Bloodied Steps.
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"There's nothing to be afraid of, it'll be done by the time you know it."

"Please keep them away from me!" 

"Think about how beautiful your child will be, think about the end game here. We need you Rui."

"Get the Fuck away from me!" 


Panicked breaths accompanied by frantic hands brushed over a sweat-soaked body searching for something, like something had been taken from him. Quickly he fumbled inside his jean pockets pulling out a bottle of antipsychotics before swilling it down with a stale can of beer. He winced at the bitter taste of the pill stuck in his gullet and he patted his chest harshly trying to shift it. Light began to settle against the dusty sofa where he lay, highlighting the particles in his path. He blew them up high and watched them disappear, wishing he was one of them. As he stood up a lean muscular satin torso bathed in the sun, he was practically hairless and his body looked too thin to be so fit. As the warmth travelled up his body finally his face peaked behind thin bangs of lilly white hair paired with a single streak of dark brown. A pair of red-stained aquamarine eyes peered down on the busy city below and scanned for his first task of the day. Bingo! Ken's duck pancake van sat neatly on the side of the street, the smoke from the grill puffing into the air. Pulling up his baggy black jeans and throwing on a red culture hoodie he slipped on his sandals and began the neverending trek down his apartment stairs. Foggy from waking he could barely feel the steps against his cold feet, as long as he got there quickly they'd be piping hot.

"You look like a thug in that hoodie." His footsteps stopped three floors down as he came face to face with his landlord. A greasy ball of disappointment waved his cigarette harshly in the boy's face, he didn't know what stank more his cigarette or his fingers. A black toupe too small for his fat head stuck across his chubby face, this was why it was considered neverending.

"I am a thug." Hoping to keep it short and sweet the boy agreed with him and tried to continue his path to a delicious breakfast. However, this man had other ideas. A huge fist wrapped tightly around the boy's jacket pulling him back to the same spot. Already he could feel his stomach swell with rage.

"I'm not finished with you, where's my rent you little piss ant?" A small chuckle responded, making the man grimace in confusion. Suddenly the little kid from upstairs looked ten feet fall pinning his arm against the doorframe above. The landlord locked eyes with the boy, the distinct eyes of a foreigner, that part didn't bother him. 

"Listen you pig you don't know who your fucking with, so I suggest you put your greedy cheesy sausages back in your pockets before I beat your brains out." Stunned the man trembled a predatory flat stare looking back, his cigarette fell to the floor and suddenly a door replaced him. Rui pulled up his hood and began walking towards the street his goal gloating with its scent. Instantly forgetting the previous encounter he eagerly began queuing in line when a solid tap on the shoulder made him flinch.

Already knowing who it would be he smiled to himself, something he rarely did. Behind him stood a well-put-together man, his well-trimmed brown hair and western-style suit brought eyes to him immediately. Green emeralds peeked behind his Armani sunglasses and looked Rui up and down before pulling him to the side. Usually, an act like this could lose someone an eye but this man had a special place to stand in Rui's life. 

"You are as menacing as ever, You'd be a lot cuter if you smiled ya know?" Just as Rui clenched his fist a stack of fresh duck pancakes wafted in front of his conflicted angelic face. Like a peace offering, he snatched them and sat down on the sidewalk oblivious to anything else around him. 

"What's wrong now Kazumi? You only see me face to face when shit's hit the fan?" He gobbled and asked away in monotone leaving Kazumi chuckling quietly to himself. This kid never missed a beat despite being one of the most antisocial he'd ever met. As he squatted down and lit up a cigarette Rui finished his breakfast and sighed in relief, When was the last time he'd eaten, It was delicious better than buttered gold but his stomach churned as too much food hit it too fast. 

"We've known each other a lot of years Rui and the last thing I'd ever risked is your life. Until today...this job needs to be done whether it fucking kills you, you hear me? Or we're all on the highway to hell with no way out but to slice our stomachs in shame." Rui didn't mutter a single word, he simply pulled a cigarette out of Kazumi's breast pocket and lit it up watching the busy street go by.

