Chapter 6 – Home Away from Home
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As Ambra extended her hand, palm up, towards the forest hound, she couldn't help but admire how cute the little creature was. Its eyes held a mixture of curiosity and caution, and despite its apparent fear of her touch, its tail wagged like a metronome in overtime. The contrast of fear and enthusiasm melted Ambra's heart.

The hound took a hesitant step forward, its small frame betraying its wary nature. Ambra's fingers brushed against the soft, slightly battered fur of the pup as she attempted to pet it. The touch was delicate, a gesture of gentleness meant to convey her friendly intentions. She smiled down at the pup, her voice a gentle coo. "Hey there, little one. No need to be scared. I promise I won't bite."

The forest hound's tail wagged even faster, its initial apprehension slowly giving way to trust. Ambra's fingers worked their way through the fur, her touch light and soothing. The pup's fur was soft, a bit rough around the edges, like it had seen its share of adventures. But despite its worn appearance, there was an undeniable charm to the little dog.

"That's it, see? We can be friends," Ambra continued, her smile widening as the pup leaned into her touch.

After a few moments of gentle petting, Ambra pulled her hand back, her attention shifting from the adorable forest hound to the surroundings. The abandoned fortress had an almost homey aura about it – a place that had once seen energy and life. The idea of turning this place into a living space tugged at her thoughts.

Ambra's lips quirked into a thoughtful smile as she considered the possibilities. With a bit of cleaning up and some renovations, the fortress could become a cozy haven – a refuge from the outside world. It was near a human settlement while still sufficiently removed from civilization where no one was likely to find them. Furthermore, this fortress was abandoned, for what purpose would someone come into such a place? She imagined adding a touch of her own personality to the space, making her first mark in a new kingdom in a way.

As she pondered the idea and softly chuckled at her childish thoughts, then, a sudden nudge against her leg surprised her. Glancing down, she found the forest hound looking up at her with those big eyes, and with a small bump, it pushed against her leg. Ambra looked on softly, her heart swelling at the pup's playful behavior.

"Well, seems like you've made up your mind, huh?" she mused, her voice a mix of amusement and affection. The forest hound's antics were endearing, and the decision seemed to be made for her.

Not long after, Ambra set to work on transforming the abandoned fortress into a space she could call her own. She started by clearing away the accumulated dust and debris, her enhanced strength making the task surprisingly manageable. What might have been a grueling chore for others became a breeze for her.

As she lifted heavy pieces of furniture with ease and swept away cobwebs like they were nothing more than morning mist, the little forest hound darted around her feet, its tail wagging furiously. Every now and then, it attempted to mimic her cleaning efforts, pawing at the ground or trying to nose away imaginary dust particles. Ambra couldn't help but chuckle at the pup's attempts to be helpful.

"Easy there, little buddy," she said with an amused grin, giving the hound an affectionate pat on the head. "I appreciate the enthusiasm, but I think we'll leave the heavy lifting to me."

The hound responded with an eager bark as if agreeing to her assessment. It continued to follow her around as she continued her cleaning spree, occasionally darting off to chase a particularly enticing dust mote. Ambra couldn't remember the last time she had felt so lighthearted – it was as if the presence of the pup had infused the fortress with newfound energy.

Hours passed in a blur as Ambra scrubbed, swept, and rearranged, her efforts paying off as the fortress began to resemble a cozy living space. She set up a corner for the forest hound, complete with a makeshift bed and a bowl of water. The pup seemed to approve, wagging its tail contentedly as it settled down.

By the time the sun began to dip below the horizon, the fortress had undergone a remarkable transformation. The dust and grime of years had been replaced with a sense of warmth and comfort. Ambra surveyed her handiwork with a sense of satisfaction, wiping a smear of dirt from her cheek with the back of her hand.

"Alright, I'd say we've earned a break," Ambra declared, sinking onto a cleared spot on the floor. The forest hound wasted no time in joining her, curling up beside her with a contented sigh.

As she leaned against the wall, Ambra felt a sense of peace settle over her. The fortress, once a relic of battles long past, now held a new purpose – a sanctuary for her and her newfound companion. She glanced down at the forest hound, its eyes drooping as it drifted off to sleep."Looks like we're in this together, huh?" Ambra murmured, her voice soft. She reached down to give the hound's head a gentle stroke, her touch as tender as her smile.

"Hey there, little buddy," she began, her voice soft. "I think it's about time we figure out what to call you, huh? How about... Vivian?" she suggested, watching the pup's reaction closely.The forest hound's eyes opened with a curious tilt of its head, but there was no enthusiastic response. In fact, it was almost as if he was giving her a polite "no, thank you." Ambra laughed softly. "Alright, not Vivian, got it."

She tried again, this time with "Phoenix." The pup's ears perked up, but a single low growl suggested that this name wasn't quite right either. "Okay, Phoenix is a no-go."

Ambra was starting to enjoy this little game of naming with her furry friend. "How about... Rainey?" she proposed with a grin, awaiting the pup's feedback.

The forest hound responded with a series of angry barks as if the mere suggestion of that name was an offense. Ambra couldn't help but burst into laughter at the pup's dramatic reaction. "Okay, okay, no Rainey. Got it."

