Chapter 8 – Limit Testing
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Sunlight streamed through the narrow windows of the abandoned fortress, casting warm golden hues on the stone floor. Ambra stirred on her makeshift bed, her eyelids fluttering open as she greeted the new day with a yawn and a stretch. As her senses fully awakened, she felt a familiar warmth curled up beside her—the unmistakable form of Ollie, her forest hound companion.

"Morning, Ollie," she greeted with a soft smile, reaching over to give him a gentle pat. Ollie responded with a tired huff and a wag of his tail, his forest hound ears twitching as he tried to snuggle further into his cozy spot.

Ambra chuckled and shook her head. "Come on, lazybones, time to wake up!" she encouraged, giving Ollie a playful nudge. He whined in protest, but eventually, his eyes blinked open, revealing sleepy forest hound eyes that were a little more droopy than usual.

With a grin, Ambra swung her legs over the side of her bed and stretched once more, her muscles awakening with each movement. She stood up, her silver hair a tousled mess, and went through her morning routine with an air of lively enthusiasm.

First on the agenda was a quick splash of water on her face from a nearby basin. The cool water was invigorating, washing away any remnants of sleep. She then donned her new attire—a combination of practical leather armor and a dark cloak that billowed dramatically as she moved. She had been very lucky to have found clothes her size in the fortress, she certainly couldn't keep wearing the ripped clothes she had used to fight with Lilith.

Ambra glanced at Ollie, who was now sitting up and blinking at her with drowsy eyes. "Come on, Ollie, you can't stay in bed all day," she chided, giving him a teasing smile. Ollie groaned softly, but with a sigh, he stretched and finally got to his paws.

Next, Ambra moved to a small chest in the corner of the room. She opened it to reveal an assortment of items, each carefully chosen for the day's activities. Her fingers danced over the objects—a water canteen and a few energy-rich snacks for Ollie.

"Today's a big day, Ollie," she said with a grin, her eyes alight with excitement. Ollie tilted his head in response, still looking slightly dazed from his interrupted slumber.

Ambra walked over to her weapon rack, her gaze falling on her chipped holy platinum sword. While its divine power had been extinguished, it was still a symbol of Nuberia and her past as a Hero. She fastened the sword to her belt, its weight familiar against her hip.

"We're heading to a clearing in the forest in the East, far away from the town, Ollie," she explained, her voice vibrant with anticipation. "I want to see just what these new vampiric abilities of mine can do."

Ollie's ears perked up at the mention of the clearing, his eyes brightening with renewed interest. Ambra knew that Ollie loved their outdoor adventures, and today would be no different.

With a final glance around the room to ensure she had everything she needed, Ambra moved to Ollie's side. She reached down to ruffle his fur, earning a soft whine of protest that quickly turned into a wagging tail.

"Ready to go, Ollie?" she asked, her voice a playful challenge. Ollie responded with an eager bark, his tail wagging like a propeller.

Ambra laughed and gave him an affectionate pat. "Alright then, let's get going."


Ambra stood in the midst of the forest clearing, her silver hair shimmering like a moonlit waterfall. The morning sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting dappled shadows on the ground. With a deep breath, she closed her eyes and focused on the latent power coursing through her veins. The transformation had brought her supernatural strength, agility, and senses, and now it was time to push her limits.

Her fingers flexed as she extended her arm, her pale alabaster skin catching the light. The holy platinum sword she held was a shadow of its former self—drained of its divine power and tarnished by the battle with the Vampire Queen. It had once been a symbol of her kingdom's strength and purity. Now, it was a mere weapon.

With a wry smile, Ambra's fingers danced along the sword's hilt as she hoped for her kingdom's wellbeing. "Sorry for ruining the sword, old m-my King. Please be well." She stammered. The holy weapon might be drained, but with the Vampire threat now gone, Nuberia should be fine. With a wistful smile, she readied herself for the next challenge.

Feeling the weight of the sword, Ambra lunged forward into a sequence of intricate moves. Each step and strike flowed seamlessly, her body moving with the grace of a seasoned warrior. She twirled, slashed, and spun, the sword an extension of her very being. Her movements spoke of years of training and countless battles.

Completing a series of strikes, Ambra paused to catch her breath. Her chest rose and fell with exertion, but her eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. She glanced at the sword, a hint of satisfaction in her expression. It might have lost its holy magic, but it was still a part of her. In fact, due to her heightened physical prowess, her slashes had become far more intricate than she could've ever achieved as a human.

"Not bad, huh, Ollie?" Ambra grinned, glancing at her forest hound companion who sat nearby, watching her with curious eyes. Ollie's tail wagged in response, his tongue lolling out in an almost comical fashion.

Bracing herself, Ambra called upon her holy magic, her intent clear. But as she reached for the familiar energy, an unexpected jolt of resistance surged through her. The magical backlash was so intense that Ambra staggered back, her eyes widening in surprise. She quickly caught her balance, her heart pounding from the unexpected shock.

Ollie, who had been lounging in the grass, bolted to his feet with a worried whine. He padded over to Ambra, concern etched across his furry face. Ambra couldn't help but chuckle as Ollie nosed at her, his tail wagging frantically.

"Thanks, Ollie," she chuckled, giving him a playful pat on the head. His presence was a reassuring comfort, and she appreciated his concern.

