Ch 8 climatic challenge
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I do an anther time skip 5 years as well these 5 years were a shit show.

There was both a drought for three years running to the point where the pond had dry up, I loss a lot of leaves at the time and a lot of the bards move to different areas.

Now this was not so bad as after ever drought there would be a huge rainstorm that would flood the area that I am in which was horrible in a different way because I almost drown a few times I didn’t ever have mast time to gown because I was recovering for the drought then drowning.

The only good thing I got out of this is a new skill.


New skill Control water movement.

(Control water movement) a skill that lets the user control the movement of water.

Note this skill can only be used on yourself and cannot be used to move all water in the body.


When I first got it, I thought it would be useless but as its turnout it is what save my life as with it, I could take in water from the surface then release it at the bottom or to the side of my roots moving the water at a fast past as the soils was not draining faster enough.


At the four year there was an enormous thunderstorm.

The wrote part about it was there was no rain until a few hours into it and by then there was a big fire going around I could feel the hurts.

And I got hit on one of my branches by a bolt of lightning it was horrible the pain the burning sensation.

And I could not ever get back any of the nutrients in the branches as well as the branches fell to the ground to quickly.


Then on the 5th year there was a harsh winter that not only start early but ever lasted loader then normal.

It was such a harsh winter that not only did my whole body frozen over making me stop thinking all together like before.

Beside that a lot of my tree branches got damage a few of my roots as well and all my leaves got damage and fall off form frost, and there was only one bard left which was 2 times the size of a normal one at 13cm.


It was as if the small wren got an alpha one of its keen not just in size but in intelligence as well and lifespan too, more time was needed to get the full picture.



Because of the successively harsh climatic I was not able to gown as I was constantly healing myself form all the damage I’ve gotten.

On the bright side for the next 5 years the weather was more normal and think to that I was able to replace that branches that got hit by lightning.

And because of this I am now 30 years old and 4 m high; my tank is now almost 13 inches thicken; my taproot is 6m deep with my other 16 root being a little over 4m long.

Besides that, nothing happy initial at the end of the 30 years I got a where I got both 2 new skill and an announcement form the system and the bird alpha starter showing what it is to be an aphid.


Form the system I got a congratulation massage congratulating me on becoming an adult.

As it turns out 30 years old is an adult for my race whatever it is.


The skills I got was fruit creation and flower creation.


New skill flower creations.

(Flower creations) a skill that let the creations of flower buds that will turn into flower.

Note: this skill can be used at any time.

This skill dose not enforce the flower durability.

The flower will change colour depending on which time of the year it is or if there is a heavenly event,

Eg; during a solar or lunar eclipse.

Deplaning on environmental factor the cost to creation flower bud’s mere incense or decease.


New skill fruit creations.

(Fruit creation) a skill that lets the creation of fruits at the cost of flowers that have been polling.

Note: this skill can only be used on flower that have been pollinated there will be a cost of energy to pay.



(conscious) hu


(???) hu


Was that 3 or 2 hu.

(???) it was 2 why.

That good I was worried there for a sec.

(conscious) ……

(???) …….


Anyway those 2 skills could be very interesting and why dost it says heavenly event not celestial event and why is there no way to make seeds.

(conscious) what do you mean.

(???) yeah.


It just sane like a weird chose of worlds I mean what do you think when you hear those name.

(conscious) heavenly event, God blessing someone in a ray of gold.

(???) celestial event, all the plants in the solar system lining up.

See it just seen like a weird choice of words is all.

(conscious) why I do see your point, but it could be the gods making it happy in the first place, I mean we known that there is at last both angels and I want to say devils but not sure if there are, are real.


(???) he right, as for the other thing it could be that you will get it when you both make a flower that have been polling. 

You could be right I glass we won’t know initial I gown some fruits, I guess.



(conscious) besides that what is up with the bird I meet over the last 5 years, its live a very cool life.

(???) while that is true, I do have a question.

Is it why I am ignoring the fact that there is a 3rd voice.

(???) no but we will go back to that its why you stop making branches for the little guys.


Oh, well I don’t want them to become inbreed I mean look at the alpha every time he looks for a meat it get harder to find one who is not blood related to him, and with him having a long life so far 6 years instead of 2-3 years.

So, with only so many spot the extra will go out and spread the blood so ever if there are blood relate it want matter because there are so distance related that the chance of inbreeding will be low.


(???) make sense I glass, ok so going back why have you been ignoring me.

Either you are another jack about me going crazy or I have got crazier ever way you will either stay or go it does not matter to me. 

(???) a bit harsh.