Chapter 31: Man Made River
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Hiro stood anxiously, taking in the vast expanse before him from his mansion on the elevated land. Buelnes village was on his left, and Eldham village on his right, surrounded by farms and wheat fields. A new goat farm had sprung up in the tree parts of Buelnes village, while irrigation from the villagers flowed through Eldham village, almost reaching the border with the neighboring lord.

The forest, covering three-quarters of his land, seemed impossibly vast, and Hiro had never considered exploring beyond the wilderness until he ventured in last month with his hired mercenaries. To his surprise, he discovered a seemingly endless river. Alfio, a new immigrant from a distant fishing village, arrived by boat through the wilderness and revealed the other end of the river led to a seashore near Hiro's village.

Originally planning to connect the irrigation to the river for farming, Hiro now had a new idea – turning the irrigation into a full-fledged river. The natural river was ship-worthy, and he envisioned his own man-made river accommodating ships as well. Currently, the drain was empty, halted before reaching the river. To execute his plan, he needed to dig another 2 meters deep and expand it by 10 meters, making the already 30-kilometer-long project a significant construction challenge.

With 230 villagers in the two villages, including 105 adult men and 40 boys, Hiro worried that forcing them into the project wouldn't be sufficient. Fortunately, since Alfio's arrival, hunger was alleviated with his abundant fish supplies. Now, Hiro faced the daunting task of transforming his ambitious vision into reality.

Matta, the chief of Bulnes village, and Matt, the elder chief of Eldham village, approached Hiro. Matta, hesitatingly, began, "Forgive us, my lord. We don't quite understand what you're planning to do..."

Before Matta could continue, Matt interjected, "We've managed to dig the area from the river to the edge of the forest, but more men had to rest due to fatigue. It'll take until next week to continue."

Hiro, facing the challenge ahead, contemplated how to explain his ambitious vision and rally the villagers for the significant construction hurdles that lay ahead.

Hiro took a deep breath, his eyes fixed on the expansive landscape. "Matta, Matt, I appreciate your efforts. What I have in mind is to transform this irrigation channel into a grand river. Ships will sail through our lands, bringing prosperity. But I understand the challenges."

Matta scratched his head, "My lord, it's just... we've never seen anything like this. A river, right here?"

Hiro nodded, "Yes, and it will benefit us all. Think of the trade, the opportunities. But I need your support. We must dig deeper and expand, overcoming the fatigue. The villagers must see the vision."

Matt, the elder chief, spoke cautiously, "My lord, the people are already grateful for Alfio's fish, but this... it's a lot to ask."

Hiro looked at both chiefs, determination in his eyes. "I know it's ambitious, but together, we can achieve something extraordinary. The river will be our legacy, connecting our villages in ways we've never imagined. Will you stand with me?"

Matta and Matt exchanged uncertain glances, their expressions revealing a mix of doubt and cluelessness. Matta scratched his head again, mumbling to himself, "A river through the lands? Ships sailing in? This is beyond our understanding, my lord."

Matt chimed in, "Forgive us, Hiro, but we're simple villagers. We know the fields, the forests, but a river of such magnitude... it's hard to fathom."

Hiro, sensing their hesitation, realized the challenge ahead. "I understand this might be difficult to grasp, but envision the possibilities. Trade flourishing, connections with distant lands, and prosperity for all. This river will shape the destiny of our villages."

Matta glanced at Matt, both still uncertain. "But my lord, what if the river brings unforeseen troubles? What if the villagers can't live with it?"

Hiro, determined to sway them, responded, "Change is never easy, but it's the only constant. We've thrived in the face of challenges before. This river will be a symbol of our resilience, a testament to our unity."

Matt, pondering, added, "And what if the digging and expanding prove too much for the villagers? We've seen fatigue, and this seems like an insurmountable task."

Hiro, realizing the need for reassurance, spoke with conviction, "We'll face challenges, but that's the price of progress. I promise to support the villagers, provide rest, and ensure their well-being. Together, we'll overcome every hurdle."

The chiefs exchanged uncertain glances once more, silently questioning their lord's ambitious vision. Hiro, knowing the weight of his request, only sighed helplessly.