Moment of Rebirth (or Character Creation chapter)
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Being dead is a cool experience. Scary but cool. I had a vague sense of self, but what Yui actually was kinda of dissolved into that inky puddle. My body was left behind, family, friends, dreams and struggles, loves. Everything was now for another Yui to pursue, a new me, that with luck will survive that dreadful day. The 'me' now one, a canvas readied to be painted.

Then it came, the light, like a million swirling stars, an anticipation that soon a journey awaited me.

A voice, female voice, pretty similar to my own spoke:

< Activating Rebirth System...loading...loading...loading...>

<ISEKAING_YUI-CHAN.exe activated>

Oh...God uses Windows. Maybe Linux? Nah...they would need to type too much, and he looks like an old fatso. Wait...was he the bookstore attendant? Fuck, should've asked more about how things work there...well...

Too late now.

< Choose a Rebirth Model >


< Or >


Oh, choices, cool.

Okay, huhm...those aaare...both good. Getting reincarnated is a good staple, and although it does gives that preparation phase, it'll suck having such a downtime from getting tensei'd, to finally going into action. It says that vessels are chosen taking in account a good chance to survive, and supposing it's a medieval fantasy world, as it tends to be of course, infancy can be pretty rough...

Transmigration's looking cooler, then. But hey, what exactly is this soul-colleague thing?

< Your soul-colleague is the person that inhabited your new vessel before you. It is agreed with the Reaper that both will share the same abode. Your mind and memories will fuse with theirs. A certain extent of individuality remains from each side. >

Eh, you speak. That's cool, buuuut...yeah! A hard pass! I've escaped siblings my entire life, not going to start now. Reincarnation please~

< Reincarnation Model selected >

< Commencing Pre-Distribution of Statistics >

[You acquired 20 stat points, distribute accordingly]

OOOH! OH! This is a jam!

Okay, nice...20 points, for these 4 stats...tough thing. Min-maxing could be interesting, but it's a risk to take, and I don't plan on throwing my second chance away that easy. Magic seems to be a thing, happily, but a whole stat for it...Wizards are cool, but if that's the case, then I might as well just go with [Mind].

It says that [Body] may affect my growth, but oh well...I was already small previously, and if I'm read this right, even if I'm smol when puberty hits, I'll gain some slight strenght boosts if I assign it as a 5.

Then I'll go with...

4 points in [Body], 4 points in [Soul], and 6 points in [Agility] and [Mind] respectively! I'll compensate all this with training, baby, haha!

< Attributes assigned: Body [4], Agility [6], Mind [6], Soul [4]. Are these values acceptable? >


< Continue customization? >

There's more? Hehe, knock me out then.

[You acquired 10 extra points]


Oh, free stuff!

Hey...isn't [Latent Magic] and [Magical Race] just the same if you go by 4 points?

< Not all Magical Races have inherent magical abilities. And in many cases, although they do, it won't manfest as such untapped potential.>

I see...Soulfire, is like mana, right? Good name. So if this world has something likes this Soulfire, then

< Soulfire is an umbrella terminology used by all our systems throughout more than one world. It simply should be understood as the exertion of one's spiritual force to affect matter or energy. >

Oookay. MP explained like a sci-fi. Well, it seems I can get it later. Keeping myself alive, learning and growing, will be more useful than have MP without magic in case I don't find a tutor or something.

I'll go with...[Latent Magic], [Supernatural Potential] and 2 extra points please, for travel.

[You acquired 2 stat points, distribute wisely.]

+1 Mind, and +1 Body. Deal.

< All Extra Points spent. Following to the next phase. >

Oh, oh, *whistle whistle*, I saw dragon, I saw it! Buuut...m'kaaay...the other ones are also pretty cool. This Asshai'i thing seems dangerous as fuck, but also not quite pleasant [Waste in Veins]? Be damned. This Lannister...interesting, +1 Mind could be useful, or Agility for that matter. Stonehart is stacked, though, and I guess there's a catch...

Huuhmm...I'll just close my eyes, spin four times, aaaand...






Targaryen lineage chosen. Maintain decision? >


Ghmh! Guhm-guhmom. Yes.

...hehe dragon blood.

< Calibrating System...loading...loading... >


< As your last defiance of fate, would you like to assign a particular name or codename to your Profile?>


Watanabe Yui. I won't forget...I'll proudly carry my last life with me. I have no regrets, and Yui, will always be Yui.

< Profile Name assigned: Watanabe Yui >

< Gods bless your new journey, Yui. >

Foo...and here we go...




< Targaryen bloodline assessment... >

"Everytime a Targaryen is born the gods toss a coin, a side greatness, other madness, and then the world holds its breath to see how it will land..." Aegor Velaryon.




< You acquired a [Root Aspect] >

[Crown of Madness]1Slightly increases mind resistances, and during times of crisis activate effect [Freedom of Thought], that boosts significantly success rate on any chosen path of action.
Demerit: while under effect of [Freedom of Thought], you're prone to mental corruption.


And with this, Yui's non-isekai story is closed. This chapter was supposed to come out alongside the first 2, but yeeeeah...I had a lot of trouble with the tables, as they were bugged for me. I ended up doing them in word, and the results were nice.

This is my first time actually writing a LitRPG story, so it's everything quite fun, and interesting. The crafting is very, very engaging.

Also, english is not my first language, although I'm polishing it, and from 2022 to 2023 I can see a massive progression. Feel free to correct any mispelling or grammar errors (the ones I'm most prone to commit). Also², I do love comments, so warm up, take a sit, and comment whenever you feel like it.

'till pretty soon~!