sky, her eyes shimmered with a wistful intoxication, lost in the mesmerizing tapestry of stars above.

In a response seemingly tailored to her silent beckoning, a meteor shower unveiled its presence before her eyes, a cascade of celestial brilliance. Overwhelmed by the cosmic spectacle, tears escaped her eyes as her legs faltered beneath her, bringing her gracefully to her knees in a surrender to the profound beauty and emotion that had enveloped her.

"Ah… I don't care anymore."

Bowing her head, the solitary figure gently closed her eyes, drawing in a steadying breath that brushed aside the searing ache radiating from the wound on her left shoulder. 

The girl's eyes mirrored the vast expanse of stars in the sky, a reflection of the infinite points of light that seemed to hold fragments of forgotten memories. Amidst this cosmic sea, a myriad of recollections intruded upon her consciousness. Among them, a cherished childhood memory resurfaced—the times when she had cast her wishes into the starlit canvas above, each one a hopeful proposal to the universe, whispered in the language of dreams.

"I don't want to die..." the girl's words were a fragile whisper, carried on the breeze, a declaration of her unwavering determination to cling to life. Yet, in the end, they were nothing more than hollow words, spoken into the void where no ears would ever receive them.

A sudden, unexpected heartbeat reverberated through her entire being, a startling jolt that resonated with the unexpected. Collapsing to the ground, her body met the earth with a gentle thud, and as her back made contact, she glimpsed her wounded shoulder, her features contorted in a mix of frustration and resignation.

Her gaze remained fixed on the distant path from whence she had journeyed, her eyes lingering on nothing but a sea of barren hills and empty grass, a landscape devoid of any discernible feature visible to the naked eye. From a distance unfathomably far, humanoid figures began to emerge, gradually taking form as they traversed the expanse towards the direction of the solitary girl.

Awareness dawned within the girl as the presence of the humanoid figures became undeniable. They moved in a congregation, a multitude that numbered in the hundreds, steadily advancing in her direction. With each passing moment, the gap between her and the approaching assembly diminished, as they navigated the undulating hills with purposeful intent.

"Aya... Akari..." The girl's voice trembled as she cried out these two names, each syllable carrying the weight of her emotions. In the midst of the approaching figures, she uttered the names that held a special place in her heart. They were the only two people she could genuinely call friends, without the burden of deceit or guilt weighing upon her words.

The absence of sunlight cast a shadow over the assembly of humanoid figures, rendering them difficult to discern. Yet, despite the darkness, the star-strewn sky and the luminous glow of the moon refused to withhold their radiance, illuminating the advancing group with a celestial light that seemed to dance upon their movements.

Within the gathering of figures, two among them stood out, clad in high school uniforms that echoed the very attire worn by the solitary girl who lay upon the hill. As her tear-filled eyes scanned the approaching assembly, they locked onto these two familiar forms, their presence stirring a flood of emotion within her.

"Why...?" Her voice trembled with a mix of anguish and confusion, a cry of heartache directed toward a figure she could no longer touch. "I followed your guidance, Mom. I followed every lesson you imparted. I pleaded with the stars day after day, night after night, hoping against hope that this impending catastrophe would relent. You promised the stars would heed my wishes... Why have they forsaken us?"

A deluge of memories rushed into her mind, blurring her thoughts in a torrent of emotion. Visions of a motherly figure shielding her with unyielding protection, those gestures of care etched indelibly in her heart. Echoes of final words spoken with love, resounding endlessly within the corridors of her consciousness. And then, an agonizing vision—the harrowing image of her own vulnerable form, attacked, bitten, and shredded, her skin torn asunder in a cruel and relentless assault.

A heavy sigh escaped her lips as the weight of her circumstances settled upon her shoulders. "Perhaps a mischievous soul like mine doesn't deserve the gift of life," she murmured softly to herself, a fleeting thought that captured the self-doubt and guilt that had nestled within her heart.

Finally, the congregation of humanoid creatures drew near enough for the girl to perceive their forms in full detail. As her gaze settled upon them, her heart sank. Among them were her two dearest friends, their once-pristine high school uniforms now tattered and disheveled. With each deliberate step, they moved inexorably closer, revealing features that struck a chilling contrast to their former selves. Their eyes held an unsettling madness, their skin was pallid and ashen, and their bodies bore gruesome, rotting wounds. Their movements lacked the grace of the living, an eerie detachment from the world around them. 

