Chapter 39: Future at Stake
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Viscount Canelles sat solemnly in his private meeting chamber, his hands clasped on the large desk before him. Hiro stood before him, tense and awaiting his judgment.

"The Count acknowledges your family's longstanding dedication to the kingdom. For half a century, your ancestors, including your grandfather and uncles, fought and died in our wars. The House of Sraffa, despite its sacrifices, finds itself in dire straits due to dwindling manpower and resources. Consequently, your land yields have suffered, and we've turned a blind eye to your tax obligations."

Hiro remained silent, prompting the Viscount to continue.

"Your family was entrusted with vast territories on the border to safeguard us from invasion, a duty you have historically fulfilled admirably. However, numerous complaints have arisen from other nobles, questioning your ability to manage your holdings. You're aware that in some cases, noble titles have been revoked, and lands redistributed to more capable hands."

Hiro's complexion paled at the implication.

"The King granted your family a reprieve from taxes and conscription for five years as a token of gratitude for your father's sacrifices. Yet, there are whispers of plots to undermine your family's standing. While the envy of Baron Cristoforo Mameli might be manageable, there are larger forces at play."

Hiro's mind raced as he listened to the Viscount's words. As someone originally from another world, he didn't care about the family's honor and legacy, but his life could be at stake. 

He couldn't help but feel worried for the state of their lands, knowing that despite their best efforts, they had struggled to maintain their once prosperous holdings. The sacrifices of generations past now seemed to hang over him like a heavy shroud, suffocating him with their expectations.

The mention of other nobles' complaints sent a chill down his spine. He only knew about Baron Cristoforo who hated him but there were other enemies? Had they truly fallen so far in the eyes of their peers? The thought of losing his land and power filled him with a sense of dread unlike anything he had ever known.

And then there were the whispers of plots against them. Who could be behind such machinations, and what did they stand to gain from his family's downfall? Piero couldn't shake the feeling of being trapped in a web of deceit and betrayal, with no clear way out.

As Hiro exited the Viscount's chamber, he found Daciana and Jane waiting for him in the hallway, their expressions a mix of concern and curiosity.

Daciana's emerald eyes, framed by her ankle-length, auburn hair styled into a herringbone pattern at the back, searched his face, her usually confident demeanor softened by worry,

. "My lord, what did the Viscount say? Are we in trouble?"

Piero ran a hand through his hair, trying to compose himself before answering. "It's... complicated. The Viscount acknowledged our family's history of service but hinted at trouble brewing. Complaints from other nobles, whispers of plots against us... It's not looking good."

Jane's untamed bronze hair cascaded down to her upper back, her bigger chest but thin figure leaning in as she exchanged a concerned glance with Daciana.

Hiro nodded, his mind racing with possibilities. "We need to strengthen our position, prove to the Viscount and our peers that we're still capable of managing our lands."

Daciana crossed her arms, determination flashing in her eyes. "Agreed. We'll need to be strategic about this."

Hiro felt a glimmer of hope amidst the uncertainty, grateful for the support of his loyal companions. "Thank you, both of you. Let's work together to navigate these troubled waters and ensure the survival of House Sraffa."

He felt a somewhat ominous presence nearby. Since he came to Viscount Canelles' estate, he felt like he was standing next to a carnivorous beast. He wondered why that was.

As Hiro pondered about it, he heard footsteps from behind.

“What, you’re still here?”

They turned around towards that voice.

There stood three men in their twenties with a wicked smile on their face. One of them was a familiar Baron.


"You are lowly noble. Call His Excellency Baron Cristoforo!" A knight accompanying Cristoforo barked.

Cristoforo had always been a nuisance, picking on Piero for no reason.

But still, the way he spoke, it’s as if he knew Hiro would be hard-pressed.

“No way…”

“Hehe, did you realize? Yes, it was me who conspired other nobles to kick you out! Hehe, I feel so satisfied.”

The arrogant man spoke with genuine delight. The timid Jane retreated when Cristoforo advanced a step.

“Why did you do that?” 

"I’ve always hated you! I’ve always disliked the fact that your family had a lot larger land than mine despite you having a lower noble rank! The mere fact that you inherited the rank from your father and owning these girls is enough to make me nauseous!”

Cristoforo shouted heatedly.

Hiro knew Cristoforo didn’t like Piero Sraffa, but he had no idea this narcissistic guy hated him this much.

“I’ve been trying to get rid of you for a while ……, and that’s finally going to happen today. The south eastern lands are not an environment in which a useless person like you can survive. You will be devastated in less than 5 years. Then the King and Count will be completely disgusted with you. Even Viscount Canelles couldn't save you. You won’t be able to stay in that territory any longer, and you’ll spend the rest of your life in loneliness.”

Cristoforo said with a smirk and then shifted his gaze to Daciana and Jane.

"You girls. Abandon such an incompetent person and follow me. I can make you exclusively mine. Your excellent talent and beauty… I acknowledge them. I won’t treat you badly… become mine.”

“No, I refuse.”

Daciana responded immediately. Cristoforo seemed a little shocked with such a quick rejection.

“Are you serious!? There is no future with him. If you follow me, you will become rich, you’ll be secure for life!”

“Yes, I am serious. I have dedicated myself to Lord Sraffa. No matter what hardships may come, I will not leave My Lord’s side.”

This time Jane retaliated.

After Jane said this firmly, Cristoforo glared at Hiro with resentment and then clicked his tongue.

“These girls are quite the curious one, wanting to commit triple suicide with such an incompetent scum. Hmph, once you return to the land, you won’t be able to boast like that anymore. Until then, I’ll wait for your response.”

After saying that, Cristoforo looked back at Hiro.

“It would be easy to assassinate you here using hired assassins. However, …that would be boring. I want you to suffer more. The border is dangerous with beasts and barbarians from the forest, a land of hopelessness with little population. I look forward to hearing how you will suffer… I’ll be waiting for the report.”

With a sarcastic remark, Cristoforo turned on his heel and left.

Daciana stuck out her tongue at his back. The former mercenary was usually cool, but surprisingly mischievous.

Hiro clenched his fists, trying to suppress the surge of anger and frustration bubbling within him. "We can't let him get away with this. We need to fight back."

Daciana placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, her emerald eyes burning with determination. "We will, my lord. But we need to be smart about it. We can't afford to make any mistakes."

Jane nodded in agreement, her bronze hair swaying with the movement. "Daciana's right. We should gather our allies and plan our next move carefully. We can't let that man's arrogance dictate our fate."

Hiro took a deep breath, his mind racing with possibilities. "You're both right. We need to show Cristoforo and anyone else who doubts us that we're not to be underestimated."