Pallet Town
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Green gasped, quickly biting her lip to contain a desperate moan from escaping her mouth. Her hand grasped her bed sheets tightly, pulling them out from against the wall as she squirmed. As her back arched her large breasts heaved and bounced, a whimper escaped her mouth and she shut her eyes tightly. Between her large powerful thighs she pressed a vibrator wand against her bare, shaved pussy. Her naked body glistened, beads of sweat running down her smooth curvy skin as her muscles contracted beneath. As the vibrator caused waves of pleasure to course through her body, she moved her shaky thumb to the dial on the side and flicked it to full power. Instantly she threw her head back and opened her mouth wide, it gaped open and closed like a goldfish as her choked moans tried to force themselves out. Again, she bit down on her lip, whimpering as she held back the cries of pleasure wanting to erupt from her. Her free hand whipped down suddenly to the handle of the wand and gripped it tightly along with her other hand. She squeezed her thighs around it tightly as she let out an exacerbated gasp, followed by a weak sensual moan as she came hard all over her vibrator. Her pussy creamed up and contracted as she came, her stomach and chest rising and falling as she breathed hard with each intense burst of pleasure. Eventually, the orgasm faded and she dropped the wand letting it fall to the side. Her body relaxed and she let out a shaky sigh, her moss green eyes opened and the flecks of yellow in them sparkled under the pale light of her overhead light.

"Fuck..." She sighed as she sat up and brushed her long, wavy brown hair out of her face.

Green looked down at her breasts and allowed herself a satisfied smile, holding one in her hand or at least as much as would fit in her small palm. She reached over and grabbed a long scarf-like piece of cloth that was half hanging off the bed, half crumpled on the floor. It was her chest wrapping, her breasts were so big that she just found it easier to use one of these than trying to find a bra her size. Plus, she liked it more, it was easy and comfortable while also not showing from under shoulder-less shirts. She wrapped it around her breasts as she looked around her room. To her left, as she sat on the side of her bed, was her desk and PC. Posters depicting pokémon type match ups and training tips for each type were hung tightly close together, leaving not even a small gap of the beige wall paper behind. On her desk a belt fitted with 6 pokéball holsters sat neatly next to a collection of supplies, including water, food and navigation equipment. Strung up on the back of her desk chair was a large backpack with a pokéball symbol on the back. It's straps were a spotless white while the body stayed the red of the pokéball. Laying on the floor was a folded up tarp, tent, sleeping bag and sets of clothes in black trash bags. Everything she needed for her journey was neatly and orderly placed there, ready to go. All she needed to do now was decide her outfit for today. As she finished the wrapping and tied it behind her back she stood up, grabbing her haphazardly placed panties as she did, slinging them on. Green opened her wardrobe and thought for a second before grabbing a plaid jacket, a loose black t-shirt, a pair of denim shorts, a pair of black knee socks and some brown hiking boots. Quickly and eagerly she got dressed, struggling to slip the shirt over her breasts and to slide the denim shorts over her wide hips.

Green stepped out in front of a body mirror propped up next to the foot of her bed and inspected herself, smiling happily as she did. She thought for a moment before giggling and tying up the shirt so it finished just below her rib cage instead. With a satisfied nod, she looked at her bare stomach for a moment, admiring the toned lines that ran down parallel to her belly button before turning to begin packing her bag. As she did, carefully placing the folded tarp into the bottom she heard a voice cry out from downstairs.

"Green! Are you ready?! The Professor will be here soon!" It was her mother, her voice didn't sound overly concerned, the droning tone of a parent very apparent.

Green looked up as she rolled her sleeping bag and called back.

"Almost! Just packing my bag up!" She yelled while sliding the sleeping bag down the side of the bag's main pocket.

She paused and waited for a response before sighing and rolling her eyes.

"I said almost mum!" She called out again before her mother had even said anything, as she did she lowered her gaze back to what she was doing.

"Okaaay!" Her mum yelled back with a melodic tone to her voice.

Green smirked and chuckled hearing that as she placed the last of her things into the bag. She looked up at her bed, at the vibrator still humming away on the bed. She laughed to herself and hurried over to turn it off. As she held it in her hand and flicked the dial back down to zero she stopped to consider packing it. She looked back at the bag and pursed her lips, thinking. She shook her head and smiled.

