Chapter 9: Defend Axol Village
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Chapter 9: Defend Axol Village


As a group, we swiftly moved towards the square. As we moved, Illydra spoke with a sense of urgency, "With the statue gone, our mist barrier has collapsed, I’ll have to erect some temporary barriers." She looks towards Elara and continues without a pause in her breath, “Elara you will stay with Yuki and Akari and look for the statue.”

"Stay safe…" Elara said, her tone uncharacteristically serious, tinged with a hint of worry.


As we began to move in the opposite direction of Illydra, I caught sight of her heading toward the village's edges. Our mission was clear: we had to find the stolen statue and bring it back to the center of the mysterious tree to restore the mist barrier. It was the only thing that would give the village a fighting chance against the humans. We run past the groups of soldiers and villagers readying their bows and weapons. Behind us I can see the branches of the mysterious seed/tree expanding around the village, creating a tall wall. It must have been a skill of Illydra.

I begin using [Appraisal] to scan the things around me and from the corner of my eye, I see Aelar chasing after a shadowy figure.

I quickly point towards Aelar and yell, “Elara over there!”

Elara's agility and strength were nothing short of astonishing as she effortlessly leaped onto the rooftops, carrying Akari's piggyback. A whisper of incantation and a surge of magic beneath her feet propelled her forward at incredible speed. It was clear that Elara's swiftness exceeded even Aelar's, and I watched in awe as she pursued the shadowy figure.


As Elara closed in behind the mysterious intruder, I could see Akari readying [Fireball] in each of her hands. With precision, she hurled it toward the figure. The shadowy figure displayed remarkable reflexes, evading the first fireball and then quickly raising a hand to block the second fireball, which ignited their hood in flames. As the hood burned away, Aeris's face was unveiled, and Aelar caught up with the group, swiftly engaging Aeris with his sword. Aelar expertly blocks Aeris's swinging blade, and at that moment, Elara releases an arrow. Aeris managed to dodge the arrow with a slight movement of his shoulder, although it still sliced his flesh, grazing his shoulder. 

"Aeris, why have you done this?" Aelar demanded, his voice a mixture of calm rage and confusion.


Aeris met Aelar's gaze but seemed to struggle with his own actions. He gritted his teeth and stammered, "I-I can't help it, I can't disobey them."


Aelar's frustration mounted. "Did they do something to you while you were scouting? Who are 'they'?" he yelled, desperate for answers.


"They'll be arriving soon. We have to retreat they are too pow—," Aeris began, only to abruptly cut himself off, his mouth seemingly silenced as if by an unseen force.


In a sudden and agile maneuver, Aeris leaped backward, sending Aelar reeling from a powerful kick to the chest. Amidst the flurry of the exchange, my attention was drawn to the statue, tied to Aeris's hips.


Akari unleashed a barrage of fireballs, aiming to suppress Aeris, but this time the fireballs appeared to be snuffed out in the air by a mysterious force, preventing them from reaching their target. Undeterred, Aeris swung his sword at Aelar, who was in the process of recovering from the forceful kick.


Aelar skillfully parried Aeris's attack and countered with a precise jab aimed towards Aeris's pelvis. Aeris managed to evade the jab by a hair's breadth, simultaneously deflecting another arrow that Elara had released. A well-aimed fireball struck Aeris squarely in the chest, momentarily dazing him, but he quickly regained his composure and swung his sword again at Aelar.


The two warriors engaged in a fierce duel, with Aelar relentlessly pushing Aeris back. It became clear that Aelar had been strategically aiming to incapacitate Aeris but also to reach the statue, which lay to the right of their intense battle. The statue was the ultimate objective, and Aelar had been focused on it the entire time.


As the intense battle raged on, I saw my opportunity to retrieve the statue while everyone was preoccupied with the fight. Swiftly, I made my way to the statue, but just as I laid my hands on it, Aeris noticed my presence and swung his sword at me with deadly intent.


I watched in terror as the sword edged closer, seemingly ready to split my face in two. However, in a miraculous turn of events, the blade came to a sudden stop, mere inches from my skin. Aeris's expression contorted with a visible struggle as if he were fighting against an external force compelling him to attack.


I recalled the words Elara had shared with me about my healing ability—it didn't increase recovery speed but rather simply reversed damage. An idea flashed in my mind. I held out my hand and touched his forehead and cast [Heal], focusing on Aeris and hoping that it would work on whatever was forcing him to act against his will.


[Skill leveled up! Heal LV. 3→ Heal Lv.4]


Aeris's expression softened, and he threw the sword into the ground, using it as a crutch. He collapsed onto the floor, looking up at me with gratitude and exhaustion.


"Go and return the statue quickly," he urged, his voice weak but urgent. "The enemy has infiltrated the village, and they're targeting the tree. I'll recover in a few moments; don't waste time on me." He retrieved a potion and began to administer it to himself. "And I'm sorry," he added, his voice filled with remorse.


With a shared understanding, Aeris, Akari, Elara, and I charged toward the center of the village, the statue in our possession. Once the statue was placed back where it belongs it would create a dense maze of mist that would confuse the invading forces, giving the village a crucial advantage.


As we entered the sacred chamber, we found it unguarded, with most of the village's guards deployed to reinforce the temporary wall constructed by Illydra using the roots of the ancient tree. The chamber was bathed with a fiery glow that originated from a purple fire that had begun spreading all throughout the room and at its center, two radiant figures in sleek white robes awaited us. They defied gravity, floating gracefully in the air above us, their presence imbued with an otherworldly aura.

“Who are you!” Aeris yells as he pulls out his sword. 