"Who is it? What kind of highway are we talking because I ain't riding with fucking idiots that get themselves caught." Kazumi felt a slither of fear run through his body as Rui fixed his lifeless gaze upon him, the kind you only get to see once. It was true somebody in the crew had spilt secrets to the wrong person. Okinawa Yakuza Organisation (OKO) was run by the very man who sat beside him. A long-running underground smuggling ring whether it be for drugs, weapons, debt collecting, or every dark deed you could think of this man was responsible for. Kazumi Okinawa had been in charge for ten years now and he'd been the best so far at running things. They'd started small and kept it loyal until recent years when he hired the wrong people and ever since culling the rat had been more useful than chasing tail. Rui was taken in by Kazumi when he was 12 years old making him 22 however he had a small disposition that made him feminine in stature. A lot of people still said he looked like a child, with his baby face and pink lips, sharp cheekbones and jawline. Yet he was somewhat dazzling to look at.

Kazumi pulled out a picture from his stacked wallet, Rui snatched it and it took a mere second to recognize this man. Not only was he one of the biggest bachelors in Japan but a dominant Alpha. Kazumi could see Rui's body go tense like a mannequin and immediately recognised his line of thought. 

There were very few words that upset people in the modern-day age. Since evolutionary times there have been classifications between species, specifically, Apes considered to be our ancestors. However, there was also a sub-class between species titled. Alpha, Beta or Omega. Alpha's of course are at the top of the ecosystem, they get the first choice of territory and mate. By human standards, they are the elite of society. Very rapid learning instincts, highly advanced athleticism and of course their pheromones are immense. Beta's on the other hand are quite ordinary, they fulfil the main role of society, and roughly 85% of the population are Beta. They are free to breed with whomever and are exceptional at manual work. Beta's are able to detect pheromones but to no comparison of an Alpha. Finally, are the rarest of sub-breeds, Omega. Only 5% of people are born as Omega and in society, they are treated poorly. Omega was treated almost like the bunnies of the pack, extremely fertile, especially during 'Estrus' (Heat), quick, weak and small compared to the rest. They were genetically miraculous when it came to reproduction, male Omega was also discovered to be able to carry children.

Omega were considered... troublesome, especially during their estrus. Much like ovulation for a woman, Omega is fulfilled with a desire to be impregnated and will unwittingly emit pheromones to attract an Alpha. This was considered extremely dangerous especially if an Omega went into heat outdoors. Some were sexually assaulted until their bodies couldn't take anymore, and some were traumatised from being marked unconventionally. This brings us to Omega's biggest downfall. Genetically they are engineered to find a mate and when they do a ritual called marking takes place. This means the Alpha will bite the Omega while both are in heat forming a pheromonal bond between them. That Omega will now only accept that Alpha to calm their heats, however, that Alpha is free to make another bond if he pleases which means their previous Omega will be forever alone unable to Bond with anyone again. Therefore when they did not consent to the bond it was basically suicide to get bitten during their heat. Omega had it rough so were now very well managed and medicated as well as protected. It was now a federal offence to assault an Omega without consent even in heat.

"If you don't want the hit with him being a dominant alpha I understand but I've got nobody else that can get close to him, everyone else is on the radar. You are my ghost. This guy's organization is bigger than ours, in a gang war we wouldn't stand a chance. But you take out the Queen bee the rest just roll over and die right?" Kazumi sounded desperate for the first time in Rui's life, he usually asked him as a last resort because he was protective over him. And Rui was loyal to this man for evolving his trauma into vengeance. Snaking in sheep's clothing he smirked watching his little pawn crush the image in his palm before burning it to a crisp with his cigarette. 

"That was a joke, right? You know these guys are my favourite." In his cold monotone voice that had barely any dilation of emotion. Of course, he already knew that, he knew the minute 'dominant Alpha was mentioned this boy would be all in. Nothing tickled beneath Rui's skin harsher than an Alpha, so proud and strong, a genetic barrier protecting them from the law or any other form of karma. Kazumi outstretched his hand pulling up Rui, their calloused hands scraped against each other as they pulled to their feet. 

"That's my boy, I knew I could count on you, kiddo. I'll send over all of the details later, to your new place." Rui glared harshly, he'd only been living at this run-down complex for 3 months why would he need to move? Kazumi fanned him calmly with his hands.

