Chapter 15: Mireille Defiled
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As the sun dipped below the horizon, the group of five ventured deeper into the forest, leaving behind the last village they had passed on foot. Among them were two male mercenaries: Austen, an experienced warrior, and Bertold, a large man who wielded of an imposing axe. Alongside them were three girls, each with unique abilities: Mireille, a ranger; Ninya, a sorceress who harnessed the power of fire; and Daciana, a gifted magic healer.

In the fading light, they relied on torches to navigate the dim forest. Their mission? To unravel the mystery of the missing female villagers, a puzzling incident that had plagued the village. 

As the group delved deeper into the forest, Mireille's keen ranger instincts heightened her senses, causing her to pause and whisper to the others, "Something doesn't feel right. The forest is too quiet, and I sense an eerie presence." Austen, gripping his sword, nodded in agreement. "Stay alert, everyone," he cautioned. "We don't know what we might find here." The group continued cautiously, their torches casting flickering shadows among the trees as they ventured further into the mysterious forest.

Daciana from the beginning felt something was not right but she didn't know what it was. 

For a defenceless healer like her to go on an adventure alone was tantamount to suicide.

Sooner or later, she’ll have to party up with others anyway.

Yet, to go with strangers she had just met made her heart uneasy.

Even so, to go on an adventure with people that invited her should make her feel a little more reassured.

Even if this was the first time she was invited by men… there were still two other females in the party. So……

A cold breeze carrying the stench of blood blew in, and made the torch flicker. Finally, they reached an area with many gigantic large rocks. 

The bulky shadows of the boulders danced in sync with the flames, projecting a writhing dark monster onto the surface of rocks.

Five people stood in a row, a  swordsman and likewise poorly equipped three women fumbled through the darkness.

The one leading at the front was Austen who was bearing the torch, with Mireille  behind him and the Bertold in the rear. The two magic casters, the trembling Daciana and cautious Ninya were between them.

The one who suggested this formation was Mireille, the ranger herself.

With this, as long as there weren’t any forked roads along the way, they didn’t need to worry about being ambushed from the back.

As long as the vanguard didn’t mess up, the rearguard was safe and only needed to focus on supporting him.

"……It should be fine….right……?"

Still, the Daciana's whispers was filled with uneasiness.

Ever since they entered the forest, her anxiety had only become worse and worse.

Ninya who bumped into her and urged her on. Just as she was about to hurry up and keep up with the formation, suddenly..

A slight sound that sounded like rocks rolling entered the Daciana's ears.


"What is it again!?"

With a shudder, she froze in her steps. 

"I just heard the sound of something collapsing……"

"From where? In front?"


The big man turned his sight behind him.

Due to Austen that had stopped moving, their distance with the two others grew further.

Yet, the two of them who were still chatting didn’t notice the situation behind them.

The large man, Bertold sighed as their surroundings grew darker with their only source of light went further and further away from them.

He turned his head back in frustration.

From between the large rocks, three hideous monsters emerged. They were as large as Bertold without any clothing covering their body except their crotch covered by animal pelts. 

"What? Pig?" Ninya accidentally yelled.

Those monsters had the head of pigs and bodies of big men. They carried large crude clubs made of large branches.

"No, orcs. Why they are here?"

Ninya made an unnatural sound. Raising the garnet staff and chanting some words.

Forming in front of the garnet that was as large as a fist, an arrow of flame emerged and flew towards the face of an orc.

What came next was the disgusting smell and the crackling sound of meat burning.

"Yaaah!" Bertold hit the burnt orc with his large axe.

"——That’s one down!"

Ninya forced herself to smile but her heart was shaking greatly but Bertold was struggling holding against another two orcs. 

Ninya managed to fire another fireball at an orc and Bertold hit its head with all bis might. 

However, that left his back open to attack. The third orc plummeted his back with a large club.


"Nooo!" Daciana shrieked.

Ninya toughened herself and fired another spell at the last orc who hit Bertold with second attack. 

Fiery magic attack greatly wounded any orc but was not enough to kill it. 