They were a surreal embodiment of horror, a grotesque distortion of reality that shattered the boundaries of what she knew. These were not the friends she remembered; they had become creatures that defied logic and reason, entities that belonged in the realm of fiction. They were known as zombies, a nightmarish existence that had invaded and devastated her sense of common understanding.

A nervous laugh escaped the girl's lips, her attempt to find a shred of dark humor amidst the bleakness. "I suppose I'm already bitten," she admitted, her gaze shifting towards the evidence on her left shoulder. "So, how about we skip the painful part of being torn apart and just let me transition into your kind peacefully?" Her words carried a blend of resignation and hope, a plea to avoid the agonizing end she had witnessed before, and instead embrace the inevitable transformation on her own terms.

Unfazed by her words, the zombies continued their relentless advance, oblivious to her plea and intent on their path. A heavy sigh escaped the girl's lips as she cast a resigned gaze upon the encroaching horde of zombies. Determination welled up within her, prompting her to make an effort to rise from her position. But her body betrayed her, defying the urgent commands of her instincts. Frustration mixed with her will to move, yet her limbs remained unresponsive, a silent testament to the extent of her physical exhaustion and the inexorable grip of her impending fate.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she whispered, "This was supposed to be our very first day of high school..." Her voice trembled with a mix of sorrow and nostalgia, her gaze fixed upon her two former best friends whose once-familiar faces were now contorted with a ravenous hunger for her.

At last, her two best friends-turned-zombies reached her, their grotesque forms now in proximity. The horde of zombies trailed behind them, an eerie procession of the undead. With a heavy heart, the girl closed her eyes, a shiver of fear coursing through her. Resignation settled over her like a heavy blanket, as she awaited the inevitable fate that loomed before her, a fate that she could no longer escape.

* * *

"Where… am I?" The girl's voice carried a mix of wonder and confusion, her gaze sweeping across the familiar yet surreal landscape of an abandoned classroom.

"You're in a place between memories and dreams," a voice responded, its tone carrying a soothing cadence. The girl's gaze took in her surroundings, recognizing the setting as an empty classroom, its familiarity tinged with a surreal quality. She turned her gaze towards the window, her eyes drawn to the emptiness outside—a canvas painted with the ethereal glow of starlight and the enchanting dance of a meteor shower. It was as if the very cosmos had conspired to welcome her into this mysterious realm.

With a mixture of curiosity and trepidation, the girl scanned the vacant classroom in search of the source of the voice that had addressed her. Yet, her gaze only fell upon a tableau of empty desks and an absence of any discernible living presence, leaving her surrounded by a palpable silence.

"Who might you be?" The girl's voice quivered with a blend of intrigue and uncertainty, her question directed at the mysterious presence that had stirred within this uncanny environment.

In an ephemeral cascade of luminous radiance, a figure materialized—a young woman of otherworldly beauty. Cloaked in a dark gown adorned with accents of lemon hues, she emanated an aura that seemed to blur the boundaries between mortal and ethereal. Her presence held an enigmatic allure, a captivating enigma that beckoned the curious and veiled her true nature in a shroud of mystery.

A subtle smile played upon the lips of the enigmatic figure as she replied, her voice a melodic whisper. "Perhaps your concern should turn inward, for you stand amidst stars, consumed by your obsession," she said, her words carrying a hint of playful crypticness.

"Got it. So, am I... dead?" The girl's voice carried a touch of casual resignation as she sought clarification, coming to terms with the possibility of her own demise.

"No, not quite yet," the young woman in the dark dress responded, her laughter carrying an adorable charm, tinged with a sense of amusement at the situation. "Although, I must say, unless someone intervenes within the next few seconds, you might find yourself on the cusp of that particular fate," she added, her tone a playful blend of candor and mischief.

Confusion painted the girl's expression, leaving her to offer a blank stare in response. "Then, if that's the case," she began, her tone a mix of curiosity and a touch of impatience, "could you kindly enlighten me as to why I've found myself in this place?" Her question hung in the air, a plea for clarity in the midst of a perplexing situation.

