Chapter 46
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Hannah sat in council with the heads of the harem and explained what she had found. She noted the absence of Zillix and was told he was upset and would not be attending. Blackbast had gone to fetch Gwen and would be back as soon as she could, but they were going to go ahead and begin.

They were troubled that anyone wanted to collect magical ingredients from harem girls, but more so, they specifically wanted them from the jade harem. Candice was asked for her input on why they would specifically want their girls. She honestly had no idea but admitted there were ingredients that could be harvested from everything, even players. She explained that magical items could be tailored to work only for specific people, requiring some element of them to create a lock. Hannah's staff for her scythe was the perfect example of this, but that was the only reason she could think of.

Frank was bothered that there had been a device to kill Thexis before he revealed his employer. That meant that whoever this woman was, she had carefully considered her plan and taken great measures to remain hidden. They agreed it could only mean she wasn't done with the harem, but for now, they were safe. Frank suggested that city guards travel with the girls when outside the harem from now on and those outside the kingdom be followed by rogues.

Rajeen agreed and suggested they send the rogues north to see if they could locate any information about this mysterious woman. They brought back Thexis's body to discover he was covered in magical items, weapons, and devices. All of which indicated that he had been equipped for the hunt. Hannah relayed what he said about the pyromancer and how he was using the woman. To her surprise, not only was she alive but in one of Roric's collars.

“Speaking of her,” Chandice said as she produced a small box. “This is a box of dispelling. It prevents any item inside it from working.”

“Why is that important?” Hannah asked.

“Because we searched the girl and found this in a bag,” Chandice said as she opened the box to reveal a small broach with a red gem. “After I tested it, I learned it's a domination device designed to make her more pliable to Thexis.”

“He was mind-controlling her?” Hannah asked as she wished she had made him suffer more.

“Not mind-controlling,” Chandice corrected. “He was influencing her. Probably making her angry about the harem and convincing her that attacking it was her idea. She probably had a motive to dislike the harem that he capitalized on and then used this to inflame it.”

“Considering he admitted to taking advantage of her, that seems likely,” Roric agreed.

“This sounds like a setup,” Rajeen grumbled. “I bet she was insurance. If they were discovered, he would leave her as the scapegoat and suffer the consequences.”

“Well, she must have had a grudge against us to begin with,” Chandice said. “This magic can’t bend her will, only enhance her desires and make her open to suggestion.”

“So she came here for a reason of her own, and he used that to twist her into a weapon he could abandon to take the blame when it suited him,” Frank said as he frowned. “I don't like this at all.”

“He was just the same when we met him before,” Hannah reminded as she got up and went to sit in Frank’s lap. She settled into his arms, resting her head on his as he hugged her. “Where is this girl?”

“She is in the private chambers behind us,” Rajeen said. “She’s still out from her near death. I have my girls cleaning and restoring her outfit and running a bath.”

“Is she dangerous?” Frank asked.

“Not while she’s in the collar, but it won’t last more than a few hours,” Roric said.

“It will last long enough for us to get some answers,” Rajeen insisted. “This girl was manipulated and used, but I understand she must have had a reason to dislike us already. I would like to offer a bath and some comfort, then ask her why.”

“Can I be there for that?” Jaina asked as she came to stand behind Hannah.

“I was hoping you would be,” Rajeen nodded. “We may need your skills to loosen her tongue.”

“Well, this is bad,” Hannah grumbled. “Somebody else is causing our harem trouble. Why can’t people leave us alone?”

“People do not like rising powers,” Rajeen cautioned. “Especially one like ours. They like people to stay where they want them and not threaten the balance.”

“How is Zillix taking things?” Jaina asked.

“He's upset,” Roric replied. “Seeing Idris die and then being taken apart so easily by the pyromancer has left him shaken.”

“It’s only because he’s low-level,” Jaina insisted. “His use of illusions to hide them was very clever.”

“But that’s really all he was good for,” Chandice said. “Idris’s zombies and buffs are far more useful.”

“I take their fight didn’t go well?” Hannah asked Frank as the group continued to talk.