"Nah, when am I going to have time for stuff like this on my journey." She said with a giggle as she tucked it into a draw on the side of her bed frame.

Green went back to her desk and picked up the pokéball belt. The strap was black with white stitching and made from a hardy leather. Each pokéball canister, which were open half spheres with a strong magnet in the back, was also black with the rims being lined with chromed steel. Stitched onto the back of the belt in the same white stitching was a simple message.

Have Fun and Prosper

- Your Big Brother

Green's smile dropped as she saw this and she quickly fastened the belt around her waist, the silver pokéball themed buckle clicking as she did so. She slung her bag over her shoulder, the weight shaking her whole body. She took a deep breath, looked around her room one last time before heading over to the stairs and making her way down.

As she walked down the stairs, even while constrained in their wrapping her large breasts heaved with each step, making the knot in her shirt flop up and down. Waiting eagerly, with a proud smile and a bag clutched in her hands was her mother.

"I can't believe you're 18 already sweetheart." She said proudly as she walked up to Green to meet her at the bottom of the stairs.

She gently pushed the bag she was holding into Green's and patted her hand gently. Green curiously looked down at it and raised it up in front of her face, admiring the cute Bulbasaur pattern on it.

"This is your..." she paused and bit her lip awkwardly, dodging Green's eye contact for a second.

Even more curious now Green pulled at the knot that held it shut to open it.

"Your broth- Red's pokédex. He, well, after he finished it he left it with me for your journey. The copy the Professor uses for his work is just a copy." Her mother spoke quietly as they both looked down into the bag together at the small red device.

Green sighed but made herself smile as she looked up at her mother.

"Hey, don't be like that of course I'll use it. He's still my brother after all." She said through gritted teeth and a clenched jaw.

Her mother smiled slightly and looked back at her before giving her a hug.

"Thank you dear." She whispered gently.

Suddenly the moment was interrupted by the front door sliding open.

"Oh I see we're not too late for goodbyes then!" A jolly, strained voice announced.

Standing in the door way Professor Oak stood, leaning on a wooden walking cane. His wrinkled and worn face still beaming brightly. His legs wobbled slightly as he stood there and a gentle voice followed his.

"Don't push yourself Grandpa, take a seat," said a tall young man with a bob of spiked orange hair.

He gave Oak a concerned look and bent down slightly to try and guide him to a seat. Oak huffed and turned away from him.

"I know my legs, I'll sit when I need to!" He exclaimed, turning his nose up.

The man smirked at him and shook his head.

"Alright Gramps, you sit down when you need to." He chuckled out before looking over at Green and her mum.

Green smiled widely and ran over to him excitedly, hugging him tightly.

"Blue! You came down?!" She asked with a shocked expression.

Blue laughed and ruffled Green's hair.

"Of course I did Green Bean, couldn't miss the start of your journey! Besides the old man wanted some help with field research and I don't think any of those terrified lab interns can handle Tentacrule hunting." He responded with a snarky tone while still keeping hisgentle smile on his face.

Green scowled at him and stepped back, placing her hands on her hips.

"Don't call me that, that's not my name." She grumbled as she folded her arms.

Blue looked at her with an over the top confused face.

"Huh well as far as I knew a brilliant trainer to be called Green Bean lived here." He said in a goofy tone.

Green couldn't help but let a little smile creep out as she sighed and shook her head. However, before she could respond they were interrupted by Professor Oak, who was now sitting down at the kitchen table behind them.

"Green! Come, I have something to give you." He blurted out as he reached down into a bag slung over his shoulder.

Out of it he pulled out a purple box with a pokéball symbol on the top of it. Tied around it was a yellow bow with a small note attached that read

For: Green

From: Professor Oak

Curiously, Green placed down her bag by the door and sat next to Oak at the table. She reached out for the box and carefully untied the bow. Once she pulled off the lid from the small box a wide grin spread across her face as she pulled out a pokéball. She held it in the palm of her hand, grinning wildly. She excitedly looked over at Oak and Blue who was now standing behind him with a smirk.

"Is this it? My first pokémon?" She asked, her voice trembling with excitement.

Blue chuckled and nodded, gesturing at the ball.

"Go on, open it. We picked him specially for you. The pokémon we think best fits you." He said with a hint of pride in his voice.

