Chapter 10: Frozen Mountain
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Chapter 10: Frozen Mountain

The frigid air stung my cheeks as I gazed around at our surroundings. This landscape, once bewildering and disorienting, had now become a place of familiarity. The pine trees, their branches heavy with snow, offered some respite from the biting winds. Elara had used her skills to fashion a temporary shelter out of the wood surrounding us, expertly blending it with the natural surroundings to create a hideout that was both functional and well-hidden.


My new skill, [Mist Illusion], had proven invaluable. It created a small, translucent ring around our campsite, confusing any magical beasts that got within 10m of the ring. It was reminiscent of the powers of the statue, albeit on a much smaller scale. It dawned on me early that I must have absorbed the skill from the artifact, along with the mana it held within.


Akari used her skills to create fires that crackled and smoked, maintaining a constant warmth in our camp. Elara, with her keen archery skills, had become our primary provider. She ventured out into the wilderness each day, her arrows flying true as she hunted for smaller game, ensuring that we had a steady supply of food. 

Elara closed her eyes and prayed for each beast that she had hunted. From what I understood about elven beliefs, all lives return to Aurinna, the goddess of mana and the mother of all creatures in this world. The mystical tree Yggdrasil was the pathway that guided the souls, a tree Elara explained was so grand that it was a pathway to worlds. Elara had said that she prefers the vegan diet of the elves but didn’t mind meat. That surprised me considering that during my time in the village, I had exclusively consumed plants. I had assumed elves were herbivores, but it seemed I was wrong.

In the meantime, I focused on improving our camp's amenities further. I gathered stones from the surroundings and constructed a makeshift kiln, using it to create charcoal. I also helped store all the food we had in my [Spatial Inventory]. It seemed like things that went into there simply didn’t go bad. I had also created an outhouse for, you know… 


While Elara shared her wisdom about local plants, her cheer had dimmed. She'd smile but carried a hint of sadness, her thoughts often drifting to her lost village. Still, she taught us about plants and even allowed me to use [Arcane Link] on her, granting me the [Wind Cutter] skill. Now, I had two combat abilities to master.


After days of relentless effort and determination, I finally managed to break through the formidable barrier that had held my [Firebreath] skill at level 4. It was a breakthrough I achieved by mustering the courage to face the dangers of the wilderness and utilize my skill against magic beasts.


On one fateful day, I confronted a particularly aggressive horned rabbit, its menacing horns a testament to its formidable nature. Summoning my resolve, I unleashed [Firebreath], a torrent of flames erupting from within me and engulfing the creature. The battle was short-lived but I had heard the soft ding and read the notification. It seemed like I had to fulfill certain conditions for abilities to level them, and offensive abilities required me to use them in combat.

We focused on survival and practice throughout the week and finally landed on today. We decided to embark on an exploration of the surrounding area and stumbled upon several significant discoveries. In the immediate vicinity of our camp, the landscape was dominated by an expansive forest that stretched for miles. However, our most remarkable find lay in the opposite direction—descending the mountain's slope, we came upon a breathtaking sight.


Nestled within the encircling circle of mountains that enveloped us, a serene lake revealed itself. This hidden gem sparkled like a sapphire jewel against the snowy backdrop, its surface reflecting the pristine, snow-capped peaks that surrounded it. It was a stark contrast to our snowy, mountainous refuge and held the promise of potential resources and opportunities for our small group. However, there were smoke columns towards the lake that we saw.

The source of the smoke soon became apparent—a sizable settlement was along the lake's shore. The distant figures of tents and structures came into focus, and we could discern signs of life and activity. It was a surprising and potentially concerning discovery, as we had not anticipated encountering another group in this remote wilderness. They were settled into an area that appeared to be the ruins of an older civilization. 


As we observed the isolated settlement along the shore of the lake, it became evident that this was no temporary or nomadic camp. The structures were arranged in a manner that suggested they had been here for quite a while, and at the heart of the settlement stood a substantial and robust building.


This central structure stood out from the rest, both in terms of its size and the quality of its construction. Unlike the more rudimentary tents and shelters surrounding it, this building appeared to be sturdily built, with an emblem of a woman with her hands spread out and rays of sunlight behind them. Elara grips her bow tight as she leaks out one word,


The presence of the Alviran Church's symbol in this remote location suggested the possibility that there were others who, like us, had experienced similar upheavals and losses. It posed the haunting question: were there more homunculus being created here?

Feeling a mixture of curiosity and concern, I turned to Elara, my voice tinged with determination. "We have to investigate what's going on down there," I urged, my gaze locked on the settlement below. The mysteries surrounding our origins and the connection to the Alviran Church were too compelling to ignore.

"I agree, I’ll go alone to scout. I’ll be right back!" Elara responded with a resolute nod. Without wasting a moment, she seemed to dissolve into the very air around us, her form becoming a wisp of wind that swiftly carried her away toward the settlement below.


With Elara's incredible speed and strength evident, I put my trust in her. Akari and I decided to make the most of our time by honing our own abilities. We found a sturdy tree nearby and turned it into our training partner. The sun had long set, and the moon cast an ethereal glow over the snowy landscape. I couldn't help but worry about Elara's safety as the minutes ticked by. The anticipation of her return weighed heavily on my mind, and I hoped she would return soon with news.


I turned at the faint rustling sound and saw Elara returning to us, her presence a welcome relief in the dim moonlight. She wasted no time in sharing her findings.


"I think there's about 50 of them," she began, her voice hushed but urgent. "As well as 20 captives."


My heart sank at the mention of captives, and I exchanged a concerned glance with Akari. There might be other homunculi being kept there.


