Chapter Eight [No]
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That's all that's going through my head.

No no no.

It's impossible.


"No," I finally gasp out. Staryl scowls beautifully. 

"Sorry to effect your delicate sensibilities, RainWing, but it's true. Don't tell me you never suspected." From a corner, she tugs over a pool of black fabric. When she holds it up, it's the same cloak my saviour wore. No no no no no.

This changes... Everything. My entire view of the world. My entire view of my life.

Wait. Did I say she scowled beautifully? Okay, something was really messed up here. My head was spinning. I sat down hard. I open my mouth, expecting to deny it again. But something else comes out, A question; "Why?"

Staryl looked confused. "Why?"

"Yes, why? Why did you save me?" 

Staryl rolls her eyes like it's obvious. "Because I love you." Then, being Staryl, she adds, "Duh."


When I open my eyes, Staryl is leaning over me. I want to jump up, but I also want to stay right here and stare into her pale blue eyes for eternity.

Ewwww. I jump up. "What happened?" I blurt as Staryl backs away. She smiles a bit.

"You passed out." She gingerly takes my talon, as if she can't help herself. Boy, do I know that feeling. All on its own (or that's what I tell myself) my talon tightens around hers. "I told you I loved you, and you passed out."

"You love me." I try out the words. They feel strange in my mouth. "But... Why?"

Staryl chuckles. "Back to square one, I see." She thinks for a moment. "I don't know," she says finally, "I just do." 

Slowly, cautiously, the way one stalks a jaguar, she explains her vision. "So," Staryl says simply, "I love you. Not because of the vision. The vision is because I love you. And because..." She trails off, and I admit something to myself.

"And because I love you."