“No, apparently, Zillix managed to protect Idris by turning her invisible and then making an illusion of her to draw fire. It worked a couple of times, but our friend Thexis tricked Idris into coming out of hiding and then slit her throat right in front of Zillix,” Frank replied. “Zillix went mad with rage and chased after him only to be lured into a trap. He didn’t stand a chance.”

“Ouch,” Hannah winced.

“Maybe you should talk to him and Idris,” Frank suggested. “You are one of his favorites.”

“Is my husband telling me to attend to my other husband?” Hannah teased with a playful smile.

“Just for a little while,” Frank suggested. “You can bring him up to speed on what we learn here.”

“That will probably just make him madder,” Hannah said.

“Use your best judgment,” Frank suggested. “Seduce him if you need to, but put his mind at ease.”

“I will do what I can,” Hannah said as she ran a hand up his chest. “But we need to spend some time together. I miss my big, strong ghoul.”

“I have a plan for us to spend time together,” Frank said. “Tonight, I am taking all my wives out for something special.”

“Oh, I like the sound of that,” Hannah said with a wicked smile. “Do I get to feed on somebody?”

“I wasn’t planning on bringing a victim,” Frank said with a smile.

“Well, if you don’t mind, I really want a bath first,” Hannah said. “I want to sit in that super hot tub for an hour and just melt.”

“You can't melt. You're immune to fire,” Frank pointed out.

“I know, and that tub feels lukewarm at best,” Hannah grumbled.

“Oh, I meant to ask you, where did your top go?” Frank said.

“My top?” Hannah replied and looked down to see her bare chest. “Oh my god, I forgot Thexis cut it off. I have been parading around all this time with nothing on.”

“Nobody cares in the harem,” Frank argued.

“Yeah, but I dragged Thexis’s body back through the city,” Hannah said as she blushed. “No wonder so many people were staring.”

“Well, if you ask me, I like you this way,” Frank teased as his hand crept up. “Maybe you should just stay this way.”

“Are you two done flirting?” Rajeen asked as Hannah realized the group had stopped talking to watch them.

“Umm, yes,” Hannah said and got up, eager to be away before she had to respond to his comment.

“Good, now you sit here,” Rajeen said, pointing to the floor at her feet. Hannah smiled and moved to her master's feet and was surprised when a chain was attached to her collar. “You need a very short leash,” Rajeen grumbled and pulled Hannah back so she stood tall at her side.

“Oh, I like her like this,” Jaina giggled and went around Hannah to sit in Frank’s lap in her place. “I will keep your husband warm.”

“Harlot,” Hannah mumbled as the meeting resumed. They went on to debate what they could do about this mystery woman and how to protect the harem girls if another attempt was made on them. There was also the question of where the items already collected from the girls were hidden. Santos had people looking to see where Thexis had been living but hadn't reported anything yet. At about this time, Blackbast arrived with Gwen, and it all had to start over. Gwen was very disturbed by the idea that somebody would prey on girls wearing slave collars.

Rajeen was more concerned with the fact that they managed to kill the girls without her noticing. Clearly, magic was at work, and it only added to the danger that whoever had sent Thexis had carefully planned this. Unfortunately, there was no way to know who that was, as this person even took care to eliminate Thexis to prevent him from speaking. Gwen said she would watch for his respawn and pounce on him the moment he turned up. If she could bring him back alive, they might be able to get more information out of him.

Once again, they turned to Chandice for advice as to how they hid the deaths. Chandice suspected the tunnels had been protected with magic to hide the girl's presence. It was the same kind of magic the masters used to protect their special meeting rooms from prying eyes. She bet Thexis had a scroll or a magical device designed for the task.

Roric brought up the fact that they targeted the slave girls because the collars made them weak. What turned the tide was when they realized this and put their unrestricted collars to use. Jaina interjected and said it was his masterful use of the thrall keeper class that had turned the tide. She complimented Rajeen, who had suggested Roric take the class, and said it had been invaluable in the fight.

Hannah listened to them debate what it all meant and how they needed to watch the public respawns for Thexis. It was more than likely he had a hidden home, but just in case, they should look for him. It went on and on until Hannah felt a gentle scratch on her head. Rajeen was running her claws through her hair, scratching her scalp just enough to make it pleasurable. Hannah sighed and hooked one of the woman's legs with her arms, holding tight as she got her pets.

