Chapter 4: “Secrets Unleashed”
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Chapter 4: "Secrets Unleashed"


So there we were, Dad and me, in the Ministry cafeteria, facing a plate of unidentifiable mush. It was like they'd taken all the leftover magical ingredients, tossed them together, and decided to call it lunch. I poked at it with my fork, wondering if it had a name or if it was just a secret potion to turn kids into frogs.

But then, in the middle of this culinary disaster, comedy struck. Some Ministry employee, clearly daydreaming about Quidditch or something equally important, crashed right into Dad. It was like watching a live Quidditch match, only with more falling and less flying.

Dad, who ended up on the floor looking like a disoriented Fluffy, was not impressed. But me? I couldn't help it; I burst into laughter. It was the kind of slapstick humor you'd find in a wizarding comedy show, and I was the audience of one.

Dad, his robes all askew and his dignity in tatters, shot the guy who'd bumped him a stern look. Then, he turned to me with a raised eyebrow and a hint of amusement.

"Albus," he said, "that's enough. Stop laughing."

I tried, I really did, but the image of Dad tumbling like a Quaffle out of bounds was just too hilarious. I gave him a guilty grin and nodded, promising to behave.

After we managed to secure something edible (or at least something that pretended to be food) from the cafeteria, we headed back to the Department of Magical History. We settled into Dad's cluttered office, where he looked at me with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

"Albus," he said, "how would you like to see something extraordinary? But here's the deal—you must promise me not to touch anything."

My curiosity was instantly piqued. "I promise, Dad!"

With that, he led me to a concealed door, the entrance to the secret historical room. Now, remember, I had this new skill, Historian's Insight, thanks to that old photograph. I didn't know what it did yet, but I couldn't resist the allure of secrets waiting to be uncovered. It was like having the Marauder's Map and not wanting to sneak around Hogwarts.

As we entered the secret room, my heart raced with excitement. There were already two different secret compartments, like doors to uncharted territories. My inner adventurer couldn't resist the challenge. I thought, "Why not give it a shot?" So I said "Wanderer's Whimsy" out loud, and suddenly, knowledge on how to open these secret compartments rushed into my mind.

I approached the first wall, concealing a hidden compartment, and raised my index finger. With a vivid image of magic coursing through me, I whispered, "Veritamora." The air around us seemed to shimmer, and the wall slowly slid aside, revealing a concealed passage. Soft, ethereal light spilled out, casting a warm, inviting glow that danced across my face. This was it—the moment I'd been waiting for.

With my heart pounding in anticipation, I stepped into the secret chamber. The room was a treasure trove of knowledge, with scrolls, ancient texts, and faded parchments stacked from floor to ceiling. The scent of parchment and ink hung in the air, creating an ambiance of magic and mystery.

And then, out of nowhere, I heard a voice in my head. "Ding. Enough skill points needed for evolution. Does host want to evolve? Yes/No."

I hesitated for a moment, pondering the significance of this mysterious offer. What did it mean to "evolve"? But something inside me urged me to say "Yes," and so I did. It was like embarking on an arcane journey with no clear destination.

Dad, who'd been watching the whole spectacle with a mix of astonishment and confusion, finally broke the silence. "Albus," he began, "how in Merlin's name did you find this place?"

I scratched my head, still feeling a bit weak in the knees from the experience. "I don't know, Dad," I admitted. "I just wanted to explore the secret room, and something guided me through it."

What happened next was beyond my imagination. Dad had to contact the Minister of Magic, Faris Spavin, who, if I remembered correctly, would become the longest-serving Minister in the future. You see, the room I'd discovered was so secretive that even the Ministry hadn't found it. Imagine if I'd told them about the second secret compartment—I'd be a wizarding legend by now!

Long story short, they decided to award Dad a hefty bonus for my discovery. And I had a feeling we'd need that bonus because the next part of my master plan involved Dad being thrown into Azkaban. If that happened, we'd be relocating to Godric's Hollow. But for now, we celebrated our

newfound treasure and, of course, our little feast at home.

It was a day filled with laughter, magic, and the promise of even more secrets waiting to be unveiled.

I have decided to go forward with the cannon so percival will go to askerban and ariana will be afraid to use magic but albus will help her overcome that fear