Chapter 36: Cristoforo’s Jealousy
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In the opulent living room of the Canelles mansion, the noble representatives and their knights turned their attention to the unexpected female newcomers. Dressed in outfits more suited for outdoor adventures than the refined gatherings of nobility, the three young women stood out amidst the impeccably dressed aristocrats and their retinues. Their presence, while surprising, added a touch of allure to the formal atmosphere, drawing curious gazes from the assembled nobles.

While the younger men eyed them with a mixture of fascination and desire, three elder Barons observed the trio with a discerning gaze. One of the women, appearing in her late teens, exuded athleticism, her tunic and pants adorned with leather straps in a nod to fashion, complemented by practical leather greaves.

A short bow and arrows rested on her back, while a gladius sword and machete hung from her hips. Her untidy red hair, trimmed for mobility, framed sharp eyes and features untouched by makeup. Her wheat-colored skin bore the marks of sun exposure, and her muscular arms and calloused hands spoke of a life spent wielding weapons.

Being aware of their gaze, Baronet Pierro or his real identity, Hiro introduced the boyish beauty.

"Allow me to introduce my ranger, Mireille, to you esteemed gentlemen."

As Hiro introduced Mireille, the noble representatives exchanged intrigued glances, their curiosity piqued by the mention of a ranger in their midst. Alessio, the oldest in the hall, inquired further, his tone laced with interest, "And what of the remaining two companions, Piero? Are they also skilled in the ways of the wilderness?"

Piero answered, "These two were sorceresses."

Piero's response was met with stunned silence. The revelation that his companions were sorceresses sent ripples of disbelief through the noble assembly. In a world where magical talent was rare and often utilized on a freelance basis, the notion of a Baronet employing not one, but two sorceresses was unheard of. Viscounts typically shied away from hiring them due to the costly nature of their abilities. 

Unlike physical fighters who could sustain prolonged battles, sorcerers had limited magical reserves, making their permanent employment financially impractical. Yet here stood Piero, defying convention by employing two sorceresses under his banner, leaving the noble representatives to ponder the implications of his unorthodox choices.

"They are live-in sorceresses. Jane and Daciana," Piero clarified, further baffling the nobles. The notion of not only employing sorceresses but having them reside within the estate was unprecedented.

Jane and Daciana, the sorceresses in question, stood with an air of quiet confidence, their presence adding an enigmatic aura to the room. Clad in robes adorned with mystical symbols, they exuded an otherworldly elegance that contrasted sharply with the ruggedness of Mireille.

As the implications of Piero's revelation sank in, murmurs spread among the noble representatives, each whisper filled with intrigue and speculation. To have not one, but three extraordinary women in his employ marked Piero as a figure to be reckoned with, challenging the traditional power dynamics of the aristocracy.

Despite their astonishment, the nobles remained composed, their curiosity outweighing their disbelief. Alessio, ever the inquisitive elder, leaned forward, his gaze fixed on Piero. "And you haven't introduced each of the girls."

Upon being signaled by Piero, an equally young girl spoke nervously, "Em, my name is Daciana. I have been living with Lord Sraffa for over two months."

Daciana was the opposite of Mireille. She was slightly shorter with fair skin and common mocha coloured hair. She had green eyes, and ankle-length, auburn hair styled into a herringbone pattern at the back, a top-knot tied with a dark blue band, and with four bangs at the front. Two bangs were short, with one covering her right eye, and two are long, crossing each other on her bust, just below her chin.

She wore a long-sleeved, dark blue dress that fell just below the knees. It seemed to be closed at the front with a zipper, and was kept open on the front-right side from the waist down.

The dress covered up to the upper part of her arms and the underside of her breasts. Underneath, she wore a mesh armour that covered slightly more of her upper body than her dress. She also wore a skirt in the same colour as her dress and, underneath those, mesh leggings reaching down over her knees. Around her waist, she wore a belt with a pouch attached to the back on the left.

" name is Jane. I was a peasant in Lord Sraffa's territory. Um..My lord discovered my talent and then hired me." Jane carefully recited the words Piero taught her yesterday.

Jane, a slender woman with fair skin, boasted long, untamed bronze hair cascading down to her upper back. Despite her slender frame, she possessed the largest breasts among the trio, yet couldn't rival Daciana's hourglass figure. Her attire comprised a lavender uniform revealing her navel, complemented by short black shorts, long black thigh-high stockings, and matching sandals.

Mireille exuded a captivating blend of athletic prowess and masculine allure, while Daciana and Jane radiated a more traditional, feminine charm. Despite their distinct styles, the aristocrats and knights in the hall couldn't help but feel drawn to the seductive allure emanating from all three women.

As envy gnawed at him, Cristoforo, the young lord, found himself grappling with feelings of inadequacy in comparison to Piero Sraffa, a seemingly inconsequential aristocrat whose charm  seemed to effortlessly captivate those around him. Each interaction with Piero served as a painful reminder of Cristoforo's perceived shortcomings, fueling the flames of his jealousy until it consumed him entirely, casting a shadow over his once-confident demeanor.

Alessio Tacci, the oldest Baron, gestured gracefully towards the seating area, inviting Piero and his three partners to take their places as the esteemed host, Viscount Canelles, was expected to enter the hall imminently. With a regal nod, Piero guided Mireille, Daciana, and Jane to their seats.

As they settled into their chairs, the atmosphere in the opulent living room buzzed with anticipation. The noble representatives exchanged curious glances, their minds abuzz with questions about the unconventional trio seated before them. Whispers fluttered through the air like delicate feathers as they speculated about the nature of Piero's relationship with his companions.