She longed for that bath as nothing was more soothing than a good boiling water soak. Standing in a fire was nice, but the water really helped soak the heat in. She looked across the room where dozens of harem girls lay to see her three beauties curled up together as they waited.

“I am so lucky,” Hannah mused and was rewarded with a good long scratch.

“You don’t need to stay,” Rajeen whispered. “Go run off and play with your sisters.”

“You’re sure you won’t have more questions?” Hannah asked.

“There may be more,” Rajeen replied. “But we will send for you. Don’t go far.”

Hannah nodded and got up, walking to the girls who eagerly pulled her down.

“This is scary,” Quinny said. “Somebody is hunting harem girls for magical components.”

“Well, was hunting them,” Hannah corrected. “I doubt he will stay once he respawns.”

“Gwen said she would be watching her interface for him,” Breanne agreed. “If he doesn't run straight for the border, she's likely to drag him back here in chains.”

Hannah wanted to see that outcome but doubted it would happen. Thexis could blink, and only somebody who could match him stood a chance of keeping up. Still, maybe that was one of the two dozen magical items they found on his body that hadn't been identified yet. Without it, he might have to run on foot, and Gwen would surely catch him.

“Hey, I want to take a bath,” Hannah whispered. “I got his blood all over me, and I know I used cleanse, but I still feel dirty. Would my lovelies like to share a bath with me?” Hannah smiled as Quinny and Umtha nearly climbed over each other to come with. Breanne rose and took Hannah's hand, walking like two lovers as they left the masters to debate.

Five minutes later, they were in the Jade Temple, using a back room in the bathhouse. It had been added especially for Hannah and her girls because the devils liked their water hot. It was so hot that the surface roiled, and steam rose in thick clouds. Hannah and her girls stripped down and waded in, sitting on a bench under the surface as she sighed.

“Oh, this is much better,” Hannah groaned as she leaned back, swirling a blue glitter bomb she picked up in the kitchens as they passed.

“What were you and our husband going on about?” Breanne asked as Quinny leaned into her side.

“He wants me to see if I can soothe Zillix,” Hannah replied as Umtha curled into her chest. “I guess he's pretty upset.”

“He watches Idris die right before his eyes and then gets tricked into separating from the group and killed himself,” Quinny said. “He must feel awful.”

“He's too low-level,” Umtha said as Hannah put an arm around her.

“He is, but I doubt that’s any comfort to him,” Breanne said. “He must feel useless, especially to the woman he loves.”

“That’s why Roric keeps inviting them to go with,” Quinny said. “He’s trying to help him level.”

“I will go see him after the bath and help ease his pain,” Hannah said as she lay her head back.

“He always did have a thing for you,” Breanne agreed.

“He likes the horns and leathery wings,” Hannah remarked as she caused hers to appear. “You know, I promised to wear them in the harem for him. We probably all should.”

“Why would the wings matter?” Quinny asked.

“It reminds him of a dragon,” Hannah said with a shrug as she pulled Umtha more tightly to her chest. “I think he’s lonely. I know he has Idris and the harem, but I think he kind of wants a lady dragon.”

“Well, I don't mind the wings,” Breanne said as she caused hers to appear. Quinny and Umtha followed, with Hannah having to twist her head to avoid Umtha's wings poking her in the eye.

“Oops, sorry,” Umtha said and folded them back.

“It’s alright, sweetheart,” Hannah assured her. “After the day I have had a poked eye is the least of my concerns. I still remember the day Quinny had an arrow in hers.”

“That was so funny,” Quinny laughed. “You jumped out of your skin.”

“You're a brat,” Hannah said. “That must be why I love you.” She splashed in the water a little and used her tail to stir the boiling surface. The steam filled her nostrils, and she leaned back to soak it all in. “This isn't hot enough.”

“It’s as hot as Rajeen will make it,” Breanne remarked.

“I know, but that’s not hot enough,” Hannah said.

“You remember what happened the last time she tried to make it hotter,” Breanne warned.

“How can I forget,” Hannah grumbled. “She told me she would put our bath outside in the street if we didn't accept a lower temperature.”

“This is fine,” Quinny said as she lay in Breanne’s arms. “It’s warm.”

