Chapter 41: Galad Moa
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As Hiro prepared to accompany Enri to her village, the determination in his heart mirrored the resolve of his companions. Mireille's grip tightened around her sword's sheath, her muscles tensed, ready for battle. Ninya's eyes blazed with determination, her staff crackling with latent power. Matta's fists clenched with a quiet intensity, his stature towering with a sense of protection.

With Enri leading the way, they set out towards refugees settlement, each step filled with anticipation and dread. The air crackled with tension as they approached the makeshift shelters where the refugees sought refuge from the tyranny of the knights.

As they neared the village, the first signs of trouble emerged. Smoke billowed on the horizon, mingling with the cries of distress. Hiro's heart sank at the sight, his resolve hardening with each step. The time for action had come.

Enri guided them stealthily through the outskirts of the village, avoiding detection from the watchful eyes of the knights. They moved like shadows, silent and determined, ready to confront the injustice that plagued the land.

Suddenly, a voice rang out from the darkness, cutting through the night like a blade. "Halt! Who goes there?" shouted a sentry, his voice tinged with suspicion.

Without hesitation, Mireille stepped forward, her sword gleaming in the moonlight. "We are here to put an end to your tyranny," she declared, her voice ringing with authority.

The sentry's eyes widened in surprise, but before he could react, Ninya unleashed a burst of electric shock, enveloping him in a cocoon of light. With a flick of her wrist, she sent him crashing to the ground, unconscious but unharmed.

The commotion alerted the other knights, who emerged from their makeshift barracks with weapons drawn. Matta stepped forward, his towering figure casting a shadow over the battlefield. With a roar, he charged into the fray, his fists raining down on the unsuspecting knights with unrelenting force.

Meanwhile, Hiro and Enri rushed towards the heart of the village, where the refugees huddled in fear. With each step, Hiro's heart pounded with a mixture of fear and determination. He knew that the fate of the villagers rested in his hands, and he would not fail them.

As they reached the center of the village, they were met with a chilling sight. The villagers cowered in fear, their faces etched with despair. But Hiro refused to be intimidated. With a steely gaze, he confronted the leader of the knights, his voice ringing with authority.

"Your reign of terror ends here," he declared, his words echoing across the battlefield. "Release these villagers at once, or face the consequences."

The knight sneered in response, his eyes filled with contempt. "You dare to challenge us, boy? You are no match for the might of the knights."

But Hiro stood his ground, his resolve unyielding. With a nod to his companions, he prepared to face the enemy head-on. The battle raged on, each clash of steel and magic echoing through the night. Hiro was overcoming them with numbers.

Matta and his son, Jak, the two very large men, were fighting against several men. The power of massive men surpassed them.

Spreading their arms and performing a swing, the knights were blown away like withered leaves. It was like a fight between an adult and a child. 

One of the knights turned its back to us and started running.

He thought he was trying to escape… but no. The knight was running towards the village, not the forest.

His intention was clear. He intended to take the villagers hostage.

Hiro knew he couldn't kill the knights for fearing backlash from the neighbouring lord. He summoned his automatic shotgun and shot the soil at his feet. He was shocked that he fell down.

The man was confused by the sudden explosion. Before the knight could turn towards him, Hiro hit the back of the man's head with shotgun. The knight fainted.

He relied solely on the weapon from the modern world, but for the first time, he was able to defeat a man in this medieval world.

He was anxious, but he was glad he gathered the courage to come this far.

“Um, are you okay?”

When Hiro arrived , several villagers were crouched down, clutching their wounds.

As Hiro approached them, the villagers pointed their simple spears towards him.

“Don’t come any closer! Who are you? Are you allies of the knights?”

“No, we are not…”

The villagers seemed quite confused.

It’s understandable, considering a stranger wearing classy clothing like the knights suddenly appeared.

Hmm, what should he say to make them believe that he is an ally?

“Wait! This man helped us!”

A loud voice suddenly echoed.

He looked in that direction and saw Enri.

That’s right, she should be able to explain things well. 

Thanks to Enri’s explanation, Hiro was able to somehow make them believe him.

Now that the misunderstanding had been cleared up, the villagers must be evacuated to his land.

“Um, um…”


The person who timidly approached was a man.

He was the one who first pointed a spear at Hiro. With his eyes downcast, he opened his mouth with an apologetic expression.

“I-I’m sorry! Even though I didn’t know, I suspected you were a knight’s companion! I’m really sorry!”

The man kneeled on the spot and bowed his head at a speed that made him sink into the ground.

It seemed that bowing was s common in this world too.

“It’s okay, I don’t mind. It’s more dangerous to trust someone who suddenly appears.”

“Ugh, you’re so kind… Thank you so much!”

While crying, Hiro was tightly grabbed by the hand and thanked.

The people around Hiro were also nodding and smiling as if they were seeing something heartwarming, which was embarrassing.

Now, as he was thinking about what to do next, Enri approached.

"Lord Piero, the village chief wants to talk to you. Can you come?”

“Ah, yes. Of course.”

He was just about to talk about it himself.

Before Hiro there was an old man with a splendid white beard standing. He looked to be around 60 years old.

“I am Galad Moa, the village chief. I used to be the chief of Carne Village. Now, I represent this refuge. Nice to meet you,” he said.

Saying that, Galad bowed deeply.

He quickly greeted Hiro and bowed his head.

“My name is Piero Sraffa. I am the lord of the territory next to here.”

“Lord Sraffa, first of all, I would like to express my gratitude. Thank you for saving our village. I heard that you also helped Enri. I want to thank you again.”

The village chief bowed even deeper than before.

“N-No! It was only natural, so there’s no need to worry!”

“How compassionate…! If someone like you were our lord, our village would have been safe…”

Galad said, reminiscing about the past.

In the end, justice prevailed. With the combined strength of Hiro and his companions, they defeated the knights and evacuated the villagers.