BLEN and bloom
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Approaching the school's grand gates, Jared, Elyas, and Finn found themselves stepping into a world that practically sparkled with enchantment. The school was like a living storybook of magical mastery, as if it had soaked up spells and secrets for centuries. Turrets and spires reached for the sky, carving intricate tales into the morning sun. The whole place seemed to buzz with energy that was more than just ordinary.

And the school grounds? Oh boy, they were like something out of a dream where magic and nature were best buds. Gardens sprawled out like they couldn't help but show off, with pathways that seemed to giggle as you walked on them. Delicate blooms waved to the breeze like they were having their own little dance party. And get this—there was this waterfall cascading down stone steps that had a serious crush on colors. The water was all like, "Hey, look at me, I'm a rainbow!" And honestly, who could blame it?

You couldn't take a step without feeling like you were part of something big, something magical. The whole place had this chill yet vibrant vibe, like nature and magic had made a pact to be besties.

As for Jared, Elyas, and Finn, they were rocking these robes that were like, "Yeah, we're here to learn magic, and we're gonna look awesome doing it!" The robes had these designs that mixed nature stuff with secret code vibes. You could tell these guys were ready for anything, from brewing potions to saving the world.

Jared's hair was like an earthy crown that matched his forest-green robe. His pendant glowed like a secret flashlight, reminding everyone that he was practically a magician in training. Elyas had eyes as blue as the ocean, and his robe was like waves on a good hair day. Finn, though, he was the wild card with his blonde hair that looked like it had been styled by a windstorm. His robe was like a canvas for his energy, all bright and playful.

And oh, don't even get started on the school's stair-vine. Yep, you heard that right. Instead of boring old stairs, there was this vine that was all like, "Who needs stairs when you can have adventure?" It spiraled up like a rollercoaster for wizards. But here's the twist—it was mischievous. Sometimes it would twitch just as you were about to step on it, like it had its own sense of humor.

The best part? The vibe wasn't like, "You must bow before the great and mighty wizards." It was more like, "Hey, let's learn awesome stuff together and maybe make a few magical mistakes along the way." Jared totally felt it, but Elyas and Finn were kind of like, "Yeah, we're here for the ride, but please, no plant stair pranks."

As they entered the school, it was like stepping into a bubble of magic. Conversations had this subtle sparkle to them, like people were sharing secrets that only wizards could understand. The first class of the day was this thing called "Bloom Enchantment Nexus," or BL.E.N. The name sounded all fancy, but it was basically like magic combined with nature, a match made in wizard heaven.

Entering the school's main hall, they found themselves amidst a bustling congregation of students, each engaged in conversations that seemed to hold hints of enchantments and magical discoveries. The atmosphere buzzed with excitement, a shared anticipation of the day's lessons.

The classroom wasn't just walls and desks—it was like nature itself had decided to become part of the learning. Sunlight filtered through windows that had vines creeping across them, making patterns like a magic kaleidoscope. At the front of the room stood Professor Elara, who looked like she could've stepped right out of a fairy tale. Her hair was like autumn leaves and spring flowers had a party on her head, and her robes seemed to change color like they couldn't make up their mind.

As Professor Elara started talking about BL.E.N., Jared was all ears. This was the kind of magic that made sense to him. It was like having a chat with nature and asking it to help you out. He caught Elyas and Finn exchanging glances that said, "Jared's totally in his element," while they were like tourists on a magic safari.

As the class settled in, Professor Elara began to explain the intricacies of the Bloom Enchantment Nexus. She described how the practice aligned with the cycles of nature, allowing magic to be infused with the energy of life itself. The spells created through this practice mimicked the processes of growth, renewal, and adaptation, making it a practice that spoke to the heart of every student.

Professor Elara was a woman whose presence radiated tranquility. Her long hair cascaded like a waterfall, a mix of earthy browns and vibrant greens. Her robes were adorned with delicate blossoms that seemed to bloom and wilt in an endless cycle, mirroring the ebb and flow of the seasons. She had a habit of nodding at her students,whichever students  eyes she looked into,she greeted them with a warm smile, her eyes alight with wisdom and compassion.

"In the world of BL.E.N," Professor Elara explained, "we don't just cast spells; we nurture them. We infuse them with the essence of life, much like a gardener tending to a blooming flower. The magic we create here is a reflection of the harmony between our intentions and the forces of nature."

Jared listened intently, captivated by the connection between magic and nature that this subject offered. He glanced at Elyas and Finn, their expressions reflecting a mix of curiosity and excitement. The concept of nurturing spells and witnessing their growth was a stark contrast to the heroics he had read about in his previous world—a world where the power of friendship often led to instant victories.

As Professor Elara continued to weave her teachings, Jared couldn't help but chuckle softly to himself. The irony was not lost on him—here, in a world where magic and friendship intertwined seamlessly, the heroes were not defined by grand battles, but by their ability to nurture and adapt, much like the spells they cast. It was an irony he welcomed, a lesson that spoke to the authentic magic that existed within every connection and every moment of growth.

