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"This will be a significant day for our nation," Zhao watched anxiously as his ships steadily approached the ice walls protecting the tribe. They opened fire with their catapults, confident in their ability to breach the frozen defenses.

"…" Iroh stayed silent, observing as the soldiers prepared for the impending invasion. "Will Admiral Zhao lead his soldiers down as well?"

"No, I have a separate objective apart from this invasion," he replied vaguely, raising suspicions about his intentions. "I hope to participate in this battle. A soldier like you wouldn't be of much use leading the troops."

"Ah, how kind of you, Admiral Zhao. You needn't inflate my ego," Iroh smiled, stroking his beard as he continued to watch the young troops moving around the ship. "My days on the battlefield have passed. I'm no longer in any condition to fight. On the battlefield, I would be nothing more than a feeble old man."

These words seemed deceptive coming from a man known for his wisdom and strength, who had the capacity to challenge anyone and consistently emerge victorious.

Zhao remained silent. He had little to say in the face of the humble wisdom of the Dragon of the West. Without another word, he turned and walked away. He needed to gather a group of soldiers to watch his back as they prepared to breach the ice fortress.

"Admiral Zhao..." He halted when he heard Iroh's voice from behind, though the old man's back was turned. "In war, as terrible as it is, there are rules and regulations that must be upheld to maintain balance." Although it sounded like advice, the look in his eyes suggested something more.

"I am not your nephew, General. I do not need your counsel," Zhao replied rudely, resenting the notion that the old man was looking down on him.

"Perhaps, perhaps not. But allow me to say this... there are things more significant than our patriotism for our nation."

"Is that a threat? A betrayal?!" Despite Zhao's furious and agitated appearance, poised to attack the general, his hands trembled, and beads of sweat formed on his forehead. His anger dissipated when Iroh turned to face him.

"I am merely stating that the common good holds greater value than the glory and renown of a nation."

The tension between the two firebenders disappeared when Iroh suddenly yawned, walking away with a lazy stride, leaving Zhao standing there, rigid and perplexed.

"Anyway, a pleasant conversation, Admiral Zhao. I shall take a nap, hoping to wake up in time to join you for the invasion of the Water Tribe," Iroh said with a casual tone as he departed, leaving Zhao alone, still recovering from the encounter.

"..." Only once Iroh was gone could Zhao regain his composure. He shook with anger at the display of weakness he had shown before the Dragon of the West, and in frustration, he unleashed a fiery blast into the sky.

The first attack had begun.


"You can't get up; you're still recovering."

"Katara, I'm not dead yet," the blonde smiled as he donned his jacket to conceal the bandages covering his torso. His wounds were still open, and it would be hours or even days before he fully recuperated from those peculiar weapons. If it weren't for the knot in his stomach, he might not have made it.

But as he attempted to rise, Katara pushed him back onto the bed, giving him a stern look before covering him with a blanket.

"You won't get up."

"The war is still ongoing."

"We know."

"I have to fight; I have to help."

"You need to rest." A heavy exchange of glances passed between them, one determined to get back on his feet to continue fighting, the other ready to give him a good scolding if he dared to move.

"You did a lot, kid." Naruto and Katara shared the recovery room with Nissa, Sokka, Aang, and Princess Yue. "You and the Avatar managed to destroy over half of the fleet, and the sunken ships will have to change their course to reach us. You bought us time and reduced the enemy by half. You did well. Now, you need to take a break."

"But they can still attack."

"And so can we."

Naruto fell silent, listening to Nissa's words.

"We won't be able to fight if you don't kill yourself with your recklessness by trying to continue fighting. Right now, you're dead weight," the waterbender didn't mince words. Sugarcoating wasn't her style. "Rest. When you're well enough to rejoin the battle, then you can step up. Until then, don't get involved."

"What a tough one."

Katara, Sokka, and Aang collectively thought the same about Nissa, especially after her blunt words. She turned and left the room, followed by her younger sister, and once the door closed, their voices were heard raised in disagreement.

The room fell into an awkward silence as the members of Team Avatar exchanged glances with each other. Naruto broke the silence with a chuckle.

"I love that woman," he muttered under his breath. Having Nissa at the front in battle gave him a sense of assurance.

"Have I mentioned that you have strange taste in women?" Sokka started to comment but stopped when he received a stern look from his sister.

"I admire people who speak their minds and are right," Naruto stated as he let himself sink into the bed, grunting softly from the lingering pain in his chest. He knew he had to be cautious not to move too much, or his wounds would reopen.

"No wonder you go after my sister, she always hurts me with her words" he joked with a mocking smile, earning Katara a dirty look.

"Sokka, I'm going to throw you out the window and see if the ice is strong enough to break that big head of yours," she threatened, pointing at the bedroom window.

"I love you too, sister." Sokka barely had time to react as Katara grabbed him by his coat and quite literally tossed him out of the window. Fortunately, he landed on something that softened his fall.

"My cabbages!"

Closing the window, Katara was in a better mood. Ah, the sibling affection.

"Katara... Can you give us a moment?"

The waterbender looked puzzled at Aang's solemn request.

"Of course." Without hesitation, she left, closing the door behind her, leaving the Avatar and the shinobi alone.

"I'm not sure what to do."

Naruto raised an eyebrow in response to Aang's somber confession as he gripped his staff tightly.

"If I go back to fight the ships, I'll lose. There are too many of them, and I can't handle it." The frustration was clear in Aang. After seeing Naruto, a ninja with incredible abilities, nearly killed, he felt a strong sense of self-doubt. Engaging in the battle again might lead to his defeat, capture, or even a lifetime of imprisonment by the Fire Nation, while the world burned around him.

"What do you plan to do, then?" Naruto asked calmly, maintaining a steady gaze on the monk.

"I don't know."

"Give up?" Naruto asked seriously, with an unwavering look.

"No!" Aang immediately rejected that idea.

"Then you still have a chance to win. A fight ends only when we surrender, and you're far from surrendering, right, buddy?" Naruto's reassuring smile showed his belief in Aang's abilities.

"But I don't know what to do, how to fight back, or how to stop all of this." Aang lacked the confidence Naruto had in him.

"I think you're asking for advice from the wrong person. I'm not exactly the wisest when it comes to giving advice," Naruto admitted his limitations in offering guidance. His mind was occupied with different matters, and strategic thinking was more Shikamaru's expertise.

"But... Can you do that thing?" Naruto continued. "You know, when you let your head shine like a beacon and get those crazy eyes? Aang, you nearly killed me a couple of times using that power, not to mention those terrifying spirits that were after me."

"Ghosts?" Aang took a moment to understand what Naruto meant and had a sudden realization. "Naruto! You're a genius!"

"Me?" Naruto was confused, tilting his head.

"My past lives! The Avatars. They might know how to help me." Aang levitated into the air and hurriedly exited the room. "Keep it together!"

"I am..." Naruto mumbled, staring at the door for a few moments. He then lay back on the bed, closing his eyes. Resting and healing was crucial. It had always been fascinating to him how a good night's sleep could make him feel as good as new the next day after an injury.

He just hoped his recovery would be swift enough before the Fire Nation's attack began.

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PAT REON I'D:- Alzero ]