Unspoken Feelings
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"Xavier, what brings you here?" Paris inquired, approaching the couple with a hint of surprise in her voice. 


"We thought it was time we paid you guys a visit," Xavier replied, a casual smile playing on his lips.


"We?" Marvella echoed, her eyebrows raised in curiosity.


Just then, the Glamour Girls emerged from the car, their arrival eliciting a round of excited gasps. 


"Hey there, guys!" Mia greeted, her voice full of enthusiasm. 


"Glamour Girls!" Paris exclaimed, her face lighting up. She and Marvella wasted no time in hurrying over to greet their three friends with warm hugs. 


"Why choose now to visit, after all this time?" Pearl asked, her voice laced with a clear note of irritation. 


"We had wanted to come sooner," Lindsay explained, "but with Alexandra and Terrance already gone, we didn't want to raise any unnecessary suspicions. But, here we are now."


"Hey, Pearl! It's great to see you again," Xavier piped up, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "I believe I still owe you a rematch in beer pong!"


Pearl only shot him a glare in response, her expression unchanging. "Mhm."


Sensing the brewing tension, Darling quickly intervened. "Let's not linger here. We should find The Varients and Jinx." 


And so, they all set off together, eager to reunite with the rest of their friends.

Meanwhile, in the Vampire Kingdom, Queen Mabel was in a state of distress. The absence of Darling, who hadn't come home for the weekend, had left her devastated and filled with worry.


"Gary, I don't know what to do. I miss her. Why did Morrisa have to do this?" Mabel said, her voice choked with tears.


"Mabel, I know it's hard," Gary responded, his eyes filled with understanding. "I'm planning to visit the school this week to check on them. I still haven't found Morrisa. Maybe they've discovered something, and that's why Darling didn't come home."


"Okay," Mabel conceded, her voice barely a whisper.


Gary exited the room, only to bump into his mother. "Mother, I see you're still alive," he said, his tone icy.


"That's no way to speak to your mother," she reproached. "Is it wrong for a mother to want her children and grandchildren to be perfect and lead a good life?"


"Not when you're emotionally abusive. Mabel, Penelope, and I endured it, but I won't allow Darling, Terrance, and Sunshine to suffer the same fate," Gary fired back before leaving her standing alone.


"I need to go to the school," Gary murmured to himself. With that, he transformed into a bat and flew off into the night, leaving the Vampire Kingdom behind.


At the School of Savings, the old friends reunited, sharing the latest happenings in their lives. 


"They've put up posters banning the Chaotic Girls!" Mia exclaimed, addressing Darling, Pearl, Paris, and Marvella.


"Wow, they really still think we did it," Pearl responded, a touch of bitterness in her voice.


"I mean, Paris's Verdant Staff magic was found on the victim," Xavier pointed out.


"Morrisa absorbed my magic to frame me and my team. I would never kill Queen Mary. I've looked up to her my whole life!" Paris defended, a hint of desperation in her voice.


"We know you didn't do it, Paris," Bia comforted her, her voice soft.


Meanwhile, Xavier and Darling were being affectionate, much to Pearl's annoyance. "I need some air," Pearl muttered, standing abruptly.


"What's her problem?" Xavier asked, watching her leave.


"I'm not sure, but she's acting very childish," Darling responded, hiding her understanding of Pearl's frustration.


"I'll talk to her," Alexandra offered, going after her best friend. 


"Hey, are you okay?" Alexandra asked, finding Pearl outside. 


"No. Do you have any weed on you? I need it!" Pearl blurted out.


"Of course. I had to hide it well for this school," Alexandra replied. They went up to Alexandra and Nora's room, where Alexandra retrieved the hidden weed. 


"So, what's your problem, blondie? Other than the obvious," Alexandra teased as she began rolling a joint. 


"It's Darling and Xavier," Pearl confessed. 


"I thought there was something else. I knew about that," Alexandra said, handing the joint to Pearl. "You've got a lighter, right?"