The two figures turned their gaze towards our group without uttering a single word. I examined their features more closely.


One of the girls possessed eyes devoid of color as if her emotions had long since faded. Her presence was ethereal, marked by beautiful angelic wings that swayed gently in the air, while her hair cascaded down in a pastel blue sheen. She had armor worthy of a paladin and carried a lance.


The other girl, in contrast, had eyes that sparkled with a playful glint and a soft pink hue. Her appearance was unique, featuring bat-like wings and a pointed tail, with hair that flowed in delicate shades of pastel pink. She was clad in simple leather armor that barely covered her body and hugged her body tightly, giving the impression that she had a different kind of appointment at 9.



Their features reminded me of an angel and a devil, I use [Appraisal] on them to see if I can gleam some information.


Name: ???

Class: Harpy Homunculus 

Race: Homunculus, Race Trait: Eternal Youth, Mana Absorption

Level: 48

Experience: ???

HP: ???

Mana: ???






Name: ???

Class: Succubus Homunculus 

Race: Homunculus, Race Trait: Eternal Youth, Mana Absorption

Level: 70

Experience: ???

HP: ???

Mana: ???






These homunculi were ridiculously strong…

"I see you've brought us our statue, sisters," remarked the playful one in a nonchalant tone as she descended toward us. "Father will be pleased."

Elara and Aelar immediately begin attacking her as she deflects both of their attacks with a swipe of her hand.

“How rude, don’t you insects know better than to interfere with our work?” she says as if she is annoyed. She then looks up at the other homunculus with a lance and points toward Aelar and Elara. She immediately dives towards them and begins engaging them in intense combat.

The succubus homunculus started approaching Akari and me. "I don't believe I've seen you two among Father's collection," she remarked.

"Come closer," she beckoned, her words compelling my body to move toward her involuntarily. I could sense Akari also being drawn closer.


"You two are too weak to be of any use to Father," she observed, a sly smile playing on her lips. "I had considered destroying that statue, but I've come up with a plan that could benefit both of us," she added, her chuckle carrying a sinister edge.


"Absorb the statue," she commanded, her gaze fixed on me with an undeniable authority.


I clutched the statue tightly, my mana extending towards the object. At its core, I sensed a tear-shaped form of mana, a vital part of the statue's essence. As I attempted to retract my mana, I felt an ominous presence, like a dark hand, guiding my mana toward the tear, preventing me from breaking the connection. I can feel the artifact in my hand begin to lose power as I feel my body feel more powerful in exchange.

[Leveled up!]


[Leveled up!]

[Leveled up!]


[Leveled up!]

[Leveled up!]

The light that the statue radiated begins to lose its luster as the tear-shaped mana begins to dissolve.


[Leveled up!]


[Leveled up!]


[Skill leveled up! Mind’s Fortress LV. 3→LV. 4]

[Leveled up!]


[Leveled up!]

[Leveled up!]


Our only hope. I try to dislodge myself from the statue forcefully with my other hand.

[Leveled up!]


[Leveled up!]


[Skill leveled up! Mind’s Fortress LV. 4→LV. 5]

[Leveled up!]

[New skill gained!]


[Leveled up!]

[Leveled up!]


[Skill leveled up! Mind’s Fortress LV. 4→LV. 5]

[New skill gained!]

The tear-shaped mana fully dissolved, and the once magnificent visage of the elf Elydria crumbled into dust as if it had never existed in the first place.


It’s my fault. I collapse to my knees as I lose hope.

“AELAR!” Elara screams as she sees her brother pierced through the heart by the lance. 


“Hehe, Father is always right isn’t he, the taste of hope being smothered is the best.” the succubus homunculus says as she laughs. 


The homunculus wielding the lance strikes Elara, sending her tumbling into my arms. I hold her and Akari close as we watch the two adversaries descend upon us. Then, out of nowhere, massive roots lash out, snaring the homunculi mid-air and hurling them across the room. Illydra enters the scene, her face a mask of calm fury, as she conjures more roots to ensnare the fallen homunculi. With a determined expression, she turns to me and begins sketching a runic circle around the three of us.

"I can't predict where this journey will lead you, my dear children," she whispered, her eyes filled with a mixture of determination and longing, "but hold true to your promise."

The circle begins to glow brighter than the fire that has begun consuming every part of the chamber. The two homunculus have broken free of the roots and I can see them approach Illydra with killing intent.  Illydra smiles towards us as I reach out towards her as the scenery in front of me changes to a snowy mountain landscape.

Name: Yuki 

Class: Divine Homunculus 

Race: Homunculus, Race Trait: Eternal Youth, Mana Absorption

Level: 21 (+15)

Experience: 4050 / 7950 (+0/day)

HP: 520 / 520 

Mana: 2100 / 2100 (+1050)



[Arcane Link (LV. Max)]  •  [Mana Mastery (LV. MAX) (Passive)]  •  [Spatial Inventory (LV. 3)]  •  [Heal (LV. 4)]  •  [Mind’s Fortress [LV. 5] (+2)  •  [Appraisal (LV. 6]  •  [Fire Breathing (LV. 4) ]  •  [Mist illusion LV. 1]  New! •  [??? LV.???] New! 



  • Simple Elven Robe


  • Bread x32
  • Water bottle x 4
  • Mana stones x 15


  • Goddess’s Last Hope: The goddess’s last hope for the balance of the world.
  • Reincarnated Otherworld Scholar: Otherworldly knowledge can be accessed whenever.
  • Goddess's Favor: Infused with the goddess's essence, giving an immensely increased mana capacity.


  • Akari

Subjects: New!