Chapter 47: Lady Malida the mercenary
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In the heart of a small bustling town, nestled among cobblestone streets and timber-framed buildings, stood a sweeping tavern. Its exterior was weathered, the sign hanging askew, but inside, it pulsed with life. The heavy wooden door creaked open, revealing a dimly lit interior bathed in the warm glow of flickering torches and hearth fires.

The air was thick with the scent of smoke, ale, and roasted meats. Raucous laughter and the clinking of tankards filled the room, mingling with the strains of a lively fiddle tune played by a minstrel in the corner. Rough-hewn tables and benches were scattered about, their surfaces worn smooth by years of use and abuse.

At one table, a group of rugged men with weather-beaten faces sat huddled together, their voices raised in animated conversation. They wore an assortment of leather jerkins, tattered cloaks, and worn boots, their hands calloused from a life of hard labor or battle.

Behind the bar, a burly innkeeper with a thick beard and a scarred face poured ale from wooden barrels, his eyes scanning the room with a mixture of wariness and authority. His barmaid, a buxom lass with a quick wit and a saucy demeanor, darted between tables, delivering tankards of ale and platters of food with practiced efficiency.

In the corner, a group of mercenaries lounged around a game of dice, their faces twisted in expressions of greed and cunning as they wagered their hard-earned coin. Nearby, a pair of troubadours regaled a rapt audience with tales of love, valor, and adventure, their voices rising and falling in melodious harmony.

Fifteen men were sitting around a young woman whose boots were on the table. She had fair skin, green eyes and long blond hair with bangs covering the right side of her face. She was clad in grey body-fitting armor.

She looked prideful, probably due to her noble upbringing.

"Lady Malida!" A man called her and jogged from the entrance of the cavern.

She stared at him indifferently.

"A man wants to meet you. He is noble from this kingdom. His name is Baronet Piero Sraffa."

She raised her eyebrows upon hearing that and looked at the older men among her subordinates.

"Hm. We don't know him." 

Everyone shrugged.

Malida leaned back in her chair, considering the unexpected summons. Piero Sraffa, a nobleman she hadn't heard of, seeking her out? It piqued her curiosity. With a nod, she gestured for the messenger to lead the way. As she rose from her seat, the clatter of conversation momentarily hushed, all eyes turning to watch her departure. Ignoring the stares, she followed the messenger through the tavern's labyrinthine corridors until they reached a secluded chamber at the back of the establishment.

A man in his mid twenties stood waiting, his height was average for a man, cloaked in shadows, his features obscured by the dim light. As Lady Malida entered, he stepped forward, revealing clearly a masculine face, not ugly but not too handsome either. His eyes gleamed with keen wisdom which was rare for a man of his age, as he greeted her with a respectful nod.

"Lady Malida," he began, his voice gravelly yet commanding. "I apologize for the abruptness of my summons, but urgent matters require your attention."

Malida arched an eyebrow, intrigued by the nobleman's cryptic words. "What urgent matters might those be, Baronet Sraffa?"

The nobleman's gaze bore into hers, his expression grave. "Rumors swirl of a talented noble heiress roaming at the west of our kingdom."

She smirked and retorted, "I am no longer a noble as I was disowned by the King there."

He waited patiently as if to gauge her personality before proposing,

"My land may not be prosperous but it is vast with rich forest bordering us. I need someone with your particular skills and... discretion."

A flicker of interest danced in Malida's eyes as she considered the offer. The thrill of adventure, the promise of intrigue—how could she resist?

"And what, pray tell, do you require of me, Baronet Sraffa?" she inquired, her tone cool yet tinged with anticipation.

"Your skill and your men." He answered concisely.

She replied, "Unfortunately I only have twenty men with me. They might be knights of skill but as wise men said, numbers are the most important quality."

"What you possess far exceeds my territory's fighting power." He immediately responded.

"I even without money. Look. We are forced to be mercenaries for hire." She pointed towards beyond the door, implying her followers in the tavern.

Baronet Sraffa's gaze lingered on the group of mercenaries in the tavern, assessing them with a keen eye. Despite Malida's assertion of their prowess, he could see the weariness etched on their faces, the scars of countless battles and hardships.

"Quality over quantity," he murmured, his tone thoughtful. "A lesson learned through bitter experience."

Malida nodded in agreement, her expression guarded yet intrigued by the nobleman's proposition. "What is it exactly that you require of us, Baronet Sraffa? Fortunately for you we are desperate to make a living."

"Don't worry. I might not possess gold or silver but  the food in my territory is plentiful. There are adequate barracks for your men while you can live in my mansion."

Malida considered Baronet Sraffa's offer carefully. While the prospect of serving a nobleman again grated against her pride, the promise of plentiful provisions and a secure base of operations for her band of mercenaries was too tempting to pass up.

After a moment's deliberation, she spoke, her voice measured yet decisive. "Very well, Baronet Sraffa. We accept your offer. But know this: we are mercenaries, not mere servants. We will serve you and your cause, but we answer to no one but ourselves."

The nobleman nodded in understanding, his eyes reflecting a glimmer of respect for her unwavering resolve. "Agreed, Lady Malida. You and your men shall have autonomy within my lands. But know that I will call upon your services when the need arises."

With a curt nod, Malida extended her hand, sealing the pact between them. "Then it is settled. Lead the way, Baronet Sraffa. We shall see what fortunes await us in your domain."

As they exited the tavern together, Malida couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation that coursed through her veins. She knew that this alliance with Baronet Sraffa would lead to new challenges and opportunities, but she was ready to face them head-on, with her loyal band of mercenaries by her side.