Gazing at her sword and then at her hands, Ambra took a deep breath, her focus unshaken. She might not be able to wield holy magic anymore, but she wasn't about to give up on magic altogether.

Holy magic might be beyond her grasp now, but there were other avenues to explore. Sure, she felt a bit of apprehension about using it, but she was a Vampire already, what's the harm? She remembered the magic she had fought against countless times. How it looked. How it sounded. How it felt. She innately felt a different kind of energy stirring within her. It was like an echo of the darkness that had taken root in her veins after her transformation. She extended her hand, palm up, and concentrated. Slowly, tendrils of dark energy began to swirl around her fingers, a tangible manifestation of the curse that had changed her.

She took a step forward, her hand guiding the dark energy in a controlled spiral. It danced and twirled at her command, responding to her will. Ambra's lips curled into a small smile, a mixture of excitement and caution. She could feel the potential within her, the power waiting to be harnessed.

With a flick of her wrist, Ambra directed the dark energy toward a nearby tree. The impact was immediate—a burst of shadowy magic collided with the trunk, causing it to shudder and emit an eerie groan. Dark tendrils slithered along the bark, leaving behind intricate patterns that glowed with a faint, malevolent light.

As she continued to experiment, Ambra felt a growing confidence. Cursed magic was different from what she had known before, but it was hers to wield. She could sense the connections between herself and the energy she manipulated. Ollie, ever the curious companion, bounced around the clearing, occasionally attempting to pounce on the swirling shadows. Ambra laughed as he playfully nipped at the dark tendrils, a grin tugging at her lips.

"Looks like you're enjoying the show, Ollie," Ambra teased, her voice laced with amusement. Ollie barked in response, his tail wagging as he continued his playful antics.

By the time the sun began its descent, the forest bore the marks of her experimentation. Trees bore faint traces of dark magic, and the air held a subtle undercurrent of power. Ambra stood at the center of it all, sweat glistening on her brow, and a triumphant smile gracing her lips.

"Who would've thought I'd be dabbling in the dark arts?" Ambra chuckled to herself, her excitement palpable. Ollie trotted over, his little mouth revealing an unmistakable goofy grin.

Ambra ruffled Ollie's fur affectionately. "Don't worry, Ollie. I promise I won't let the darkness consume me," she mockingly assured him. Yet, as she finished that sentence, much like a shooting star, an idea appeared in her mind. For a moment time seemed to stand still. What about Lilith's weapon?

She took a deep breath, her crimson eyes focused on the palm of her hand. It was a simple motion, she had witnessed Lilith produce it countless times, yet now, with the moment of truth upon her, doubt crept in like a shadow.

The cursed blood blade, a jewel-like weapon that held nigh unimaginable power. Its very aura radiated death and devastation, a reflection of the blood lust of the creature that had forged it. Ambra hesitated, her fingers curling slightly as she wondered if she was truly capable of summoning such a weapon.

She was just curious. She didn't know why she had even held the thought of summoning such a blade, but the curiosity was overbearing. Could she summon such a weapon? She was just a vampire after all, and no other creature aside from Lilith had ever wielded a cursed blood weapon from her experience, Vampire or otherwise.

With a determined exhale, Ambra focused her thoughts on the blade. She closed her eyes, reaching deep within herself to tap into the magic that flowed in her veins. She imagined the blade's gleaming form, the way it caught the light like a thousand crimson stars. She pictured its deadly edge, the weight of its power balanced against her fingertips.

Slowly, she extended her hand, palm up, as if beckoning the very essence of the blade to respond. A feeling like liquid fire trickled through her veins, her blood resonating with the magic that surged within her. For a fleeting moment, there was a mysterious crimson radiance on her hand, an ephemeral glimmer.

Ambra's heart quickened, anticipation mingling with trepidation. She felt the energy building, a crescendo of power that desired to be freed. She almost held her breath, her hand trembling slightly as she reached for the blade, fingers poised to grasp its ethereal form.But then, like a phantom slipping away into the night, the glow faded. The haze dissipated, leaving nothing but the empty expanse of her open palm. The cursed blood blade never appeared.

A mixture of relief washed over Ambra. She released the breath she didn't know she had been holding, her shoulders sagging slightly. Her hesitation had perhaps been her saving grace, a moment of clarity amid her unnatural curiosity.

Opening her eyes, Ambra glanced down at her hand. There was no sign of the hazy glow, only her pale alabaster skin. She let out a pensive sigh, a mixture of emotions swirling within her.Beside her, Ollie tilted his head inquisitively, his forest hound eyes filled with curiosity. He had been watching the entire process, his tail swaying back and forth as he tried to comprehend the strange magic at play.

Ambra knelt down and ruffled Ollie's fur, offering him a gentle smile. "It's alright, Ollie," she said softly, her voice carrying a mix of reassurance and resignation. "I guess some things are best left untouched."

With a final glance at the fading sunlight, Ambra turned to Ollie. "Ready to head back, Ollie? I think we've had enough magical mischief for one day."


Hellooo, hope you enjoyed~

This will be the only chapter for today, did a lot of housekeeping on the story. Went back and edited some stuff from previous chapters, did some heavy edits on the first chapter, and of course, the new cover and description.

I'm praying I did a good job on these changes. Nothing too outlandish, but hey, if things look good now, it'd be great to know.

Anyways, that's all for today. See you tomorrow.