"Relax, it's my treat. You should stop scaring your landlords really, I'm gonna run out of places that will take you." So the landlord had already contacted him, that was lame. Feeling a shiver of guilt he thumped his head against the old cobble wall behind him and looked to the sky. Kazumi usually kept things like this short and sweet however today he was feeling particularly fond of his pet. Rui felt his white hair ruffle gently, it was a calming touch one he begged for.

"Look I know your heat is due soon if you can get him before then even better. You are crazy during your heat sometimes and the cleanup is messy. I'll send a car for you in a couple of hours so go pack up." With that, Kazumi walked away and disappeared like a ghost. Rui yawned before standing up and trodding back to his apartment. As he walked past his landlord's home he decided to leave him a final gift, with his full strength he pulled his head back and pummelled it through the landlord's door. Shrieking in fear he watched wood fall from white strands and blood dribble from the splintered punctured porcelian skin. Eerily Rui tilted his head at his landlord and smiled, The sweaty pig trembled in the corner not daring to even look up however when he did there was no longer a head just a whistling hole in his door. Hearing his slow footsteps in the stairway above broke his last nerve and he ran out of there. Rui chuckled seeing the man scramble away and lose all respect for his temporary home. Enraged by his new job he began tearing the doors off the hinges. Violently shoving all of his stuff inside of a suitcase before sitting on the veranda outside. Smoking his last cigarette and adjusting the bandages on his knuckles he puffed and peered down at the street below. One thing he would miss for sure was the pancake van. 

Kazumi beyond better judgement gave Rui freedom to live outside of the main house once he turned eighteen, since then he'd relocate him every few months to different places. Saying he was too precious to lose, and if he was located by the Alpha of other gangs he'd be killed indefinitely. It was a pain but he owed Kazumi his life now and he was grateful. He'd probably be locked in a padded room far into the countryside by now. OKO wasn't his home or his gang, it was a place that picked him up from the gutter and gave him the fire back in his belly. Jobs were sparse but usually a pretty big deal if he was pulled in. You see Rui was a master in the trade, a pro manipulator, impersonator, and accomplice. Nicknamed rightly as the "ghost" because of his pale complexion and hair. People feared him based on just how unhinged he was and his lack of empathy for anything. A lack of love, trust and companionship had made a ripe beautiful peach rot sour.


A loud obnoxious car horn broke him from his cloudy daze, he looked down with visible disgust. Days when this guy showed up were the worst, he hated every bone in his body. Looking as dapper as ever was Kazumi's right-hand man. Hanezuka Shin sitting on the driver's side of a fresh black Bugatti waving his new mission tauntingly in his hands. Rui sighed throwing his cigarette to the side before giving his tiny little room a nod farewell. Purposely taking his time, he trotted slowly down the metal steps watching Shin tap his finger impatiently on the steering wheel. 

"Jesus Christ would you hurry the fuck up I'm in a rush!" Bellowed the flashy-looking gangster. Rui threw his bags in the boot and slid into the shotgun seat.

"Oi, brat you got a death wish, you know I don't like people in my bubble," Rui smirked, he knew that for a fact. Shin was an oddball, highly unpredictable, turns out Kazumi had a thing for the crazy ones. With short locks bleached blonder than the sun and beautiful orange hazel eyes, his unnaturally muscular frame broke through his cheap suit. Complete with a douche-bag pair of shades, he constantly looked down upon anyone he could simply due to the fact, who dared oppose a 6"4 monster? Well, only one dared and he was sitting right next to him. Speeding through traffic clumsily smoking his cigar, Shin handed Ren a brown case file. Amused he stopped wishing they'd crash and peeled open the envelope. As his feeble fingers finally revealed the name of the man he was ordered to kill for the first time in a long time a slither of anxiety wrapped around his stomach. 