Green, giddy with excitement held out her arm and pressed the button on the front of the ball. With a flash of red light a red beam shot from the ball and materialised a Machop before her. It grinned up at her wildly and immediately jumped up onto her thighs, standing on them with a tall proud posture. Their eyes now level, Green could see the wild gaze in his eyes. She smirked happily and gave him her own wild and determined look.

"You pumped up Machop?" She asked, clenching her fists excitedly.

Machop cried out and started punching the air while throwing in the occasional kick. Green giggled excitedly and hugged him to her chest, pressing him up against her breasts. He look startled as he was enveloped by them but didn't fight back. She let go and he stepped back, still pumped up but looking a little dazed.

"He's still a young one so as you train you'll develop a strong relationship, especially once he evolves. Machoke are fiercely loyal and protective of those they consider family as well as those who they think are worthy of their respect." Professor Oak said with a smile, he couldn't help but notice the immediate bond the two shared.

He looked up at Blue and he nodded, sharing the same thought. Green attached the pokéball to her belt, the pokéball canister clamped securely around the ball, pressing it back against the magnet. She stood up and looked back at everyone, her eyes flaring with excitement.

"Okay! I think it's time!" She exclaimed and grabbed her bag from the floor, slinging over her shoulder before slipping her arm through the other strap.

She stood in the doorway with a wide smile and looked back at everyone gently.

"I'll miss you guys..." She said, a hint of sadness in her voice.

Her mother smirked and crossed her arms at her.

"Oh go on get out of here, go be the best trainer you can be honey!" She exclaimed with a vibrant vigour.

Green nodded seriously and turned, running out the door and onto the main dirt path of Pallet Town. In the distance she could see Professor Oak's lab along with the gap in the surrounding tree line that led to Route 1. With a gleeful squeal she started running towards it, Machop following close behind. Blue, Oak and Green's Mother watched from the doorway as she ran off, waving to her with huge smiles. Green turned back and waved one last time as she continued running, dirk kicking up behind her.

Green took her first step out of Pallet Town into Route 1, she stood at the beginning and looked out nervously at the patched long grass that led to Viridian City in the distance. Vaguely, she could make out the red roofs of the Pokémon Centre and Blue's Gym. She took a deep breath, looked down at Machop and started making her way down the route. The tall grass brushed her knees and thighs as she waded through it. She looked down and giggled as she saw it came up to Machop's neck, his head sticking up through the blades of grass. All around them she could hear the rustling of wild pokémon scurrying through the underbrush. She readied herself for one to jump out at them, keeping her eyes and ears trained for cry of a Rattata or Pidgey to erupt from the grass around her. However, to her surprise she and Machop made it through the first section of grass easily with no pokémon attacking them. They came out to a clearing of dirt and gravel, where the footsteps of other people could be seen heading on. Green shrugged and looked down at Machop inquisitively, trying to figure out what moves he has at his disposal.

Before she could finish her thought however she was interrupted by the rustling of grass before her. She tensed up as she watched this area of grass shake and wobble. Carefully, along with Machop they approached the grass and pulled the blades back. She stuck in her head to take a look. Instead of a Pidgey or a Rattata, she was met with startled screams of a Pokémart employee and one of the ace trainers who trained at Blue's gym. They were both fully naked, their clothes scattered. The Pokémart employee was balls deep inside the ace trainer with both hands on either tit. He scrambled and grabbed a case of potions, throwing them at Green.

"Here take these now get out of here!" He yelled in a panic, still thrusting as he did.

Green blushed hard and grabbed the case before running off away from them. As she ran she heard the grass go back to rustling and the faint laughter of the two that very quickly became moaning and grunting. Once she was far enough away she stopped and looked down at Machop. After a brief pause they both began laughing hysterically. Green heaved over and sat down, clutching her sides as she giggled happily. Machop glanced back and cried out happily.

"Ma-Machop!" He cried out, tears of laughter forming on his eyes.

As the two calmed down Green looked down happily at the healing potions and put them in her medicine pocket. They were small little purple spray bottles with a white cross on either side. However, as the two were getting up off the ground a cry erupted from the sky.

"Pidgey!" A wild Pidgey cried out as it swooped down from a tree at Machop.