"Of course I do. Me and Nora do this every night," Alexandra replied. 


Pearl lit the joint and took a deep inhale. "I guess I really like her. I know she has a boyfriend and that's my fault for getting in too quickly."


"Yeah, that sucks. Maybe you should move on. She has a boyfriend, and when Darling becomes queen, Xavier will most likely be her king. Plus, the vampire kingdom isn't exactly welcoming towards gay people," Alexandra advised.


"You're right. I need to move on. Maybe get back to my carefree days," Pearl conceded.


"Exactly! You've got it, bestie," Alexandra agreed. "Do you know what you want to do after school?" Pearl change the subject.


"Believe it or not, I want to open a place for kids who don't have a home. I can travel, save kids, and have a place to take them. What about you?" Alexandra shared.


"I've always wanted to travel. I've never been the settling down type. I want to be like Gary, traveling the world and saving people. Paris is more of the settle down type," Pearl said.


"That sounds perfect! We can travel together, save people while smoking weed!" Alexandra exclaimed.


"You know it!" Pearl agreed. The two best friends shared a hug and continued talking, their bond stronger than ever.


Marvella and Mia found themselves in a quiet corner of their shared hideout. Marvella was nervous, her fingers fidgeting with the hem of her shirt. Mia was her closest confidant, but this was a conversation she had been dreading.


"Mia," Marvella began, her voice wavering slightly. "Paris and I... we almost kissed."


Mia's eyes widened, "Really? And how did that make you feel?"


Marvella looked thoughtful for a moment. "I don't know... I mean, I care about Paris, she's my friend. But that's all I see her as, a friend. If that kiss had happened, it would've been... a friendly kiss, nothing more."


Unbeknownst to them, Paris had been passing by just as Marvella was saying those words. She felt her heart drop. Quietly, she retreated, her feet leading her to the bathroom where she allowed herself to cry.


As her sobs echoed in the empty bathroom, the door creaked open and Nadine walked in. She was surprised to see Paris there, her eyes red and puffy from crying.


"Paris?" Nadine asked, concern lacing her voice. "What's wrong?"


Paris explained everything, from the almost-kiss to overhearing Marvella's conversation with Mia. Nadine listened, her heart aching for her friend.


"I understand how you feel," Nadine said softly, reaching out to squeeze Paris' hand. "But remember, Marvella's feelings don't define your worth. You're an amazing person, Paris. And who knows, maybe there's someone else out there who appreciates you for who you are."


Paris looked up at Nadine, her eyes meeting the other girl's. For a moment, they just stared at each other, a silent understanding passing between them. Then, they both blushed, pulling away and laughing awkwardly.


In the midst of her heartache, Paris found comfort and understanding in Nadine. It was a small moment, but it was enough to help her start picking up the pieces of her heart.


After their deeply personal conversation and shared smoke session, Alexandra and Pearl decided to leave the room. As they walked down the hallway, their laughter echoed, a testament to their deep bond. Pearl felt lighter, her earlier frustration with Darling and Xavier temporarily forgotten.


As they turned a corner, they came face-to-face with Darling. She looked surprised, her eyes darting between Pearl and Alexandra. "Pearl, can we talk?" Darling asked, her voice filled with concern.


But Pearl cut her off. "Darling, I understand. You're in a relationship with Xavier, and I respect that."


With that, she turned to a girl waiting down the hallway. The girl was a fellow student, her eyes lighting up as Pearl approached. Without another word to Darling, Pearl walked away with the girl, disappearing into a room and leaving Darling standing in the hallway.


Darling watched them go, a pang of jealousy hitting her unexpectedly. She reminded herself that Pearl was her friend, and if she was happy, then Darling should be happy for her. But still, she couldn't shake off the feeling of unease as she turned away and walked back to her friends.


Gary arrived at the School of Savings and began wandering around, seeking his niece and nephew. "Excuse me, you can't just barge in here!" a lady protested, but Gary paid her no mind, continuing his search.