“This water is hot enough to scald the skin off of any other girl,” Breanne argued. “It makes so much steam they had to install a vent to carry it outside.

“Rajeen was so mad when all that steam went into the harem,” Umtha said.

“Don’t remind me,” Hannah moaned as she stroked her little dark angel.

“I wonder if Legeis could build a steam engine out of this?” Quinny asked.

“I have to see him, too,” Hannah sighed. “That spider mount is ready for me to look at, and I want to talk to him about the progress on the machine.”

“Maybe you should thank him for his help,” Breanne teased.

“A goblin?” Hannah said as she flinched. “He's like half my size.”

“As a goblin queen, you are technically the wife of all the goblins in the tribe,” Umtha pointed out. “All of you have been since you were married.”

“What?” Hannah balked. “Are you telling me I am married to all the goblins?”

“Wow, you need to get out there and consummate all those marriages,” Quinny laughed.

“Did you miss the part where she said you were too?” Hannah grumbled.

“You don't have to have sex with them,” Umtha said. “I mean, unless you want to. None of the goblins expect you to do it because you're not a goblin.”

“Does that mean you are doing it misses goblin?” Hannah demanded. “You happen to be a goblin queen, too.”

“Not recently,” Umtha replied with a smile.

“All my wives are harlots,” Hannah grumbled.

“I happen to be a reserved woman,” Breanne interjected.

“So if we check your history, there won't be two hundred entries for Evalynn?” Hannah asked with a raised brow.

“I happen to like her,” Breanne countered.

“Ha, she's been getting a lot of attention from Roric recently,” Quinny added. “She goes to his base and dances with Evalynn for him.”

“Will you be quiet!” Breanne quipped.

“Oh, so now you're dancing for him,” Hannah laughed.

“I am surprised you haven't,” Breanne countered. “Jaina does it far more than Evalynn does, and we know how close you and Jaina are.”

“Well, I don't think Rajeen wants me doing that anymore,” Hannah sighed.

“I thought that’s what you wanted?” Quinny asked.

“It is,” Hannah said then took a breath. “Look, it's hard to explain. If it were up to me, I would spend all my time with you and Frank. That's more than enough love to satisfy me.”

“But…” Breanne pressed.

“But it's so exciting to be told I have to do bad things,” Hannah said as she smiled. “I love the loss of control and the tension that comes from being forced to live up to my slave class. I just don't want to hurt Frank, is all.”

“He seemed pretty content with it at first,” Breanne said. “But just recently, he’s been more unsure.”

“It's Blackbast,” Umtha said. “She wants out of the temple to spend more time with us and Frank.”

“Yeah, she wants to be free of it more,” Hannah sighed. “And Frank decided that Quinny and I should go with her.”

“Rajeen was pushing for that,” Breanne corrected. “She never liked the idea of you serving.”

“I know, but oh god, the tension of being there,” Hannah said. “It's hard to explain how you feel when you're wondering if somebody is about to walk in and demand your services. Then somebody does walk in, and you know what will happen. Oh, the tension and excitement are addictive.”

“I loved it,” Quinny said. “Especially when you started doing it with me.”

“Well, you two should talk to Frank and see how he really feels,” Breanne said. “Then talk to Rajeen about it.”

“She’s going to say no,” Quinny said with a frown.

“I am sure you can reach some kind of agreement,” Breanne assured her.

“Well, that’s part of the problem,” Hannah said. “I don’t want it to be my choice. I want them to tell me to do it. It's not the same If I go to them and argue about it.”

“Yeah, it’s more fun when they make us do it,” Quinny agreed.

“Well, if the primary factor is Blackbast spending more time with us, then why don't we all just go to the temple?” Breanne asked.

“Huh, I never thought of that,” Hannah said.

“Frank wouldn’t want to be there all the time watching us serve,” Quinny argued.

“He can serve too,” Breanne said. “Just put him in Hannah's slave collar. You saw how the librarians and waitresses behaved. All he did was enter the room, and they were all over him. Besides, Blackbast always said she wanted a man for the temple to handle the women. Who better than Frank?”

“He’s got endless stamina,” Quinny said. “He would never tire, no matter how many women came.”

“I wish I could get him to put that stamina to work on me,” Hannah grumbled.