Kagami Ren, chairman of the Japanese Investment and Loan Society, called Eerily the Spirit Of Vengeance. A secret multi-millionaire people had only laid eyes on outside of photos three times in his 20-year career. Kagami's father was a famous, controversial Psychologist and his mother a Yakuza daughter. Put them together and you have one fearful product. He was well known for modelling and inventing a pheromone cover for omega in order to try to cull the ones that used their heat as a weapon. With eyes so dark brown they appeared black in certain pictures and hair that resembled wet raven feathers that curled neatly at the end of each silken strand, his face was long yet his jaw was sharp and strong. In some of his modelling photos, he was completely nude, revealing his frighteningly strong physique. It was hard to tell in his tailored photos just how much he worked out, and it made Rui doubt his ability. In a competition of strength, it was a no-brainer.

Shin, "You might be in trouble with this one psycho boy." In a leering taunting voice that made Rui flush red with rage. With a swift elbow, the whole car was filled with glass from the passenger window. Shin swerved in shock before turning into rage and bewilderment.

Shin, "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!" As he drove he pinned Rui up against the seat with one hand panicky looking for a safe place to pull over so he could kill this kid. As he was holding Rui by his throat with all his might a searing pain shot through his body causing him to yell out. Somehow he'd managed to pull a piece of glass from the seat and was repeatedly stabbing Shin's hand, after a hard blow causing the glass to touch the bone he released. Rui gasped but didn't hesitate for a second, using his little body for benefit he squeezed through the Bugatti window and made a run for it dipping through traffic. A few cars beeped harshly on the motorway as he skimmed them within an inch of his life.

Truth was, he had no idea what he was doing anymore. Initially, all he wanted was to get to his new home and finish this job before people started turning heads in the organization. Rui was so loved by Kazumi he often forgot how the rest of the OKO felt about him. While the rest dodged bullets in the limelight he lived comfortably in the shadows with special treatment just for being who he was. Slowly his hurried steps began to stop in the middle of the intersection. Fumes of pollution and oil filled his nostrils, busy traffic barely avoiding him by an inch and yet it was...Peaceful. Knowing all of these sounds and sights would disappear soon gave him a feeling of empowerment. So, in his soaked-through hoodie, rain dripping from his curly white locks Rui sat down. People were quite deceptive when it came to the last moments of their lives, a lot say that a person seems at peace before they die but for a lot that isn't the case. For Rui, it's like he walked through hell with a VIP pass and the finale was due. Peripheral lights grew closer and his eyes squeezed shut, his entire body stiff awaiting the impact. Shin could be seen screaming on the phone on the other side of the busy carriageway, people would think he'd call for help. Instead, he was telling Kazumi just how feral his puppy really was and if he did survive he'd kill him with his own two hands.

However, I don't think anybody would have realized the sharp turn in the road ahead, not even Rui. After a while of ear-ringing silence, Rui looked to his left coming face to face with a pair of white headlights. It was strange, his body had felt like he'd been hit indefinitely but there wasn't a scratch on him. Alarmed he peered to see a pool of sweat and saliva running down his chest. Why was everything so heavy? Why couldn't he move a single muscle? Suddenly a pair of strong knees knelt down in front of him, he could no longer hear engines or rain... All of his other senses seemed to fail him apart from his smell. It was like cotton candy and sandalwood, like walking through a summer fair on a nostalgic day. It smelled like where he needed to be...

Rui shuddered before tilting his head up to see the person who decided not to take him out of this world and ask him why. Rui felt something drip onto his hand at first it was clear like raindrops but quickly turned a shade of red. Startled he looked up at the man and felt the whole world collapse beneath him. Two yellow-golden eyes peered back at his wild with desire, scanning him up and down like he was a piece of meat. The white headlights shadowed his strong face and raven-black hair. Out of all the people in the world, it had to be the man he was destined to kill. Rui realized this man was biting his own arm harshly visibly holding himself back from...him? couldn't be...

Rui let out a scream so heart wrenching it made the now worried onlookers clutch their chest. The man biting his hand watched floods of tears fall from the tiny boys face, tears as if the world had just ended, tears that made him well up in shock. Pain oozed from every orifice in his body, he clutched his chest in agony and silently screamed, feeling wronged for all of the things that had been done to him. Flashes of his happy childhood quickly got enveloped by blood and terror, and he watched the residual images of the once-happy child die. Reaching out desperately to try and comfort that sweet innocent face, not knowing exactly when he'd fallen down such a desolate hole. When did he give up his humanity? 

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