Green froze for a moment, stunned by the sudden attack and before she could do anything the Pidgey slammed it's beak into Machop knocking him to the ground. Seeing that snapped Green back into action and she recalled all the studying of battle techniques she had been practising over the past 18 years. She watched the Pidgey as it circled in the air above them, preparing another swoop.

"Okay Machop get ready he's coming back, get ready to dodge it!" She called out to him.

Machop turned and nodded, hopping off his butt and onto his feet quickly. He stood a wide stance and watched as Pidgey tucked in it's wings and turned down towards them. As it dove down through the air it's beak began to glow white.

"Quick Machop dodge!" Green called out.

Machop rolled out of the way and narrowly dodged the attack. Pidgey swooped down past him and quickly opened it's wings, darting back up into the air with a powerful flap. Machop stood up expecting to counter attack but looked up frustrated at Pidgey as it readied yet another swoop. Green thought as fast as she could, she knew Machop was at a disadvantage here Pidgey was too fast and agile to use his close quarters combat on but he couldn't afford to take another big hit like that. The impact had already slowed down Machop, any more pain and he wouldn't be able to keep up at all. As Pidgey dived again she smirked and turned to Machop.

"Machop as it dives down dodge and grab it's foot as it sores past your head!" She cried out enthusiastically.

Machop glanced back and grinned, giving her a nod. As Pidgey swooped Machop, he rolled out of the way but quickly turned and grasped Pidgey's ankle before it could get back up in the air. Seeing the plan Green had laid out for him he followed through and slammed Pidgey down into the ground. The Pidgey cried out and bounced off the ground. It stumbled to it's feet and shook it's head before shooting up into the air and back into the tree it came from, screeching at them as it did. Green smiled happily and hugged Machop tightly.

"Great job buddy!" She said proudly, "that slam was amazing!"

Machop smirked and beamed proudly at her, flexing his arm while grinning. Green giggled and kissed his head before putting him back down. He blushed lightly and rubbed the back of his head. Green pulled out a potion from her bag and sprayed it on Machop's back where Pidgey had struck. A big bruise had formed there but as soon as the liquid touched it the bruise cleared up instantly. Machop happily stretched out his arms, making a happy sigh sound as it did.

Together the two of them made it out of the last of the tall grass and made their way towards the gates of Viridian City. As they exited the grass Machop, who was lagging behind slightly was staring wide eyed at Green's ass tightly fitted into her denim shorts that stopped right at the top of her thighs. He couldn't help but stare as it swayed in front of him, only stopping when Green looked back, quickly darting his eyes away and blushing slightly. Green just smirked thinking nothing of it. She took this time to properly analyse Machop's form. He was small, the top of his head only coming up to the top of her thigh. His grey skin was tightly wrapped around his lean, muscular body. Despite his small size he looked well equipped for fighting, each muscle of his body clearly defined even if there were still small. On top of his head 3 hardened plates of natural armour ran along his head, starting on the upper back of his head and finishing on the upper front between his large eyes. The plates ran paralleled to each other and seemed to be only a couple inches tall. They were green, a stark difference to the rest of his grey body. Green figured that while looking cute they were most likely useless in combat apart from providing his head a bit of protection against blunt attacks.

Green turned back to look forward, opening out her arms and basking in the midday sun as it beamed down on her. She felt it's warmth on her skin and let out a happy sigh. Finally, she was out on her own, away from Pallet Town. While she loved her family and the other couple residents of Pallet, it was very boring most of the time. No one her age, apart from Blue lived in Pallet. Even Blue wasn't around most of the time after his journey, spending most of his time now in Viridian as the responsibilities that came with being a Gym Leader kept him busy most of the time. Even to take a break to visit her today meant he must have had to inconvenience someone back at Viridian. The only time anyone remotely her age would pass through was if someone from Cinnabar Island was passing through to make their way to the mainland. Even then, they rarely wanted to stop and chat. Green was craving any kind of relationship with someone her own age, a friend, a partner, even just a small bit of chit chat with a stranger. She couldn't wait to get out into Kanto and finally live a life of her own. One thing had been gnawing at her for the past few years, she was still a virgin, not only that but she hadn't as so much kissed a boy or a girl for that matter. As she walked she couldn't help but think back to the couple she had interrupted fucking in the grass and how much she wanted that, to trust someone that deeply that you'd risk a bit of humiliation to make them happy. She sighed and looked back at Machop with a warm smile.