Her laughter eventually subsided, and she looked at the pup thoughtfully. "You know, I just realized... I don't even know if you're a boy or a girl." She scratched her head, a sheepish grin on her face. "Bit embarrassing on my part, huh?"

With a swift "Excuse me," Ambra gently lifted the pup's tail to check. After a moment, she nodded to herself. "Okay, you're a boy."

She cast her gaze back at the pup, her mind whirring with possibilities. "Hmm, how about... Ollie?" she suggested, her voice a bit hesitant as she looked for any reaction from the pup.

To her delight, the forest hound's tail gave an excited wag, and he let out a happy bark that seemed to confirm her choice. Ambra's face lit up with a wide grin. "Ollie, huh? I think you like that one, don't you?"

As if sealing the deal, the pup nuzzled against Ambra's side affectionately. She wrapped an arm around him, pulling him closer, and they settled into a comfortable cuddle once again.


Inside the Adventurers guild of the walled city of Leviel, the atmosphere was lively and spirited. The tavern-like space was adorned with wooden beams and rustic decorations, and the sound of clinking mugs and merry laughter filled the air. People from all walks of life were gathered, their armor and weapons exuding an aura of strength and confidence.

At a corner table, Laura, a young mage with a pristinely decorated wand, raised her mug triumphantly. Her face was flushed with excitement, and her eyes sparkled as she recounted the tale of how she had unleashed a barrage of powerful spells that had incinerated the vampires before they could even react.

Beside her, Grant, a hulking man with a thick beard and an even thicker shield, chuckled deeply. "Aye, and I was right there holdin' 'em back," he said with a hearty laugh. He flexed his massive arm, the veins on his bicep bulging, and his shield leaned against the table, looking nearly as large as him.

Emil, the leader of the party, sat back in his chair, his gaze fixed on the table as he swirled his drink absentmindedly. Despite the celebratory mood, a shadow seemed to linger in his eyes. Laura and Grant exchanged knowing glances, their camaraderie with Emil allowing them to sense when something was amiss.

"Hey, Emil," Laura began, her voice tinged with concern. "You seem a bit out of it. Everything alright?"

Emil sighed, running a hand through his golden hair, which seemed to shimmer under the warm tavern lights. "Yeah, I'm fine," he replied, though his tone lacked its usual vibrancy. "Just got a lot on my mind, I guess."

Grant leaned forward, his massive arms resting on the table. "Come on, Emil, spill it. You know we're here for you."

Emil glanced up, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Alright, alright. It's just... that magical shockwave we felt 2 days ago. It was powerful, far too powerful for my liking."

Laura frowned, her youthful face wrinkling in concern. "Yeah, it was pretty intense. And it came from the Vampire territory too. But hey, we took care of those vampires that were getting too close to Altura. That must've been that, right?"

Emil nodded, but his expression remained serious. "I know, I know. It's just... when we got back to Leviel earlier, I saw something strange."

Both Laura and Grant leaned in, their curiosity piqued. "What did you see?" Grant rumbled.

Emil hesitated for a moment, his gaze distant. "I saw a figure standing on a hill just outside the city. It had silver hair, and that's all I could really make out."

Laura's brow furrowed. "A vampire this close to the city? That's not good."Grant's hand instinctively gripped the edge of his shield. "Aye, that's trouble. People would panic if they knew."

Emil quickly shook his head, a wry smile appearing on his lips. "Relax, you two. It looked like walked back into the woods before I could even react. It's probably long gone by now."

Laura's expression relaxed, but she still looked uneasy. "I hope you're right."

Emil's smile widened. "I'm sure I am. Besides, there's one more thing."

Both Laura and Grant leaned in again, their curiosity renewed. "What is it now?" Laura asked.Emil's voice dropped to a near whisper, his eyes glinting with intrigue. "The strange thing is, that vampire exuded no bloodlust at all."

The table fell silent for a moment, Laura and Grant exchanging perplexed glances. Vampires were known for their predatory nature and their strong bloodlust given their diet. It was a core aspect of their existence. The idea of encountering a vampire without that characteristic was both unsettling and intriguing.

Laura finally broke the silence with a nervous laugh. "Come on, Emil. That's impossible. They consume humans, they literally live on through bloodsucking. You must've been imagining things after the stress of the mission."

Emil chuckled, his mood lightening slightly. "You're probably right. Let's not dwell on it too much."

With a collective nod, the three raised their mugs in a toast, their worries momentarily forgotten in the camaraderie of celebration. The name of their party, "The Aegis," echoed in the lively tavern, and for that moment, they were indeed a formidable force to be reckoned with in the bustling city of Leviel.


Hello. This might be the only chapter for today, quite tired.

Liked making this one, I'm beginning to wonder if the scene transitions marked with "------" might be too confusing... Really should've thought of that one before adding them to every chapter from Chapter 2 and basically for every single chapter after that. I just really like putting different POVs to the story, apologies if they're too offputting to read, do let me know if that's the case.

Also, Ollie, YES! I love that name, no suggestions came in, so I picked my own. Nobody will mind, right? It's cute!

Anyways, that's all, see you tomorrow? Maybe? Unless I can't sleep and end up writing another, in which case, see you in a few hours? Hope you enjoyed it.
