Momo: Chapter 5
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Chapter 5: The Scepter of Domination


So ummmm, I finally found a job that let me draw, but it was for some company that apparently wanted drawings of clothing. They were a fashion design company, and they liked my work so much that instead of of having be draw designs, they started having me make some dresses and outfits. Then over time, their company became famous enough that celebrities wanted it. Eventually, I found myself working for movie producers and rarely drawing anymore, as I had order after order for high-profile films like The First Psychic by Lorge Jucas, the Ninja Shark series (featuring such hits as Ninja Shark boxing, Ninja Shark karate, Ninja Shark Sumo, and Ninja Shark Hapkido) directed by N KnightRider Shamalamalamadingdong, and the live-action of the cartoon Frostbitten by Malt Bisby. A fair amount of the time, we also helped pop singers get their costumes a fair amount of time. Clothing design expanded to costume design, which in turn expanded into doing hair and makeup. Because I wasn't good at saying no, I just kept saying yes to more and more opportunities, and my job got stranger and stranger.

While my my business was taking off, I rarely had time to do what I wanted to be doing in the first place. Worse, the apartment I had bought when I had low money turned out to be a rather sketchy place in retrospect.

Let me explain. There were four other people in the place, Kat and Daniel, as well as Mark and Josephine. When I was first starting out and struggling for a place, these two couples didn't really make a lot of drama, which was good because I was desperate. But now that I was making decent income, they seemed to want me to leave them alone.

I could see why. You see, the four of them had alter egos. I came home one day, and Kat showed me to their dungeon, where she was Katarina, a Russian dominatrix (she was actually from the Bronx, but she was good with accents for her roleplay), Daniel and Mark became Danielle and Marcie, and Josephine because Joseph. Katarina was dressed in a black corset dress with stiletto boots extending nearly up to her hips. Danielle had a brown wig, a cute gothic lolita dress with a white frill bust and a black skirt section, and some black stockings and chunky black heels. Marcie wore a blond wig and short pink dress with fur-trim on its bottom, and nude pantyhose with some open-toed pink heels. Given that Daniel and Mark were regular salary workers by day and Kat was a sweet housewife type normally, this was quite the shocking change. But nothing was as extreme as how much Josephine looked in comparison to her regular look. Josephine was a total glam girl who went around in midi length dresses on a regular basis, but upon becoming "Joseph" she stuffed her long curly black hair under a wig and wore some padding to look much more muscular, then wore a men's business suit and jacket. She was going for a sort of high-powered earner with trophy wife look. Katarina took one look at the new girls, and after making a show of studying them. After a few moments, she said, "Aha! You bad girls are playing a prank on me, are you not? Here you are, pretending to be sweet and innocent, but look at those naughty cocks of yours!" She flipped their skirts, exposing their crotches nestled within pantyhose. "We'll need to punish them, won't we Joseph?" Joseph held them down while Katarina used a whip to spank them apparently solely on the basis of having a penis. I noticed two things about this. First, it didn't seem like she was actually punishing them, as the amount of force used was laughable. Josephine as Joseph wasn't holding them down hard enough that they couldn't easily break free if they wanted to, and Kat's whip looked like it hurt less than a child's spanking. Even when she pulled out a more dangerous looking mace, she gingerly tapped them only hard enough for them to feel a little prick. Second, it was obvious that the women did the makeup of the two guys. If I had walked in on them, I would not have noticed from looking at their faces that they were women. Likewise, they were obviously corseted under their dresses, as their figure was much different now then when they were in business suits. So not only were the two girls not seriously hurting the others, but they had actively participated in making them look as attractive as possible. I had the sense of watching a stage play, while Katarina and Joseph effectively teased the two, jabbing them with blunted spear-like implements, whacking them with a mace or whip usually either on the back or the butt, and even inserted anal vibrator things inside them, which they used a remote to give them a slightl buzz. Katarina also occasionally used her stilettos to press against their dicks, being careful not to put too much force. It never really escalated. Healthy BDSM sessions never gave way to abuse. Instead, after roughly forty minutes or so of punishing them, the two girls usually decided they had been 'good', and agreed to release them, taking their panties off either for oral sex or good clean sex with condoms. If on the other hand, they were bad, they were supposed to wear those clothes for the rest of the day, as the other two took them out for a date. Katarina usually wore an overcoat, as her dress was wildly inappropriate as street clothing.

I watched all of this take place with a sort of morbid amusement. On the one hand, I was sort of aroused by this sex play. But on the other, I felt like a fifth wheel, seeing as how I was the only one not in a couple. I also had a strong suspicion that if I continued to stay at this apartment, they might ask me to join in on the festivities, so to speak. And so, I notified the landlord that I was considering moving out of my apartment soon. Since it was technically house that had a room turned into an apartment by Josephine and Kat (hoping to make some money and maybe find someone to join in on their fun, I discovered during the long awkward conversation of discussing my leave), talking to the landlord(s) was not a difficult trip so much as an unbelievably weird challenge. Most plans to move from a building don't entail telling someone that you're not into BDSM, and that the four of them seem happier without me. Josephine assured me, "No, we don't need you to move if you don't want to! We just didn't want things awkward while it was clear that you were struggling. Then when you weren't Mark and Kat in particular were getting kinda horny. But yeah, I understand if you aren't up for it." I thought about it, "I might change my mind later. Can I have your card if I feel up to spending time in your… dungeon?" She gave me an honorary spiked cudgel as proof that I had been in her dungeon, if only as an observer.

Moving forward, I did occasionally visit. But only because they had become good friends of mine. Honest! As for my job, one day the third dancer for the idol group Fruit Smoothie had skipped town. The record company said they were out trying to find them, but until that happened, I was filling in. Thankfully, they didn't require that I impersonate her, but I was asked for a stage name. "Momo," I said, based on the Japanese word for peach. Gemini had been big into Japanese culture, and had tried to watch some shows with me. And my favorite film offhand was Labyrinth, where the main gal ate a hallucinogenic peach, and everything got weird about that point. So while I put on a goofy poofy dress and practiced the routine, one of the other idols did my makeup and hair for a change, adding in a pink temporary dye with chalk. I was clumsy as hell, but the audience found my performance cute, and I was added in as a sixth member after the original girl made her way back to the band. I feel like I got off track for my career at some point...

I actually designed the comments of this chapter around the title name. As I said before, these are Record of Lodoss War chapter titles, so I tried to imagine what sort of contents I could have for a chapter of this name, and started giggling when I figured it out.