"Isn't it rather evident?" The young woman's smile held a glint of amusement. "You've been summoning me, after all. Hoshino Kanata," she pronounced with a sense of familiarity, her voice carrying a hint of enigmatic knowingness.

"Could it be that you are... a manifestation of a star?" Kanata's inquiry was laced with a subtle blend of curiosity and wonder, her eyes reflecting a longing for insight into the nature of the enigmatic presence before her.

"Indeed, that description would not be entirely inaccurate," the young woman replied, her voice carrying a gentle resonance of affirmation. With a simple gesture, she snapped her fingers, and in a blink of mystic energy, a cup of tea materialized gracefully in her hand. Bringing the delicate vessel to her lips, she took a sip, the action imbued with an air of elegance. A smile graced her features, a reflection of both amusement and an underlying wisdom.

"However," she continued, her gaze holding an enigmatic depth, "if we're to delve into terminologies that resonate more with the world you're familiar with, it might suit our discourse to consider me as something akin to a Goddess." Her words hung in the air, carrying a sense of weight and significance, as if the title encompassed layers of meaning that transcended the ordinary.

Kanata's awe was palpable as she observed the young woman's actions—no, the actions of a Goddess—her gaze transfixed in wonder. She found herself drawn to the embodiment of grace before her, her admiration an unspoken testament to the ethereal beauty and elegance that radiated from this divine presence. With an almost reverent closeness, Kanata studied the intricate details of the Goddess's form, captivated by the aura of otherworldly allure that surrounded her.

"Does that mean you will save me and return my friends, or even stop the entire outbreak, Miss Goddess?" Kanata inquired, her voice a delicate blend of hope and anticipation

"I shall indeed fulfill your desires," the Goddess replied, her tone carrying a resonance of solemnity. "However, as with any pact forged between mortals and deities, there shall be a price to be paid."

"Does… that mean giving up my soul? I'm not sure what that would mean for me, but I can't accept that," Kanata articulated, her voice tinged with a mix of trepidation and reluctance. The idea of her soul being consumed by the Goddess before her sent a shiver down her spine, a chilling prospect that filled her with unease.

The Goddess's reaction was swift and unexpected. Startled, she spilled a bit of her tea, her movements momentarily awkward. With an endearing mannerism, she let out an exclamation, her voice carrying an almost playful tone, "Do you truly perceive me as some sort of malevolent entity? A devil, perhaps?" A faint pout graced her features, her expression a mixture of surprise and gentle amusement at the notion.

Kanata's lips twitched with the effort to contain a chuckle, her own surprise mirrored in the Goddess's response. She hadn't anticipated this divine being to exhibit such endearing qualities—cute and adorable weren't attributes she had associated with a deity. The unexpected twist in the encounter added a touch of lightness to the gravity of their conversation.

"The terms of our arrangement are straightforward," the Goddess replied, her tone maintaining an air of casual simplicity. "All that's required is for you to become my girlfriend," she stated matter-of-factly, as if presenting a proposition in the most ordinary of terms.

Kanata's cheeks flushed with a sudden warmth, her hand instinctively rising to cover her face as she processed the Goddess's proposal. "B-but... I'm still a minor! That's... it's against the law!" she stammered in response, her voice tinged with a mix of embarrassment and concern over the legality of the situation.

"The world plunges into chaos, and your foremost concern is legality?" The Goddess's smile held a touch of amusement, as if she found Kanata's reaction to be both endearing and mildly amusing amidst the grander context of the situation.

"B-but why is such a condition necessary? You're quite the lewd Goddess!" Kanata exclaimed, her cheeks ablaze with embarrassment, her words a mix of incredulity and playful accusation.

The Goddess released a sigh in response to Kanata's question, the weight of her explanation evident in the gesture. Taking a sip from her tea, she allowed her gaze to drift toward the window, as if seeking inspiration from the starry expanse beyond. Her fingers snapped once more, and in a blink, the teacup vanished from her hand. Simultaneously, an impressive transformation occurred within the empty classroom. A colossal family-sized television manifested with a vivid burst of color, a fantastical creation that seemed to materialize from thin air. The Goddess held a remote control in her hand, its presence a testament to the limits of her power and the enigmatic nature of the world they now inhabited.

