006 The Absolute so-called God of Everything
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"No Gods knows what his identity is, they only received orders through the throne filled with darkness. Legends say that he was the one who made universes inside this endless void but no one really can confirm if it's true or not and even they don't know what the King of All God's power is but he absolutely can do everything he wishes, even when it's impossible for a God he just makes it happen like it's nothing."

"He has an interest in the human species living in exoplanets around the universe. Because they have high intelligence compared to the other species like animals or even monsters, humans can make everything when they are grouped and work together."

"But one thing he is overly cautious about is that, if humans get in contact with a supreme god, they become a reality bender god that can easily destroy gods effortlessly. And I, the King of Demons, been sitting on a demonic throne for thousands of years, finally got to the surface of the earth but the heaven's defense army is too powerful for me to handle with my army of demons, I decided to flee to survive and have to go back to hell to heal. But the King of All Gods trespassed my territory and I tried to kill him but my demon lords and army of demons vanished into thin ashes like it never even existed. I was terrified and tried to run but it was too late and I suffered the curse he bought for me, the pain was agonizing and I can't bear the pain. The King of All Gods says that he'll spare me this once but if I showed up again, he'll kill me for sure and completely vanished. I barely remembered his face because of the hot atmosphere and the darkness, but he sure does have such red long hair."

That was the only thing he remembered from the King of All Gods, Genzo asks if he knows anything else from the King of All Gods but that's the only thing he knew about him. 

And so Genzo decided to spare Satan and let him flee back to hell, Genzo had been overthinking about it as to why the King of All Gods was the one who got recognized that he faked the multiverse creation when he was the one who made it by accident. Genzo just doesn't care about it but he is wondering if the King of All Gods can put on par with him or outpower him. But Genzo sure does think that the King of All Gods is some kind of main character because of his coolness.

After the Demon Invasion on Earth, Earth returned to its normal state and Raijin is practicing how to use his [ALL FICTION] so he can be on par with the supreme gods or even higher and trained with physical strength. Genzo bought some novels and comics from the advanced world, Raijin asked what is the book, and Genzo said that he just bought them from the other world just for him to read while resting so he can't get bored.

Genzo is still trying to find out who's this so-called "King of All Gods" and why he is trying to satisfy himself by interfering in the universe's cycle, but with his current intelligence, he still can't find out who it was and even uses the omnipotent mind. 

So he summoned 30 eyes to navigate all over multiverses to find out who it was and where is he hiding and making sure he doesn't interfere with the universe's cycle ever again.

But the King of All Gods was already aware of this being called "Genzo" and confidentially sent all 15 supreme gods to attack the planet Earth when Genzo left the planet to explore.

Genzo left Earth to discover more planets with civilization since Raijin is already enough to protect his home planet because his level goes beyond the Supreme gods with unfathomable plot manipulation.

While Raijin is training his physical attribute, he had noticed that there were Gods coming into Earth, God of Water "Gastov", God of Fire "Rage", Goddess of Light "Rafaela", Goddess of Wind "Patricia", God of Lightning "Yuro", Goddess of Luck "Angela", God of Life "Yuyumi", Goddess of Sky "Heathen", God of Strength "Drouck", Goddess of Love "Mathilde", God of Sight "Druno", Goddess of Stars "Starshine", and God of Dark "Dracula" (All these names are fictional and not based of real myths), and so when the Gods appeared Raijin asks who are them but the Gods just straight went for destruction and attacked Raijin, the planet was destroyed but the humans didn't because they were in his void with illusion thinking that they are still in Earth, the Gods was surprised on how he survived that annihilation and they tried to attack him again but Raijin punched the space and went corrupted that completely broke reality and was time to use his full power after all that training in 20 years and the 15 supreme gods was frightened when that punch came out and an another punch with a super shockwave that is breaking the reality even more almost crushing it out of existence, the gods panicked and used defense barriers but it broke in an instant right after they use it and they had to use their full power to deflect the attack and it worked and it goes back to Raijin but he was unaffected and the Gods was really scared and tried to retreat but they got caught and was killed one by one in a mere second, the Goddess of Luck was able to survive and tried to negotiate with Raijin that she will help him but Raijin asked if is she guaranteed that she will tell about this King of All Gods, and she wasn't too sure about his existence but she knows something that will give a hint and when she was about to say it, a mysterious black hole sucked her body and evaporating her so she couldn't say a word about the King of All Gods.

And the King of All Gods said 

"This b**** is trying to expose me but I was lucky that I came in time. So you're the one who easily killed the 15 Supreme Gods huh."

Raijin asks who is he and the King of All Gods responded with "I am a being that you should never mess with, and I am a lot more incomparable than any other Gods you just fight." And the voice disappeared as well the body of the Goddess of Luck completely turned into ashes.

Raijin restored the universe and the planet Earth and everything is back to normal but not for Raijin. Now that he is greatly involved now, he will need information about him so it would help Genzo.

The King of All Gods was laughing psychopathically because all of his great Supreme Gods were annihilated by a single Demi-God brat and now it's useless to revive them all, he is planning on creating new and stronger Gods that surpassed his previous Supreme Gods, now he will gladly see how much does he can fight.

---End Chapter---