While breathing hard, Ninya fired another fireball at the advancing, causing it to kneel down.

With his last remaining strength, Bertold cracked its head with his large axe. 

When Ninya was about to take a break, another orc appeared behind the man.

"Oh, no. Bertold!" Daciana yelled.

Bertold was hit on the back of his head and fell to the ground.

"Oh, no. I can't shoot too many fire magic." Ninya stopped its advance for a while with another magic attack but she knelt down. Her breathing was frantic. 

"Daciana. Healed Bertold!"

Before the Ninya could finish chanting, the slender arms of hers were grabbed from her side. A new orc appeared from their side.

Unable to react in time, she was pushed hard against the ground.

With her vision blurry, her staff was taken away right in front of her.

"Ah, hrk……g-give that back! That staff is not allowed to be touched by dirty pigs……"

In front of Ninya that was screaming frantically, the staff was broken into two with a loud crack.

In an instant, the calm mask of her face disappeared as it contorted into one of rage.

She struggled with her arms and kicked with her legs that she had never trained.

Daciana naturally wouldn’t just sit and watch.

"You, you all! Get away from her! Stop!"

The youngest girl used her slender hands to punch the much bigger creature.

The orc didn't flinch.

As luck would have it, the swordsman, Austen had finally noticed something was wrong behind and immediately came flying to protect his comrades.

Throwing the torch aside, he held his longsword with both of his hands and pierced through the orc's throat. 

"Oh, no. More of them appear!" Daciana yelled as three more orcs emerged from behind the rocks.

Pulling his sword out from the corpse, he turned around and killed another orc. The sword came slashing down horizontally at the orc’s shoulder.

He caught a glimpse of Bertold lying lifelessly not far from them.

"Damn. You pig bastards!"

"Wait. Retreat. Don't fight!" The female ranger who just arrived warned him in a high pitched voice.

Before she could do anything, his left leg was crashed by a club. 

As the swordsman lost his balance, his body turned awkwardly to the side. Still, he swung his sword desperately and slashed an orc many times. The orcs were wounded but it was still standing strong as all the cut didn't cut deep and merely wound the thick layer of fat on its body.

It hit the hand with the sword.

A dull CLANG sound could be heard as his sword hit the ground.

It was the end.

His torch fell on leaves and brightened the environment.

The two remaining orcs ganged on the defenceless man.

In the end, he couldn’t escape the fate of being pulled down, plummeted repeatedly in pieces and dying just like that.

"……Ugh! How did this happen……"

Mireille who was too late to help stood frozen in place with a pale face as she watched her leader die right in front of her.

She ran towards the two girls and carried Ninya away.


Hearing her cold tone of voice, the Daciana wanted to refute. But she understood, that with such a situation unraveling in front of her, she was powerless.

In her arms was the fire sorceress who was gasping for air.

The orcs turned from the decimated corpse and slowly chased after the three girls.

Seeing that the monsters were getting closer, Mireille clicked her tongue softly.


As if she mentally decided on something, she gave a stern shout and rushed at the orcs.

She sent a straight blow that she had trained long and hard into an orc's face, instantly piercing into it.

It fell backwards as she kicked its body away.

She then tried to hit another orc.

Yet, the second orc easily caught her attack as it grabbed her right hand.

The strength of its grip made the female ranger creak as her face went pale.

This roaring, horrible-smelling orc was very large, even taller than Bertold.

Mireille  definitely wasn’t short, but even she had to raise her head to look at it.

It threw her at the nearby rock. Her sword was also thrown away.

"Kyaa!" She cried out as the orc tore her clothes.

Daciana's eyes went wide as the orc's hideous dick moved into Mireille's crotch.


Mireille's cry echoed as the orc's lower body moved back and forth between her thighs.

Daciana was terrified by the raping scene unfolded before her as she stepped on the edge of her robe and fell clumsily.

Her face and hands were scratched painfully by the gravel, but she was more worried about the exhausted sorceress she had let go from her back.

The healer hurriedly scuttled to the side of the sorceress and grabbed the comrade she had got together by chance.