"Very well, then. Let's embark on a journey through the moments of your life, woven together by the tapestry of starlit wishes from your earliest days to the present," the Goddess responded, her tone imbued with a sense of both seriousness and anticipation. With a press of the remote control, the magical display before them began to unfold, revealing scenes that held the essence of Kanata's wishes and dreams, all set against the backdrop of the starry canvas that had witnessed her hopes from the very beginning.

Kanata's embarrassment intensified as the scenes unfolded before her, and she instinctively covered her ears with her hands, as if shielding herself from the exposure of her own vulnerabilities. The television revealed a montage of smaller versions of herself, each one captured in moments of solitude, repeatedly whispering the phrase "Love me" toward the resplendent starlit sky. The scenes spanned various locations—an isolated hill, her grandmother's house, and even a nighttime road illuminated only by the moon and stars. It became evident that not a single night had passed without her murmuring that heartfelt plea, as if the words were a magical incantation to summon peaceful slumber.

"At a certain point, I couldn't help but interpret your wishes as the fervent appeals of an ardent fan, desperately seeking the attention of their cherished idol through persistent, albeit slightly exasperating, means," the Goddess explained, her voice carrying a light-hearted tone. "So, I must admit, I opted to overlook it—until the events of today's outbreak transpired." Her words held a note of understanding and empathy, as if she had been privy to Kanata's yearning all along, even if she had chosen not to respond until now.

A flush of embarrassment painted Kanata's cheeks as she nervously glanced at the TV screen, her own interaction with the night sky laid bare before her. "So, um, maybe you could just... set that aside for now and concentrate on, you know, saving humanity?" Kanata's words tumbled out in a mix of embarrassment and urgency, her voice carrying a plea for the Goddess to prioritize the bigger picture amid the current crisis.

"I'm afraid I can't comply with that request. You see, I happen to be a rather possessive Goddess," the Goddess replied with a beautiful smile, her laughter as enchanting as her presence. "I simply couldn't bring myself to overlook your endearingly innocent younger self, yearning for the stars themselves to reciprocate your affection." Her words held a mix of fondness and playfulness, as if she cherished this facet of Kanata's past too much to let it go unnoticed.

As the Goddess spoke, Kanata's embarrassment grew tangible, coloring her cheeks in a rosy hue that deepened with each passing moment. Her gaze shifted between the Goddess and the TV screen, her eyes darting with a mix of awkwardness and sheepishness. She fidgeted slightly, her fingers toying with a loose strand of hair as her lips curved into a shy, embarrassed smile. It was evident that the unveiling of her intimate moments with the night sky had left her feeling exposed and vulnerable, her emotions playing out like an open book for both the Goddess and the cosmos to see.

"Why would you subject yourself to such an act?" The Goddess inquired, her tone gentle and inquisitive. Her eyes held a soft curiosity, as if she genuinely wished to understand the motivations behind Kanata's actions that had been laid bare in the scenes displayed before them.

Kanata took a moment to collect her thoughts, her gaze dropping slightly as she grappled with how to put her feelings into words. Her fingers intertwined nervously, a subtle sign of her inner turmoil. Finally, she looked up at the Goddess, her eyes reflecting a mix of vulnerability and determination, as if she was summoning the courage to articulate something deeply personal.

Kanata's voice carried a mixture of vulnerability and sincerity as she began to share her story. "I... well, I was quite a handful when I was younger," she began, a small, self-deprecating smile gracing her lips. "I struggled with making friends, stumbled over my words incessantly, and ended up burying myself in books during most of my free time." Taking a steadying breath, she continued, "My mom, bless her heart, she was worried about me. But with everything she was juggling, she couldn't always be there for me." Her gaze shifted briefly to the floor before returning to the Goddess.

"That's when she shared a simple 'magic' with me," Kanata explained, a hint of nostalgia in her voice. "She told me that even if I couldn't find love or be loved by others, I could always attribute it to the stars. And in the same breath, she said I could ask the stars to love me. It was like a spell, a way to cope, I guess. It became a routine, a habit I clung to." Kanata's eyes shimmered with the weight of her past, as if the simple act of wishing upon the stars had become a lifeline in her journey of self-discovery and acceptance.