"We're friends right buddy?" She asked timidly.

Machop beamed and nodded, jumping up into the air and pumping his fist.

"Machop!" He cried out before giving her a reassuring grin.

Green giggled and felt a warm pulse in her chest as he did. She picked him up and placed him on her shoulder.

"Great! We're gonna conqueror this region together then, there isn't a trainer out there that stands a chance against us!" She exclaimed, giving Machop a determined look.

Machop nodded, his brow furrowing as he responded with his own determined look. He grasped Green's hand and raised it up to their eye level, squeezing it as he did. Green giggled again as he did and squeezed his hand back.

"Glad we're on the same page." She said sweetly and planted another kiss on his forehead, again making Machop blush and shyly rub the back of his head.

He hopped down from her shoulder and together they ran towards Viridian City, passing underneath a big overhead arch that read.

Welcome to Viridian City the Home of Gym Leader: Blue!

Where Blue's name was faint letters could be seen underneath, none intact enough to make out except for a capital G underneath the B in Blue. Back in Route 1 as Green and Machop disappeared out of sight into Viridian two heads stuck up out of the tall grass. The Pokémart employee and the ace trainer. They looked around nervously before breathing a sigh of relief. The ace trainer stood up, her clothes haphazardly thrown back on, she hurriedly slung her jacket back on.

"Next time, let's just do it in the supply closet." She whispered, her tone sounding more like a hiss as her frustration seeped through.

The Pokémart employee stood up too as he fastened his belt. He smiled at her sheepishly and shrugged.

"Sorry, no one ever usually comes along here." He apologised, grasping her hand as he did.

She couldn't help but smirk and playfully punch his arm. She stepped out of the grass and made her way back to Viridian.

"We get caught doing that again because you can't go one work shift without pussy, you'll be the one on the bottom!" She called out, her smirk still plastered over her face.

The Pokémart employee laughed and ran after her.

"Yeah? I'd like to see you try!" He yelled back and the two laughed as they made their way back to town.

Green wandered into Viridian City with a tentative stride. Although she had visited many times before, it had always been with her mother or Professor Oak. Now that she was here on her own she wasn't exactly sure where to begin. She came to a stop on Viridian's main path, which unlike Pallet's dirt and gravel, was paved over with hard and sturdy asphalt. Down the rest of the path were a couple of branching paths with the closest one to her being the largest, this path turned off to the right onto a long street containing the Pokémon Centre,Pokémart and Blue's Gym. After a small moment of hesitation she took a breath and turned down the street. Viridian definitely felt different now that she was on her own, the crowds of people walking about made Green feel tight and claustrophobic. She was used to being able to stretch out her arms and walk at her own pace but in the city she had to walk to the pace of the crowd,if she slowed down or sped up she'd just end up walking into someone. Also she couldn't help but shake the feeling that the people she passed kept looking at her and to her surprise she didn't hate that feeling, the feeling of eyes lingering on her body. The feeling of heads turning back as they passed her sent tingles up her spine. After what felt like an eternity she eventually made her way to the Pokémon Centre and hurried inside.

The big, red tinted glass doors slid open as she approached and a blast of cool air hit her front. Machop hurried inside ahead of her, clearly not being a fan of the crowds either. As she approached the counter a familiar face turned to greet her. It was Joy, one of the many daughters of the medical family who ran this Pokémon Centre. Joy was around her age, one of the few people she knew who were although they didn't get to see each other often as Joy's nurse training kept her in Viridian. She was a couple years older than Green, the same age as Blue. She smiled as she saw Green and Machop approach the counter. Joy handed a collection of pokéballs to another ace trainer waiting by the counter. He quickly gathered them and returned them to his belt.

"You're pokémon are fully healed sir, stay safe out there!" She said sweetly in her usual upbeat tone and gave the man a big smile.

He simply nodded and grunted out something resembling a thank you before turning while fidgeting with his pokéball belt and making his way past Green. Again, she felt that feeling of his gaze lingering behind her as they crossed paths. She blushed slightly and softly bit the inside of her mouth. It was a refreshing feeling to not be looked at like a child anymore. Machop leapt up onto the counter and curiously looked at Joy, the bright pink of her hair and lipstick being a completely new colour to him. Joy giggled, the curls in her hair bouncing as she did.