And so, as the class delved deeper into the nuances of the Bloom Enchantment Nexus, Jared felt a sense of belonging. The enchanted world he inhabited was a realm of beauty and wonder, where magic flowed in harmony with nature, and friendships were forged through shared experiences and genuine care. As the hours passed, the school resonated with the hum of spells and the laughter of friends, painting a portrait of a world that shimmered with both ordinary and extraordinary enchantment.

Professor Elara's voice wove a tapestry of enchantment as she continued to guide her students through the art of Bloom Enchantment Nexus. With a gentle grace, she explained the three must-know rules for beginners:

"Rule number one: Approach your spell with a heart open to growth. Just as a seed needs nurturing, your magic requires a connection to the essence of life. Feel the energy within you and channel it into your spell. Imagine it as a tiny bud waiting to blossom."

Jared found himself nodding in agreement, captivated by the simplicity and yet profoundness of the rule. He glanced at Elyas and Finn, who exchanged bemused glances that spoke volumes—this subject seemed to resonate with him in a unique way.

Professor Elara's smile deepened as she continued, "Rule number two: Be attuned to the cycles of nature. Just as the seasons shift and change, so too does your magic. Cast your spells in alignment with the world around you. Allow the dance of life to infuse your magic with its rhythms."

Jared imagined the ebb and flow of the seasons, the vibrant pulse of life in every leaf, and he felt a surge of inspiration. He scribbled down a few notes, his pen dancing across the parchment with a newfound sense of purpose. Beside him, Elyas and Finn looked less enthralled, their attentions wavering.

"And lastly," Professor Elara's voice held a hint of playfulness, "rule number three: Listen to your spell. Just as a garden whispers its needs, so does your magic. It will guide you, telling you when to infuse it with energy and when to let it rest. Trust the connection you forge and embrace the intuitive nature of your craft."

He glanced at his friends again; Elyas looked a bit bemused, while Finn appeared more interested in a sketch he was doodling on his parchment.

As the class progressed, Professor Elara demonstrated the creation of a simple spell—a radiant bloom that glowed with a soft, natural light. With each step, she emphasized the importance of intention, connection, and responsiveness. As students worked on their own spells, Jared immersed himself in the process, feeling the energy of his intentions merge with the essence of the natural world.

The class went on, and Professor Elara showed them how to create these glowing blooms that were like nightlights for wizards. Jared was in his element, totally focused on nurturing his bloom just right. Elyas was giving it his best shot, but Finn? Well, Finn's bloom looked like it was having a wild party all on its own.When Professor Elara talked about nurturing spells, Jared couldn't help but grin. It was like she was saying, "Hey, your spells are like plants, and you're their wizard gardener." It made so much sense to him. It was like magic had a heart, and if you treated it right, it would blossom into something beautiful.

When the blooms lit up the room, it was like a magical firework show. Jared's heart swelled with pride as he watched his bloom light up, like it was saying, "Hey, I'm here, and I'm shining!" Elyas's and Finn's blooms joined the party, and even though Finn's was a bit misshapen, it was still rocking the magical disco vibe.

Jared's bloom began to take shape, a delicate array of petals that seemed to shimmer with an inner light. He couldn't help but smile at the sight, his heart brimming with pride. Beside him, Elyas's bloom held a similar glow, while Finn's creation appeared to be a combination of abstract shapes and playful colors.

The class concluded with Professor Elara guiding them through the activation of their blooms. As they released their magic into the air, the blooms came to life, casting a warm and gentle light that bathed the room in an ethereal glow. It was a sight that filled Jared with wonder, a testament to the harmony between magic and nature that BL.E.N. encapsulated.

As they left the classroom, Jared's steps had this lightness to them, like he was floating on a cloud of enchantment. Elyas and Finn were giving him that look that said, "You're really into this, huh?" Jared just grinned, feeling like he had found his magical groove.

Jared chuckled, his eyes gleaming. "Yeah, it's like nurturing a piece of magic that's alive. I guess I've always felt a connection to the natural world, and this subject really speaks to that."

Finn grinned, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "Well, you're on your own with this one. I'd rather stick to spells that involve explosions and illusions."

Elyas nodded in agreement. "I'm with Finn on this. But hey, different strokes for different folks, right?"

Jared laughed. "Yeah, I guess I've got a green thumb for magic."

Finn smirked and nudged Jared. "Hey, you're the plant whisperer now!"

Elyas rolled his eyes playfully. "Well, don't expect me to start talking to plants anytime soon."

As they walked down the hallway, passing the mischievous stair-vine that wiggled at them, Jared felt like he was part of something bigger than himself. The school was like a treasure trove of wonder, and each day held the promise of a new magical adventure. With his friends by his side, Jared was ready to bloom and grow in this enchanted world.

Hello to any1 reading this far.This humble one doent have a editor or a proofreader or a cookie.So if anyone could comment and rate this novel,their gods will be pleased(or their science or whatever they believe if they are atheist)