“And you called me a harlot,” Breanne laughed as two forms came through the mist to stand at the edge of the bath.

Hannah and her girls looked up to see a beautiful woman with shoulder-length orange hair and strange orange lines on her neck. Jaina held her hand and presented her as the pyromancer Cindariel. Hannah was struck by her fiery beauty, but there was sadness in her eyes. She wondered if Jaina had told her about what they discovered and how Thexis used her as a pawn.

She decided to play it safe and smiled, welcoming her to the bath as Jaina introduced the girls. Hannah invited her to join them but warned that the water was a little hot. Breanne accentuated the point by suggesting they could cook in this water, but Cindariel didn't seem bothered. Hannah was impressed when the girl causally dipped a foot in the water and pronounced it warm at best.

“See, I told you it wasn’t hot enough,” Hannah said to Breanne.

“If we make it any hotter, we will need more ways to vent the steam,” Breanne remarked. “You remember what happened the last time you tried to heat it up. The outer rooms were drenched in condensation.”

Jaina laughed that they had another heat lover and Hannah was delighted. She said they needed more company in the bath while never taking her eyes off the dangerous woman. She noted Cindariel wasn't wearing a collar but didn't bring it up. Instead, she addressed her as the mysterious woman in red, and Jaina quickly told her there was much Hannah didn't know and asked her not to pass judgment.

Hannah wasn't about to pass judgment on the woman who clearly was in distress. There was a pain behind her eyes but also a look of wonder as if she were seeing things clearly for the first time. Who knows how far Thexis took the woman's anger or where it even began? For all they knew, Cindariel meant to come to the Jade Temple and have a strongly worded argument, but nothing more.

“I wasn't going to pass judgment,” Hannah said to assure the two. “If she’s with you, then I trust her completely. Besides, any girl who can stand the heat is a friend of mine.” She meant every word of it, and Jaina nodded in agreement.

“I am a pyromancer,” Cindariel said, speaking a little more boldly. “All I can do is fire.”

“Good. Can you heat this ice bath?” Hannah joked to lighten the moon and create a friendship.

“Will you please just enjoy the bath,” Breanne scolded. “Honestly, we will need a volcano to make it as hot as you want it.”

“I like how warm it is,” Umtha cooed as she snuggled into Hannah while her head was gently stroked.

Hannah rested her head on her little green devil when Jaina said they were going for food. She then made the mistake of saying they had pizza, and Hannah's stomach growled in protest, only to be nearly matched by Cindariel. Umtha bolted away as if her life was in danger, causing a chorus of giggles from Quinny. Hannah folded her arms in a pout and reminded them her stomach had a mind of its own.

“It has a hunger of its own,” Breanne said. “This is why nobody likes you to snuggle against them at night. They fear that beast will get hungry and devour them in their sleep.”

“Oh, ha, ha,” Hannah countered. “She was just as loud.”

“Ha, you two are like twin sisters,” Jaina laughed and tugged at Cindariel. “We will be in the common room if you want to feed that thing.”

Hannah watched her go as her stomach growled again, demanding to be fed and pampered.

“I suppose we are going for pizza now,” Breanne sighed. “If we don't, that thing will never be quiet.”

“I told you I can't control it,” Hannah said as she used her tail to nudge the unruly woman. “I suppose a little pizza wouldn't hurt. Besides, I am not sure what Jaina has told Cindariel. I was the one who questioned Thexis; it might mean more to her coming from me.”

“Is Jaina trying to win her over?” Umtha asked as she dared to return to Hannah’s side.

“It seems like it,” Breanne said. “Considering what we know, that poor woman was as much a victim as the harem girls.”

“But not everybody wants this kind of life,” Quinny said.

“No, maybe not,” Hannah agreed. “But she deserves to know the truth. I don't want her burning with guilt that she was the mastermind behind what happened. She was just another pawn, taken advantage of.”

She suggested they soak for five minutes and then meet in the common room. She took a sip from her drink and wondered if Thexis would be caught and the mysterious woman behind him revealed. Who would want to target their harem specifically, and what good were magical samples going to do them? It was one more mystery in the tangled web that was her life, but one thing made her smile. The warm hands of Quinny, Umtha, and Breanne spread across her body as her wives reminded her that she was loved completely.