That one story-intro
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In a strange yet exquisitely beautiful world, a garden is nestled beside a serene lake, adjacent to a cascading waterfall. At its heart stands a pavilion, graced with a single table and two chairs. The marble stone floor, adorned with intricate and medieval-like patterns, glistens faintly. Although the area is cloaked in darkness, the garden's ethereal beauty refuses to be concealed. Glass-like roses, scattered profusely, that mirror the moon's allure; they sway like celestial stars in the nocturnal expanse. Fireflies waltz in the moon's gentle glow, waterfalls harmonize in a melodious chorus, a tranquil lake that mirrors the surroundings, and beneath the pavilion, joyful Koi fish frolic in the water.


Unknown to the world, a strange entity enters and materialized within the pavilion. With grace, it places a tea set upon the table, initiating a tea-brewing process. Seated, it waits with a sense of anticipation.


"Ah, greeting! How long do you intend to remain standing? Please, join me. I sense weariness from your journey. Fear not, no harm shall befall you here," assures the humanoid entity. His voice, tinged with concern; it carries a hint of masculinity.


The garden's allure isn't solely attributed to its flowers, pavilion, lake, or waterfall, but rather to the moonlight that illuminates the obscurity. Without the moon's radiance, the entire spectacle would be veiled. The ever-changing phases and everlasting beauty of the moon render a captivating spectacle.


"Oh, hesitant? Feel free to observe if you wish. The chair is shall always be vacant; awaiting for your presence."




"It appears you've arrived. Hm? You seem familiar? Ah, yes! Partake in some tea and cookies, if you please," gestures the humanoid, his visage a blur, impenetrable to scrutiny.


"Staring so intently is somewhat impolite, my dear. Might we have crossed paths within my dreams? An oddly familiar aura emanates from you," queries the humanoid, brow furrowed inquisitively. He continues, "The odds of such an occurrence are infinitesimal."


"Would you care for a narrative woven by yours truly? I assure you, regret will elude you," he proposes with courteous eloquence.




"Hmm, I sense your intent to listen, yet it appears certain laws might have constrained your manner of speech. Nonetheless, fret not, for I can sense your distress," reassured the humanoid voice with a note of certainty and a hint of curiosity. "Might you hail from a realm beyond this one? The laws here suppress those who are foreign and peculiar, yet somehow you possessed the power to breach my domain. It seems implausible if you—" He abruptly halted his speech. "Hm, but perhaps that holds no significance," continued the humanoid entity, his voice trailing off as he entered a brief period of repose, seemingly lost in recollection.


A weathered and scrappy book materialized out of thin air, finding its place within the entity's grasp. This book bore the appearance of an ordinary leather tome, adorned with unfamiliar symbols intricately carved into its cover. Uttering an incantation obscured to those uninitiated in arcane magic, the entity invoked a series of symbols that took flight.


"Unless a soul adept at unsealing lays hands upon it, this book shall remain naught but mundane. My present endeavor involves the meticulous re-imagining of a certain tale. And so, with the introduction thus conveyed, let us embark, shall we?" spoke the humanoid entity, clutching the tome in his hand.


With a voice that resonated with age and wisdom, the entity commenced his recitation:

"In ages long past, before the emergence of life itself, an encompassing void reigned. Preceding the void, there existed enigmatic entities hailing from realms unfathomable. They feasted upon the very essence of the cosmos, a gradual nibbling spanning the ebb and flow of time, until naught remained but the notion that all encompassed. This process birthed multitudes of universes, a cascade of realities, and above all, it was the genesis of life itself.

This, dear reader, was Existence."

The entity's voice resonated through the tranquil garden, carrying the weight of profound truths. "And with existence comes nonexistence, with life comes death," it intoned, its words weaving through the night like a cosmic melody. The air grew still as the implications of these words settled upon the listeners.


"But Death," the entity continued, its voice shifting to a tone of reverence, "was never the end. It marked not the conclusion, but the initiation of a new journey, a transcendence beyond the boundaries of the known."


As the last echoes of its words lingered, the garden seemed to hold its breath. The glass-like roses shimmered in response to the moonlight, casting glints of silvery radiance upon the tranquil lake. The waterfall's song grew softer, as if nature itself held a respectful silence in the face of the entity's proclamation.


And then, as if the entity's words had summoned it, a distant star began to glow with an ethereal brilliance in the celestial canvas. Its light intensified, spreading across the expanse of space like ripples in a cosmic pond. A symphony of colors danced across the heavens, as if the universe itself was responding to the entity's narrative.


In this breathtaking display, the story of the universe began to unfold. From the primordial void, a spark ignited, birthing the cosmos. Galaxies spiraled into existence, each one a tapestry of stars and planets. Nebulas glowed with the birth and death of stars, and black holes cast their mysterious shadows across the fabric of space-time.


As eons passed, planets formed and life emerged in the most unexpected corners of the universe. Creatures of wonder and diversity flourished, adapting to the unique tapestry of each world. Civilizations rose and fell, leaving behind echoes of their stories etched into the fabric of time.


And then, as the entity's voice reached its crescendo, the universe itself seemed to exhale. The star that had ignited at the beginning of this cosmic tale began to dim, fading into the distance. But even as it did, a new star flared to life, illuminating the canvas anew.


The garden, the lake, the pavilion, and the entity seemed to shimmer with a renewed energy. The very essence of the tale that had been woven into the fabric of the universe was now reflected in the tranquil beauty of this space.


The entity's voice concluded, "Life and death, existence and nonexistence—these are the threads that weave the tapestry of reality, a continuous cycle of transformation and renewal."


And so, the garden remained, a sanctuary nestled between the realms of existence and nonexistence, a testament to the cosmic dance that had brought forth the universe and everything within it.

Is the words too deep? fret not. It is only in the intro
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  • But put few complicated words Votes: 1 100.0%
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