"Green! I expected to see you today, Blue told me today is the start of your journey! How's it going so far?" She asked excitedly, the genuine care and curiosity bubbling from her as she spoke.

Green let herself relax now, Joy's voice calming her down. She leaned forward on the counter, her eyes dazzling with excitement.

"It's been great! I finally feel free, like there are no barriers holding me back anymore!" She exclaimed, rocking back and forth on balls of her feet.

Joy smiled and raised her hand to Machop's cheek, the soft white glove on her hand sliding smoothly over his skin. She critically looked over Machop's body as she did and couldn't help but smile.

"It seems Machop is enjoying it so far too, he's physically perfect for his weight class right now. He must have been a rigorous trainer when he was amongst his troop." She said clinically as she continued to inspect him.

Machop shrugged humbly, chuckling as her hands tickled him as they glided along his body.

"Oh yeah Machop is doing great, we just had our first battle. For such a little guy he is definitely much faster and stronger then I thought he would be." Green replied as she followed Joy's hands.

Joy smirked hearing that and looked back up at Green.

"The muscles of Machop's are much denser than human's, he may look small but he is definitely stronger than either of us." Joy said enthusiastically, she turned and reached for a shelf of small thin books by her desk.

"Here, this describes the basic fighting techniques as well as the general strength level of the Machop evolution line. You should probably get familiar with it if you're going to be a fighting type's trainer. Understanding how he fights will allow you to get the most out of him while keeping him safe." Joy instructed, giving Green a serious look now.

Green took the book and nodded, tucking it into the side pocket of her bag.

"Okay thanks Joy I'll make sure to have it memorised!" She said happily, leaning forward and giving Joy a hug.

Joy's eyes widened as she did but she laughed and hugged her back.

"Don't mention it, it's what I'm here for!" She brightly exclaimed.

They stepped back and Joy finished her inspection of Machop finding nothing wrong with him. She nodded approvingly and reached down below her desk, pulling out an orange wafer. Machop looked at it excitedly and as Joy was handing it to him he snatched it and began eating it happily. Green and Joy giggled as he did. Green then slyly looked back up at Joy and leaned back towards her, resting her head on her hands and letting her breasts heave onto the counter.

"So, how are you and Blue doing?" She asked, giving Joy a smirk.

Joy giggled and blushed a little, resting her head onto her hands as well.

"Well we're both so busy all the time but still when we do see each other it's amazing, he's just great he's sweet and kind and intelligent. I just feel like I can truly unwind with him you know?" She said dreamily as she seemed to look off past Green.

Green just laughed and smirked at Joy.

"He really has changed huh? He was the worst when we were kids, the complete opposite of that. He was rude, mean and stupid!" Green responded with a laugh.

They both giggled and Joy simply smiled back at Green.

"Yeah he told me, guess people just change as they get older huh?" Joy asked back.

Green paused and Joy's face dropped before she looked away awkwardly.

"Oh, yeah I guess they do..." Green responded quietly.

She bit her lip gently and clenched her fist underneath the counter.

"You know, that's part of the reason why I'm doing my journey. I need to prove that you can become strong without becoming like my brother. Hell, I'll get even stronger than Red and show him how stupid he really is for running away like he did!" She exclaimed and slammed her fist down on the counter.

Machop, who had been looking up at her shocked up until this point now grinned and stuffed the rest of the wafer into his mouth. He jumped up and gave Green the same wild grin he did when she released him back in Pallet. Joy smiled at the two of them and grabbed Green's hand gently.

"Okay, you show him but don't let what he did ruin your journey alright?" She said gently, her large pink eyes locking with Green's as she did.

Green nodded and calmed down a little.

"Okay I won't Joy, I'm gonna head off now but make sure you say hi to Blue for me when he gets back!" She assured Joy.

Machop leapt off the counter and after an exchange of waves between Green and Joy the two ran back out into the crowds of Viridian past a bewildered looking trainer coming into the Pokémon Centre. Machop and Green ran down Viridian's main road towards their next stop.

Thanks for reading! Feedback is appreciated <3

Next Chapter, Green and Machop have their first trainer battle in Viridian Forest