"Oh my, you're cuter than I thought," the Goddess simply nodded.

A soft chuckle escaped Kanata's lips, a mixture of surprise and embarrassment flickering in her eyes. "Thank you, I suppose," she replied, her cheeks tinged with a faint blush. It was evident that she hadn't expected such a reaction from the Goddess, her emotions dancing between amusement and shyness in response to the compliment.

"Don't fret, Kanata. I'd consider being your girlfriend only once you've come of age," the Goddess reassured with a gentle smile. Her words held a note of patience and understanding, as if she acknowledged the limits imposed by time and circumstances.

"Is it only romantic relationships that come to mind when the topic of love arises?" Kanata voiced her complaint, her tone carrying a mix of curiosity and a hint of exasperation. It seemed she wanted to explore a broader understanding of love beyond just romantic connections.

"I suppose I can't deny that fact, can I? Especially when you exude such an irresistible charm," the Goddess responded with a playful smile. Her words held a lighthearted tease.

"Can we stop talking about love and focus on the zombie problem please?" Kanata redirected focus, while holding a blush.

The Goddess's response was delivered with an air of confidence that brooked no doubt. "Well, that's a relatively simple task," she explained. "I could easily rewind time to the day before the outbreak and ensure that today's zombie catastrophe never comes to pass." Her words held a resolute assurance, as if she held mastery over the very fabric of time itself.

Kanata's surprise was evident, her eyes widening slightly as she absorbed the gravity of the Goddess's words. The notion of rewinding time and erasing the zombie outbreak from existence was nothing short of astonishing. Her lips parted, a mix of amazement and disbelief playing across her features as she struggled to find her voice amid the revelation.

"But," the Goddess continued, her voice carrying a note of somberness, "should I choose that course of action, it would entail erasing the memories of this very event. If I were to undo the outbreak, you would wake up with no recollection of the zombie crisis that brought us here." Her words held a touch of melancholy, as if she acknowledged the cost of rewriting the fabric of time itself.

Kanata's earnestness was palpable as she looked at the Goddess, her eyes brimming with a mixture of desperation and determination. "Please," she implored, her voice carrying the weight of her plea. "Please save everyone from this nightmare. I... I don't want anyone else to suffer." Her words held a sincerity that cut through the complexity of the situation, a heartfelt request that emanated from her core.

"Understood," the Goddess replied, her voice carrying a sense of resolve. "I will proceed with your request. However, let it be known that the prospect of becoming your girlfriend in the future still holds a certain allure," she added with a playful smile, her words a gentle reminder of the whimsical condition she had initially proposed.

Kanata's emotions were a whirlwind of conflicting sentiments. While relief washed over her knowing that the impending crisis would be averted, a sense of melancholy tugged at her heartstrings. The prospect of forgetting the shared moments and conversations with the Goddess left a bittersweet ache within her. At the same time, a flicker of amusement danced within her, stirred by the Goddess's persistent interest in a future relationship. It was as if her heart was caught between gratitude, nostalgia, and a curious spark of anticipation.

"Now that I thought about it, I realize I don't yet know your name, Miss Goddess," Kanata inquired, her tone a mix of curiosity and a touch of formality. It seemed that amidst the whirlwind of events and emotions, the basics of introductions had been momentarily overlooked.

The Goddess's smile held a touch of charm as she indulged in a graceful twirl of her dark dress. With an air of extravagance, she offered her introduction, "Yuzu. My name is Yuzu." Her words carried a hint of playfulness, as if the simplicity of her name was juxtaposed against the dramatic flair of her presentation.

A luminous radiance enveloped Kanata's form, casting a surreal glow around her. She regarded the radiant aura with a mix of curiosity and acceptance, her gaze sweeping across the ethereal light that encased her. "I suppose this is farewell for now," she mused softly, a smile gracing her lips. "Until we meet again, Yuzu." Her words held a sense of fondness and warmth, as if she embraced the transition with an open heart, ready for the journey ahead.

