Momo: Chapter 1
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I decided to write a follow-up story on Bookworm, and what happened to her after she left. The reason was that to be honest, the book felt 20-40 pages too short, and someone had actually asked me about her character. Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 1: Prologue to the Legend


I thought Gemini was a good friend. It thought she was just like me, someone in the LGBT spectrum who understood what I was going through. But it turned out that I must not have known him like I thought I did. Oh sorry, her.

When I had issues with my friends, she listened. But when I talked about how I was going to move, she suddenly got all clingy. Didn't she understand that I was moving to be with the one I loved?


I do understand. But my childhood was filled with abandonment trauma. My dad left me to go catch 'em all...


Shush you. This is not your story. It's mine. I don't feel like hearing any excuses. Okay? Good.

The point is, I was leaving and she should have been happy for me. But time drew closer to that day, and she seemed sadder and sadder, until we got into an argument, and decided to call our friendship quits. Because I worked at the library, she occasionally visited me as a customer, but something about the way we interacted was off. Kinda like she was trying to be friends, but wasn't really managing to disconnect from me properly. Finally, the day came, and I just left.

Well, 'just' is an understatement, as I spent several days packing. There was my art supplies. Then I couldn't leave behind my paintings themselves. I also had some baked clay sculptures. They were tiny, but I had to bring them. Then of course, clothes and toiletries (the latter of which I fit into a duffel bag along with my purse). Oh, and I had to bring my parakeets. I couldn't forget Renault, Francois, and Jacques! I put the three birds on the floor of the U-Haul front seat, while my mom and sister drove my car and their car behind me. I suppose I could have left some of this stuff at home, but I imagined that room would eventually become my niece's room.

No, of course I wasn't fleeing a bad home situation! I was heading there to be with my boyfriend, whom I loved, and this was all there was to it.

The trip to Tresbonneville was a three hour tour, but it was so worth it. We exited the mountainous windy roads that were most definitely not scenic as the locals had put it, drove through rural areas where cattle grazed and produce was growing, through a forested area, and then houses popped up like some sort of sparsely planted flower. And then more houses crept in per square mile, and pretty soon I was in the city. With a name like Tresbonneville, it must be very good. At least, that's what the slogan said.

I spent the day unpacking all my shit into his place, hoping to get unpacked before he arrived. Then I looked forward to meeting up with my friends and living with my boyfriend. Things would be better here.

Perhaps I should explain what I mean. I had powers over writing and art to make the unreal real. In some ways my power was the most powerful, but because it was time-consuming, it was also the least. I first discovered it when writing a book report on a work of nonfiction I read. It was about coastal flooding trends. The other kids all mocked me because my taste in books to read for the report included a dull work of nonfiction. Then a giant wave hit and flooded the school. I thought it was a coincidence. But then I drew a pretty volcano off in the distance in a picture of our town and one of the school bullies showed up. It was the craziest thing! A massive volcano suddenly appeared in our town, after lava sprung out of an opening in the ground following a major earthquake.

So when I was living with my folks and my sister, she was able to make time with her boyfriend while my boyfriend was in another part of the state, I was stuck taking propositions from creepers in this washed-up town, and there was nothing to do here but save money because it wasn't like there were any events going on like farmer's markets or community events, yet that all sucked. Having a part-time so it took forever to save up sucked even worse. But I couldn't even write my feelings out? Yeah, that sucked the worst. But things would be better.

This is different from the previous book section in two major ways. First, the chapters are gonna be shorter. I want to get this entire book done before the 25th of December, so I have some off-time after that. Second, all chapter titles are actually episode titles from Record of Lodoss War OVA and television series.  I took out any character names and extra text, but it was shockingly well-fitting.