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It's dark. It's always dark on this boiling-hot, smoke-filled island where no one can see the sky. The only light comes from the lava, but nobody gets too close to the lava.

Those who do didn't get funerals, because the queen (or Morrowseer, for no one knew exactly who the orders come from) says that burials are wastes of materials and mourning was a waste of dragons.

But there was no lava in these deep, dark caverns, the hallways unlit. It was night, or so she thinks— the guard at the entrance was asleep. Incompetent slaves. But tonight, she thanked Moonrise... This would have been much harder if she had to sneak back past a guard.

She counted as she slipped silently through the chasms, until she reached the ninth cave... No, prison. If she was really going to do this, really going to rebel, she had to stop wincing away from the proper terms. She leaped upward, spreading her wings and catching herself on the slight breeze. Her black cloak fluttered around her and she spotted the captive just as the RainWing heard the loud WHOOSH of her wings and turned, her green scales instantly turning bloodred. Her angry eyes fixated on the NightWing, who felt like a mind reader for a moment, almost being able to hear the exact insults she was using. The poor creature had been driven half mad with rage.

The NightWing swooped down on her, wishing there was a better way but not having been able to think of any. She clubbed the captive over the head, accidentally drawing bood, and the RainWing collapsed. The NightWing landed in time to catch her and lower her gently to the ground, quickly examining her head, which looked as if it might scar. "Sorry about that," she murmured, pulling out the concealed spear she had stolen from Moonrise. She didn't feel guilty about it- this prisoner was slated for execution. And she would return the spear.

Undoing the dragon's bonds, she scooped her up and carefully balanced her on her own back. Convinced the unconscious dragon was steady, she flew out of the prison and towards the tunnel... Hopefully towards Victory's safety.