03 Her name is Kathryn (3)
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When she returned to her (Kathryn's) room, she immediately ordered a pen and a few pieces of paper to be placed by her bedside And began to scribble all the plotlines that she could remember.

"Villainess laugh when they die" (VLWTD) is a captivating game that takes its inspiration from a novel featuring unique time regression events. One pivotal part of the story revolves around a formidable villainess who inflicts a series of malevolent deeds upon the virtuous heroine, leading to the tragic demise of the latter. However, the narrative takes an intriguing turn as the heroine experiences a regression back to her childhood, driven by an unwavering determination to rewrite her destiny and erase the suffering that befell her.

In her initial regressions, the kind-hearted heroine chooses a path of benevolence, offering the villainess the chance to reform by treating her with kindness. Despite her efforts, the heroine comes to the painful realization that her gestures have little effect on the villainess's behaviour. As time loops and regresses again, the heroine's optimism wanes, leading her to a state of despair.

In her third regression, the once-gentle heroine undergoes a profound transformation. Fueled by years of suffering and frustration, she abandons her previous approach and embraces a more cunning and manipulative demeanour. This time, she is determined to take matters into her own hands and confront her nemesis head-on. With calculated precision, she orchestrates a sequence of events that systematically dismantles the villainess's plans and brings her to ruin. And she keeps repeating her revenge by regressing making it crueler with each regression.

This darker iteration of the heroine's journey showcases the complexity of human emotions and the extent to which one can change when pushed to their limits. The contrast between her previous attempts at reconciliation and her final, ruthless strategy adds layers of depth to the narrative, leaving players captivated by the moral dilemmas and intricate character dynamics at play within "VLWTD."

Now, the million-dollar question; Which one is the current timeline, out of all of those regressions of Rose?, thought Kathryn.

One thing was clear She could not salvage Kathryn relationship with Rose and her friends. They might not show on their face, but they loath her for past Kathryn acts.

If the current loop is one of Rose' earlier loops then maybe she could try... (she quickly dropped the naive idea).. No that would be too risky especially when she had no idea know what might happen if she died here. 

But what if Rose was form latter time loops? 

She needed more information about the changes form first timeline, that are present in the current one.

"I want to go back to my home. I don't deserve it."

She kept looking at flickering candlelight as she reminisced about my real past.

Her heart ached for the family and friends who are now missing from her life. Despite their imperfections, they were the ones who held a special place in her heart.
To ajdust in this new world, with its strange customs and foreign faces, felt like an unbridgeable chasm. The expectations thrust upon her to embody the role of Kathryn are like a suffocating weight on her shoulders. 

Will every day be like this one, a tiresome charade, forcing her to adapt to this new persona that isn't truly hers?

Amidst the masquerade, every moment was tinged with anxiety. The fear of making a wrong move, saying the wrong thing, or inadvertently following the path of the villainess haunts her. Yet somehow this body, is remaining calm. Alongwith her previous knowledge form drama classes, this effect had kept her form breaking down in front of everyone, and still was helping her to calm herself.

"I don't want to be burned at the stake or hanged or die in any other way. I want to live and return."

She simply could let the fate decide her end.

This is real. This is a showdown between me who now owns the name of Kathryn Aveguard and the protagonist of this damned world, Rosemary Aveguard.

Should I continue the story?
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