Chapter One | Mintkit
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Her first memory was the voices. 

It was dark. There was no light, no color. Only... sound, though she hadn't known the word for it then.

And she hadn't understood what the words meant.

"My kit," hissed a voice, "are you calling my kit a traitor?"

Another voice shoved itself into her conscious. A rough one. "I'm just following StarClan's advice, Piperpebble. It has to be disposed of."

"She!" Burst the first voice. "She is not a traitor. She will never be a traitor. Now get your Medicine Cat mumbo-jumbo out of my nest." She didn't understand the hostility in the first cat's voice. She felt something tighten around her, warm fur and flesh wrapping around her body.

"You haven't even named it— her. You must give the kit up now. Before you and your mate become... Too attached." Somehow she knew, in a space beyond knowing, that they were speaking of her. 

"I will name her when she has opened her eyes." The first cat took a deep breath, and when she spoke again, she sounded calmer. "What was your vision?"

There was a hiss. "I saw her. Sleeping, as she is now. And a voice— I swear it was Lakestar, I've heard him before. It said 'She will seem worthy. She will rise up. But the eyes shall instead behold a traitor beyond your wildest dreams.' And then she opened her eyes— her blood red eyes."

A purr erupted from the first cat. "So there you have it. We wait until she opens her eyes. If they're not red— which they won't be, have you ever seen a cat with red eyes, really, Bitehealer —then your 'vision' was wrong."

"And if they are?" The second cat's voice was low, threatening.

The purr stopped. There was a long pause. Then the first cat whispered, "You can do whatever you want with her."


Mintkit jolted awake. She stared around wildly for a moment, and once she had determined all the other cats in the den were asleep, she let out a sight of relief. Her mother, Piperpebble, shifted for a moment, then settled back down. 

Mintkit snuggled deeper into her mother's cream pelt. Her dream had been unnerving, all blackness, but the voices had been so vivid— and dare she say familiar, for she could have sworn one was Piperpebble —and it had seemed more like a memory than a dream. She couldn't quite remember what the voices had said. Something about a traitor, A vision. So had one of them been a Medicine Cat? Bitehealer? Who else could it have been? Of course, it could have been anyone, because it had only been a dream. Right?

She glanced over at Aquakit and Mosskit, curled up next to their mother. She could talk to one of them about it, but it was always awkward with Aquakit, because they both knew everyone expected them to be mates someday, and even though Mosskit was her best friend, at the end of the day she was a LakeClan warrior through and through. If Mintkit told her there might be a traitor in LakeClan, Mosskit would march her right to Swimstar. And if Mintkit tried to explain it was probably just a dream, her friend would still do it, saying there was always the chance it had been a vision. She spent way too much time with Bitehealer.

Her best chance was to go back to sleep and hope she'd have the same dream. She'd pay better attention this time.

I know I apologized in the description for my super short chapters, but now you know what I mean, so I'm apologizing AGAIN. Sorry that I'm too lazy to make this longer.