Chapter 8: Krol and Chief Matt
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Hiro, who had recently inherited a noble rank from his late father, strolled between the ramshackle shacks that made up his impoverished and understaffed territory one morning. As he walked, he heard someone call out, "Lord Piero!"

He stopped and turned to see a young man in tattered clothing approaching him eagerly. The man stopped before Hiro and bowed deeply, introducing himself, "My lord! It's the first time we meet. My name is Krol, your servant!"

Hiro suddenly remembered that the knights, Enzo and Rocco, had informed him just moments ago about the two young peasants they had trained to become militia. These two militia members, Krol and Latte, were responsible for patrolling the territory in shifts. Hiro nodded and faked a friendly greeting , "Greetings, Krol. I'm pleased to finally meet you. Your dedication to protecting this territory is greatly appreciated."

Krol's eyes lit up with gratitude as Hiro acknowledged his efforts. "Thank you, my lord," he replied, still bowing. "It's an honor to serve you and help protect this land. Latte and I are doing our best to keep things safe."

Hiro nodded again, forcing a warm tone in his voice. "I've heard good things about both you and Latte from Enzo and Rocco. Your dedication doesn't go unnoticed. If there's anything you need to perform your duties better, don't hesitate to let me know."

Hiro's pretentious words seemed to have a positive effect on Krol, who straightened up and looked even more determined. "Thank you, my lord. Your support means a lot to us. We're managing as best we can with what we have."

Hiro remembered a complaint by the young lad, Cer just now, about how many of the farming tools were no longer usable due to wear and tear. However, Hiro realized that his territory was a self-sufficient farming demesne without a market. While strolling just now, he had been wondering how his late father, Maestro Sraffa got those tools.

Hiro decided to inquire further about the farming tools, wanting to understand the situation better. "Krol, I've been considering ways to improve our territory, and it came to my attention that some of our farming tools might need replacement. Can you tell me more about the condition of our tools and how we acquired them in the past?"

The excited young man replied, "I know that the village chief sometimes went to town in other territory to trade for things."

"Oh, that must be it. Can you bring me to the village chief."

" lord...we have two villages in your territory. Which one do you want to meet?"

Hiro was dumbfounded. The memory of Piero, the original owner of this body Hiro was in didn't know the existence of two villages. He cursed Piero's ignorance.

"My lord?" Krol waited for his lord's response without knowing someone else had taken over that body.

Hiro, realizing the complexity of the situation and the lack of knowledge about the territory, decided to proceed cautiously. He replied to Krol, "I apologize for my earlier confusion. Let's start by visiting the village chief of the village nearest to here. Can you guide me to that village first, Krol?"

Krol nodded earnestly, ready to assist his lord. "Of course, my lord. The nearest village is just a short walk from here. Follow me, and I'll take you there."

As Hiro followed Krol to the nearby village, he couldn't help but reflect on the challenges of managing his newfound territory. It was clear that there was much he needed to learn and address to improve the lives of the people under his rule.

He walked behind the talkative Krol who told him about his mundane patrolling job. After nearly half an hour, they arrived at a shack that was a lot bigger than average shacks he had seen.

Hiro observed the larger shack with curiosity, wondering if this was indeed the home of the village chief. He turned to Krol and asked, "Is this where the village chief resides?"

Krol nodded and replied, "Yes, my lord. This is the residence of Mister Matt, the leader of this village. He should be inside."

Hiro acknowledged Krol's response with a nod and a brief smile, appreciating the guidance. He took a deep breath and adjusted his noble attire, trying to appear more composed and knowledgeable than he actually felt. "Thank you, Krol. Lead the way, and let's pay a visit to Matt."

"Leave it to me, my lord!"

Krol strode to the door and shouted,

"Mister Matt! Mister Matt!"

Hiro followed Krol's lead, his heart pounding with anticipation as he prepared to meet the village chief, Matt. The door to the shack opened slowly, revealing a middle-aged man with a weathered face and a stern expression.

Matt squinted at Hiro and Krol, sizing them up before speaking. "What brings you here, strangers? And who might you be?" His voice carried an air of authority.

Hiro stepped forward, maintaining a respectful demeanor. "I am Piero Sraffa," he introduced himself, "the newly appointed noble of this territory. I've come to meet with you and learn more about the villages under my rule."

Matt's expression turned pale upon hearing Hiro's title. "Lord Piero, you say? Forgive me, my lord!"

He bowed in panic.

"I'm Matt, the village chief of this settlement. It's an honour for my lord to personally visit my worthless home."

Hiro nodded graciously in response to Matt's sudden display of deference. "Thank you for your welcome, Matt. I'm here to better understand the needs and concerns of the people in my territory. I've heard that you've been responsible for trade with neighboring territories in the past. I'd like to learn more about the resources and goods we acquire through these trades, as well as any challenges we might face."

Matt straightened up, still showing respect but with a hint of unease. "Certainly, my lord. We do trade for various necessities like tools and cloth from neighboring territories. However, it hasn't been without its difficulties. Our resources are limited, and the roads to these other territories are often treacherous."

Hiro's mind raced as he absorbed this information, realizing that the well-being of his people depended on these trade relationships. "I appreciate your honesty, Matt. It's clear that we need to address these trade challenges and ensure the well-being of our villages. I'd like to hear more about the specifics of these difficulties and what can be done to overcome them."

Matt cleared his throat and began to detail the trade challenges his village faced. "My lord, the main issue is the condition of the roads that connect us to neighboring territories. They are often muddy and prone to flooding during the rainy season, making it difficult for traders to transport goods. This results in delays and damaged goods, which in turn affects the quality of the tools and cloth we receive."

Hiro listened intently, realizing the importance of addressing this infrastructure issue. "I see. So, the poor state of the roads hampers the efficiency of our trade. Have you or the villagers attempted any maintenance or improvements to the roads in the past?"

Matt nodded, his expression becoming more earnest. "Yes, my lord, we've tried our best to repair the roads, but our resources are limited, and it's a constant struggle. We could greatly benefit from additional resources or assistance in maintaining these crucial trade routes."

Hiro considered the situation and then turned his attention to another aspect of the trade. "Thank you for sharing that, Matt. Now, tell me about the goods we acquire through these trades. Are there any specific items that are in high demand or that we consistently lack?"

Matt thought for a moment before responding, "My lord, we often find ourselves in need of better farming tools, as you've mentioned earlier. Our current tools are old and worn, and it's becoming increasingly challenging for our villagers to work the fields efficiently. In addition, we lack proper cloth for clothing, which affects our villagers' comfort during harsh weather."

Hiro made a mental note of these pressing needs. "Understood, Matt. Improving our farming tools and ensuring an adequate supply of cloth will be a priority. I'll also explore options to address the road conditions. But first, I'll need to visit the other village in my territory to gather more information."

Matt nodded in agreement. "Of course, my lord. The other village, led by Chief Matta, may have additional insights and needs. They are more skilled in hunting, so they might have unique resources to offer."

Hiro appreciated the information and Matt's willingness to cooperate. "Thank you for your cooperation, Matt. I'll arrange to meet Chief Matta as well. Please continue your efforts, and I'll work on finding solutions to these challenges."

Matt bowed deeply, his earlier unease now replaced with a sense of hope. "Thank you for your understanding and commitment, my lord. We look forward to your leadership and support in improving our lives."

Hiro started to feel overwhelmed by the information.