* * *

"Hey, class is about to begin!" Aya, my friend from middle school, urgently reminded me as she hastened our steps toward the classroom.

"Ugh, first day of college, and I'm already a bundle of nerves," Akari chimed in, her presence beside me offering a familiar source of comfort. Both Aya and Akari, my dear companions from middle school, had decided to stick together as we ventured into a new chapter of our lives, college.

As we entered the classroom, the air was charged with a sense of anticipation. Amongst the bustling crowd of students taking their seats for the first day of college, Aya, Akari, and I found spots together. We exchanged knowing glances, a mixture of excitement and a touch of nervousness playing out in our eyes. Aya settled herself in the middle, sandwiched between Akari and me. I took the seat on the left, an empty space beside me as we awaited the arrival of other students.

"Excuse me, is this seat taken?" inquired a beautiful girl, her charming demeanor accompanied by an intense gaze that seemed to be directed at me.

"Of course, go ahead and take a seat!" I responded with enthusiasm, gesturing to the empty seat beside me.

"Thank you, Kanata," the girl expressed her gratitude with a gentle smile. I was momentarily taken aback by the familiarity of her address, but before I could gather my thoughts to respond, the professor entered the classroom, effectively silencing the room and marking the beginning of the class.

As the class concluded, the professor's final words marked the end of our first session. The room buzzed with the sound of students gathering their belongings and exchanging remarks about the lecture. I turned to the girl who had taken the seat beside me, ready to strike up a conversation and learn more about her. 

To my surprise, the girl abruptly gathered her belongings and swiftly left her seat, hurrying out of the classroom before I could initiate a conversation. I watched her retreat, a mix of curiosity and confusion filling my thoughts as I wondered about her sudden departure.

Feeling a surge of curiosity and determination, I quickly gathered my belongings and decided to follow the girl who had left the classroom so abruptly. Ignoring the curious glances of my friends, Aya and Akari, I hastened my steps, determined to catch up with her and perhaps uncover the reason for her sudden departure.

As I pursued the girl down the hallway, my steps quickening in an effort to catch up, I was met with an unexpected sight. Suddenly, she stumbled and fell, her body hitting the ground with an audible thud. Alarmed, I rushed over to her side, concern etched on my face as I knelt down to check if she was alright.

As I knelt beside the fallen girl, a strange feeling tugged at the corners of my memory. Despite our brief interaction and the fact that we had just met, there was an inexplicable sense of familiarity that washed over me. It was as if a distant echo from the past was trying to connect our present encounter with some forgotten memory. As concern for her well-being remained at the forefront of my thoughts, a lingering question lingered: did I really know her from somewhere?

I could sense a weariness in the girl's demeanor as she lay there on the ground. Her posture seemed to convey not just physical exhaustion, but a deeper emotional fatigue. Concerned, I offered her a hand, my voice gentle as I asked, "Are you okay? Do you need help getting up?"

With a playful glint in her eyes, the girl offered a faint smile, her voice carrying a hint of mischief as she responded, "Well, falling dramatically certainly catches attention, doesn't it?" Her words were accompanied by a subtle sense of cheekiness, as if she was acknowledging her unconventional method of gaining notice. Despite her light-hearted tone, I could still sense a layer of vulnerability beneath her playful facade.

As I extended my hand to help her up, the question that had been nagging at my mind escaped my lips. "Do we... know each other?" I inquired gently, my voice tinged with a mixture of curiosity and sincerity. The feeling of familiarity hadn't waned, and I hoped that perhaps her response could shed some light on the enigmatic connection I felt between us.

With a quiet smile, the girl took a moment before responding, her gaze meeting mine with a mixture of intrigue and warmth. "My name is Yuzu," she introduced herself, her voice holding a soft charm that seemed to resonate with the air around us. Then, with a hint of playfulness and vulnerability, she continued, "And, well, since we're all about catching attention, how about we take things up a notch? Would you be interested in being my girlfriend?" Her words held a delicate blend of invitation and curiosity, as if she was extending an offer while acknowledging the audaciousness of her proposition. It was a moment that seemed to carry an air of destiny, a meeting between two souls that bore the weight of memories and connections yet to be unveiled.