Chapter 27: Secret Ability
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They were now standing between dozens of trees, which was located about 1 kilometre from Sraffa's mansion. It was the private training place for the lord of the land. 

Hiro who was now possessing Baronet Pierro Sraffa's body faced against Jane, the wife of a villager and now hired as one of his maids. 

Surrounding both of them between the trees were four girls; Leila the villager who recently became a maid, and the three female mercenaries; Mireille the ranger, Daciana the healer, and Ninya the arcane sorceress. 

Hiro purposely had them here to observe what happened to Jane.

Since he acquired the handgun, "Sig Sauer P322" for her, Jane seemed demented. She said she was going mad and kept seeing weird words and images, which others couldn't see.

Of course, Hiro could see the translucent dashboard appearing before Jane. However, Jane's dashboard was a lot simpler than Hiro's. She could only see the tools he acquired for her.

He consoled her, telling her that this was something like magic which he granted to her. However, he needed to demonstrate to the girls on the ability. For Jane, she must learn to summon the handgun at will, reload the bullets and shoot. For the rest of the girls, he wanted to show them the evidence of this special ability. 

Undeniably, he had a dirty ulterior motive to turn some of them into his sex partner.

Hiro grinned uncontrollably and held Jane's left shoulder and right hand. 

"Just as I told you before, imagine that thing." He purposely said loudly so the other could hear.

"Kyaa!" Jane and the girls yelped as the handgun appeared on Jane's right palm and she automatically grabbed it. 

"Now, in your heart, imagine it disappears."

The trembling Jane furrowed her eyebrows and the pistol disappeared. The girls yelped again.

"Now, make it appear again."

Within seconds, the handgun reappeared in her tight hand.

"Now, you see the long little thing. Imagine...put it into the weapon."

He gently taught her while massaging her right arm and left shoulder. 

"Click." The sound of the gun loaded with bullets.

Hiro's both hands held her both hands. 

His fingers guided her right index finger into the trigger guard before pushing it onto the trigger. He raised her hands and pointed them at a tree. The girls who were standing a meter from them were open-mouthed while observing their actions.

"Jane, move your finger and your other palm covered the back of this thing."

"Poom!" Although no smoke came out but she shot. 

"Kyaa!" The girls yelped again as a hole was created on the tree bark.

He then guided her hands away and aimed upwards.



A low hanging tree branch was crushed and fell.

He released her hands. 

Jane and the others were dumbfounded. 

" that a weapon?" Mireille asked in disbelief.


"You summoned a weapon with magic?" Ninya asked but Jane was still dumbstruck. Hiro answered,

"It is magic, but not the same as you girls. It doesn't require magic power."

"But my lord..I never have any magic talent!" Jane yelled.

"Of course, by yourself, you won't get that. I could give it to you...but under a condition."

"Condition?" Leila asked.

"She slept with me and became my lover."

"Ehh!" The girls shrieked almost simultaneously.

Hiro's words lingered in the air, creating an awkward tension among the group. The rustling leaves seemed to echo the collective gasp of surprise from the four girls standing amidst the trees.

Mireille, the ranger, narrowed her eyes in suspicion, while Daciana, the healer, wore a disapproving frown. Ninya, the arcane sorceress, exchanged a glance with the other two, silently communicating their erratic thoughts.

Leila, the newest maid and a villager, looked shocked and uncertain. Hiro, still in the guise of Baronet Piero Sraffa, maintained a mischievous grin, fully aware of the impact his proposition had on the group.

"Lord Piero, surely you jest," Mireille said, her voice a mix of incredulity and reproach. "This is an unusual request, and such arrangements have no place in the duties of a maid."

Daciana chimed in with a stern expression, "My lord, it is not appropriate to make such demands. We are here to serve and protect, not to engage in personal matters."

Ninya, the arcane sorceress, added, "Magic or not, these conditions are unacceptable. We won't allow you to take advantage of our fellow companion."

Leila, who had been silent until now, finally spoke up, her voice wavering, "I-I can't agree to such a thing. It's not right."

Hiro, still enjoying the theatrics, decided to push the matter further.

"Girls. That weapon is called pistol. It can shoot midrange like a half-bow. Instead of an arrow, it shoots a small thing called a bullet."

The girls looked at each other hesitantly before trying to touch the handgun.

"Kyaa!" Their hands passed through the weapon as if it only became physical to Jane.

"Look. Only Jane can use it because she is my lover."

"Kyaa!" They shrieked when suddenly a much bigger weapon appeared in Hiro's right hand. 

While grinning, he said, "This is my weapon. Try touching it."

Again, they hesitantly touched the shotgun but their hands passed through.

"This will be a secret between us." Hiro gently announced.

He continued, "I am not asking you to sleep with me. I just wanted to show you my secret ability."

The girls became silent and went into deep thoughts.