Ch 12 POV Bailey Past
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Hi, I am bailey the bear.

I live with my family for 5 years with my mom, dad and my one brother and sister we had a normal life for bear.

My dad was the alpha in the area we live in he was a park stage 4th realm gold core formation.

There were only 2 others in the gold core and there were only in the mid and late stages.


During my 5 years with my family, I had managed to get through the 1st realm, and I was at the perk of 1st realm.

When I got to that my dad same me to the boulder to the low rice area as if I could not survive here, I would not survive in my homes area.


And like that 15 years want by during those years a lot happen I encountered many dangers in my live sometimes getting through unscaved some time I would be on the brent of death.

But with the help of my instance, I managed to get through, and after a very, very close call I never not listen to my instance.

That instar was me following my instance to a small under aera of the forest were there was a magic herb that I felt could help me get to the 3rd stage but as I was going to get it, my instance tell me to run.

I ignore than as I went out and was about to get the plant, it wailed out alerting a nearby pack of 2nd and 1st stage wolves I barely get out with my life after that I always listen to my instance.


During the years I had got back home a few times when I had become a pert 2nd stage, I ever seen my sister who had gotten pregnant and had come home both to ask for protection when giving birth and to ask mom adverb about how to look after kids it was good to see her and later on, I found my bother with stay together for a week or two then part way.


And that is how my life was intake about a month ago at that time I had just enter the establishment foundation realm and become a 3rd stage beast, but I had encountered a late-stage foundation beast and get beaten up I managed to get away.

The problem was I could not go back to my nest in this stared, I needed a place to hide, and my instance tell me to go in a strange direction I was a little worried when I got to the area as I know this place not many who live here did not this was an area were two great expert had battle leaving the area baron and diver of all life intake very resile my dad once tell me the story.


One expert was a human blood cultivation who had been killing all the beast in that area for their blood, he would find his target then tape them then slower bleed then for their blood.

Now this alone would not concern the great white tail king to take acted but the human was during enough to lure out the tail parses out of his care and did the same thing to her as he did to the other.


My dad says there was a heaven shaking roar that stared the earth and caused all the clouds to fly away as if in fere of what would happen to mane.

It was a roar of fury, rage, anger, wrath, and despair at the loss of this only child, and it was a call to arm to all the beast to form a beast tale to kill all the human.


So why the white tail king kill the blood cultivation then when on to kill many more expertise before fallen deadline to 5 human expertise who all had some type who stare injure.

My dad was in the beast tide which is how both he got so storge ever those at the time he was very young, and how he could be the overlord of his area not to put my dad down, he himself said there were many high-level beasts that dead in the beast tide.


In the end I want their and as I though the level of Qi in this area was very low to the point there would only be normal beast and a few half-step beast.

And that how I stop the next few weeks in this area just going around hunting the logic beasts making my way to the centre of this place.


And then I found it the tree it was the thing that I was looking for the thing was I could not feel any power form it; it was like it was a normal tree.

I look around not caring about my surroundings as I know I was the strongest thing here; I found a small pound nearby I drink some water and why I am there I see lots of plant roots in the pound.


After that I want over to the tree and then I smell it, it was honey I found it on the ground, and I lick and lick and lick until there was nothing left.

Then I started to look around again and I have seen it in the tree there was a beehive, and I did something that I later regent I try to clime the tree when I dig my clause into the tree, I then hear a wailed of pain.

It was inside of my head because of that I become daze by the sound and let go of the tree.


It was not intake a few seconds later that I wake up to pain all over my body I got up and started to be flailing around until I landed in the pound.

I stayed in there for a minute, and I saw something interesting that was, both the bees and birds were getting all the ants that were on me and now in the water out of the water and put than on the edge of the pound.


After the minute I put my hand out of the water and see thousands of ants all lint up and neat on the tree side of the pound with a few hundred bees and about 100 birds in the air all looking at me with fury in their eye.

I then look over to the tree and as I do I see where I dig into it but as I look I see those marks disappear in only a few seconds, I move my seek down to where the ants where coming form and see their nest and ants coming  and going with both leaves and insect, I look up to the trees canopy and see the beehive with  the bees coming out and going form flower to flower, then I see a bird come down to the flower and get some fruits and go back up to their nest and feed their young.

I started to thing, and I got nothing I cannot seem to understand what is the realty that is going on.

At that moment the ants partway on my right and 4 what look like half-step beast ant with their queen on top of them all moving over to the edge of the pound, and the queen bee come over on the left with a few half-step beast as well, and in the middle is a peak half-step beast bird just a step form a 1st stage beast with a few what look like his descendant flying around.


At this moment there are just at the edge of the pond all three are radiating an aura of majesty the type of aura I only ever see on those who have landed their ken in battle there look at each other first then there look at me, and we start to talk.


The cloven boiled down to don’t touch the tree and there will leave me alone, I was a little piss at them thinking that there ever had the right to talk to me like there are my equal, but my instance were telling me to just accept it and don’t touch the tree, in fact there were screaming this.


And so, I did all the beast when back to the tree except a few who keep an eye on me I got out of the pound then shaking myself dry then I make my way over to the tree with the birds ants and bees looking at me I just there still don’t trust me.

After this I look at the fruits and beehive thinking there look very tasty as I do I see one of the fruits over my hand grow as big as a waterman then dopes just missing my hand its then that I realised two thing one this tree is coconscious and two it does not like me.

But I must say the honey and the fruit is very good after that I found a spot and seep the night away.


The next morning, I go out to hunt in I found a hared of deer and get 5 of them and after eating 4 of them I take one with me, when I get back there all look at me for a second then go back to what there are doing.

After I put the deer down, I look up at the fruits and after a few moments the tree make two fruits the size of a waterman, but he dope them on the other side, so I have to get up.

But a few ants started to push the two fruits to me I was very happy and ever give them a little of the deer.


And that has been my life up until now.