His pursuit ended when he spotted Darling and Terrance with their friends. "Uncle Gary!" both Darling and Terrance exclaimed, rushing over to greet him. "Hey, you two!" he responded warmly, wrapping them in a comforting hug.


Just then, Robin arrived with security in tow. "Sir, you can't just walk in here without us verifying your information. We don't know if you're a threat or—" Robin stopped mid-sentence when Gary turned around. "Gary?!" Robin exclaimed in disbelief.


"Robin?" Gary echoed, just as surprised.


"Oh, my goodness, it really is you!" Robin exclaimed, clearly shocked. They shared a warm hug. 


"Wait, you two know each other?" Darling asked, her curiosity piqued.


"Yeah, we go way back. I was visiting this town for one of my first missions, and Robin was here. I knew you said you'd taken a job at a school, but I didn't know it was this one," Gary explained.


"Yep, I've been here for years. We should catch up!" Robin suggested.


"Now is a good time for me," Gary said.


"Let me inform Dean that I'm stepping out," Robin said.


"Wait, you're just going to leave us? You just arrived!" Terrance protested.


"I just came to check on you two and to see if you've found anything on Morrisa," Gary explained.


"We do have some information," Paris interjected.


"Good, we can discuss it tomorrow. I have a friend to catch up with now," Gary said, turning to leave.


"Wow, he just left us like that," Alexandra said, watching him depart.


As dusk settled and the clock struck 8:30, the students retired to their individual dorms for the night. An unusual quietness hung over the girls' dorm. Ever since Paris had overheard Marvella's conversation, she had descended into silence, not initiating any conversation. Paris knew she couldn't force Marvella to reciprocate her feelings, yet the situation was undeniably saddening.


Meanwhile, even though Pearl had acknowledged and respected Darling's relationship, Darling couldn't help but harbour some feelings for Pearl. She tried to convince herself it was a passing phase and that she and Xavier were destined to be together, but the feelings wouldn't fade.


Their quiet contemplation was interrupted by a knock on the door. Paris rose to answer it, finding Gary on the other side.


"Gary, what brings you here?" Paris asked, her eyebrows furrowing in curiosity.


"I've come to share some information," Gary began. "Robin told me the villains are planning to hold a gala party tomorrow."


Gary's words hung heavy in the air, the girls' banter dying down as they stared at him. The news of a gala hosted by the villains, was unexpected and alarming. Paris, Darling, Marvella, and Pearl exchanged glances, their minds spinning with questions and concerns.


"A gala?" Darling finally broke the silence. "Why would they host a gala?"


Gary shrugged, "I don't know their exact motivations. But, it does present us an opportunity."


"An opportunity for what?" Marvella asked, her brows furrowed.


"To get closer to Felix and Morrisa," Gary said, his voice steady. "We can infiltrate the gala, blend in, and gather as much information as we can."


The girls fell silent, contemplating Gary's plan. It was risky, fraught with danger, but it was also their best shot at getting actionable intel on their enemies.


"What do you think?" Gary asked, looking at each of them. "Are you in?"


Pearl was the first to respond, "I'm in. We need to know what they're up to."


"I agree," said Marvella, her face set in determination. "We can't let them catch us off guard."


"I'm in too," Darling added. She glanced at Paris, who had been quiet. "Paris?"


Paris looked at her friends, then at Gary. She swallowed hard, her mind flashing to the conversation she'd overheard earlier. But this was bigger than her feelings. This was about their survival, their fight.


"I'm in," she said finally, her voice barely more than a whisper. Gary nodded, a hint of relief in his eyes.


"Good," he said. "We'll need to prepare quickly. I'll get more details from Robin. In the meantime, get some rest. Tomorrow is going to be a long day."


With that, he left the room, leaving the girls in silence. The weight of their task hung heavy in the air, but they were determined. They would infiltrate the gala, they would get closer to their enemies, and they would fight back.