The weight of Elara's words settled heavily upon us. The presence of 50 individuals in the settlement, along with the 20 captives, painted a complex and potentially perilous picture. It was evident that the situation was more intricate than we had initially assumed.


"What should we do?" Akari's voice quivered with a mix of concern and determination.

I considered our options carefully. While our small group possessed unique skills and abilities, we couldn't afford to underestimate the potential dangers lurking within the settlement. Our priority was to uncover the truth and assess the well-being of the captives. It was a moral obligation that resonated deeply with me.


"We need to approach cautiously," I replied, my voice steady. "Our first objective is to gather information. Elara, can you provide any details about the layout of the settlement, its defenses, or anything else that could be useful?"


Elara nodded, her eyes focused. "I observed the layout from a distance," she began. "The central building, the one with the Alviran Church's emblem, seems to be the most significant. It's where most of the activity is concentrated. The other structures appear to be dwellings for the inhabitants."

She paused for a moment before continuing, "I also sensed a faint but steady flow of mana within the central building. It's possible they have some magical defenses or enchantments in place."


I nodded in acknowledgment, appreciating Elara's keen observations. "Thank you, Elara. We'll need to remain vigilant and approach with caution. Our priority is to locate and assess the condition of the captives, but we should also be prepared for any challenges or threats."


Akari clenched her fists, her determination showing on her small face. "We have to help them."


With our course of action decided, we readied ourselves for the upcoming mission. The settlement below held answers and mysteries that could reshape our understanding of this world and our place within it. As we prepared to descend the mountain and approach the Alviran Church's outpost, the moonlight bathed us in its pale glow, casting our shadows against the pristine snow and signaling the beginning of a new chapter in our journey.


As we made our way towards the settlement, Elara added one more detail she had observed during her reconnaissance. "There's an annex adjacent to the central church building," she mentioned, her voice lowered to a whisper. "I couldn't see much from a distance, but it seemed like that's where they're keeping the captives. It might be our best chance to find them."

I nodded in agreement, appreciating the valuable piece of information. The annex could potentially be where our fellow captives were being held, and it was a place we needed to investigate carefully.

I quickly devised a plan to aid the captives. Akari would use her [Fireball]s to target the outer edges of the encampment, where most of the wooden and fur tents were located. The intention was to create chaos and distractions with the ensuing fires. Meanwhile, I would cast [Mist Illusion] on the central church building to obscure it from view and create an illusion that might deter anyone from approaching.


With these two phases in motion, Elara and I would move in to investigate and rescue the captives. The goal was to use the initial confusion to our advantage, slowing down any potential interference and giving us a better chance to infiltrate the annex where the captives might be held. It was a risky plan, but it was our best shot at helping them. 


The bitter cold of the snowy wilderness seemed to intensify as we prepared to put our plan into action. The air around us was heavy with anticipation and uncertainty. We exchanged one final glance, a silent affirmation of our shared purpose before we descended the mountain towards the settlement below.


Akari took the lead, her small frame filled with determination as she readied her [Fireball]s. Her power and control over fire magic had grown considerably during our time in the wilderness, and I had no doubt that the fire would distract many of the humans below. I just hope that she keeps to her word and runs away at any sight of danger. 


As the first flames erupted on the outskirts of the settlement, Elara and I moved towards the annex. With the initial phases of our plan in motion, Elara and I set off toward the settlement, taking advantage of the confusion and distractions caused by Akari's fiery spectacle. We hide and take our time as we see humans rush towards the lake with buckets to put out the fires. We moved stealthily in the shadows, our breaths forming misty clouds in the frigid air. I could see a shadow run into the forest, it must have been Akari.


As we drew closer to the settlement, I whispered softly, "Remember, our primary objective is to locate the captives and assess their condition. If things take a turn for the worse, our priority is to retreat and regroup."


Elara nodded in agreement.


As we approached the annex adjacent to the central church building, we could see the dim glow of torchlight seeping through the cracks in the structure. It was a sign that there was activity inside, and our hearts raced with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. We exchanged one final look, a silent affirmation of our determination before we prepared to enter the annex and confront whatever awaited us within. I begin casting [Mist Illusion] and a fog begins to extend around the central church building, shrouding it in a haze that would trap and confuse the people who entered it. 


The moonlight bathed us in its pale radiance, casting long shadows in the snow as we pushed open the door to the annex. 

Name: Yuki 

Class: Divine Homunculus 

Race: Homunculus, Race Trait: Eternal Youth, Mana Absorption

Level: 21 

Experience: 4155 / 7950 (+5/day)

HP: 520 / 520 

Mana: 2100 / 2100 (+1050)



[Arcane Link (LV. Max)]  •  [Mana Mastery (LV. MAX) (Passive)]  •  [Spatial Inventory (LV. 3)]  •  [Heal (LV. 4)]  •  [Mind’s Fortress [LV. 5]   •  [Appraisal (LV. 6]  •  [Fire Breathing (LV. 5)] +1  •  [Mist illusion LV. 3]  +2  •   [??? LV.???]  •  [Wind Cutter LV. 3] New!



  • Simple Elven Robe


  • Bread x 10
  • Water bottle x 2
  • Mana stones x 15
  • Horned Rabbit Leg x 14
  • Horned Rabbit Body x 8
  • Horned Rabbit Fur x 8


  • Goddess’s Last Hope: The goddess’s last hope for the balance of the world.
  • Reincarnated Otherworld Scholar: Otherworldly knowledge can be accessed whenever.
  • Goddess's Favor: Infused with the goddess's essence, giving an immensely increased mana capacity.


  • Akari

