Princess Hannah slave of the jade Harem Ch 01
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This is the continuation of the Heather the necromancer series taken into an adult direction. Since it focuses much more heavily on the adult content I have started a new series under her new name. Hannah. For the sake of new readers who haven't read Heather the necromancer I cover a lot of ground explaining and recapping things. So enjoy and be aware, there is a lot of sex ahead. 



She walked across the stone balcony, her large breasts bare and the barest of silk slips at her waist. Her long rope-like tail swayed with her hips as her copper skin glistened in the morning sunlight. She tossed her head, causing the cascade of red hair down her back to sway. With a deep breath, she leaned on the railing and looked over Paradise City in the land of Tirnanog. It was a beautiful city of white stone, marbled walls, and grand causeways full of gardens. Trees and greenery grew everywhere in the city, laid out in rings at the base of the mountains. Wide canals carried soft blue water that fell from the palace to the lake outside the walls. It helped divide the city into districts, gardens, and special sections, all to her careful design.

She looked down, her red eyes narrowed to slits as her fangs showed slightly in her smile. She loved being the princess of this land and considered its people her friends. She wanted more than anything to make this place where magic could happen, but that wasn't without its dangers.

This wasn't a real world, at least not by her standards. It was a manufactured place created by aliens who came to Earth years ago and attempted to communicate. For years, both sides did their best to talk, but the aliens were so different from us that they found no meaningful way to talk. Then they discovered our satellites and communications, opening an unusual door. For some reason, they found our video games fascinating, especially the fantasy ones where thousands of people played together. The first breakthroughs in communication came in these games as the aliens hacked in and began to say garbled things.

Hannah recalled how that set the world on fire as the alien race, now known as the visitors, found a way to speak. None of it made much sense, but over time, they began to say things that did hint at their purpose. They said they had come to learn and not interfere that they would remain in orbit and not land. They wished us no harm and would leave if they caused it. Most of all, they said they wanted to know what it was like to be human.

Hannah was in school while all this happened and heading to college when the first understandable transmissions were made. It was big news, but she didn't care. She had a life to build and a future to establish. Yes, the aliens were important, but if all they wanted to do was watch, then what impact did that make on her life?

For the next year, they experimented with our games, causing some crashes, some parts of the internet to fail, and at least one satellite to explode. They seemed to be doing all they could to learn how the games worked, but nobody understood why. The answer came in her second year of college when the news that the aliens had invaded broke. Thousands of small craft had descended across the globe, landing near population centers and creating small structures. People were rightly panicked, but nothing happened, and the visitors began to repeat the same message over and over. “Come, so we can learn.”

Scientists and experts descended on the strange sites only to discover something they couldn't believe. The visitors had created human-like interfaces where people could create avatars in a video game. Every hour, a door would open in the yard connected to the building, and anyone who passed through became the character they had created, but in another world.

Hannah recalled the wild speculation of what was really happening, how people were being secretly harvested for food or digitized into nothing but data. Despite all the paranoia, people began to line up, ready to volunteer and enter this New Eden where nobody aged, got sick or suffered any lasting injury. Even death was a minor inconvenience, and every player respawned roughly four hours after a fatal injury. They would have new bodies designed exactly how they wanted and forever enjoy the benefits of youth.

The sick, the old, and the seriously handicapped began to cry out, demanding to be allowed to enter. They saw in this invitation a chance to escape their fate and start over. Governments around the world created the translation program and began to prepare people for the process of entering a new world. Hannah had friends who wanted to go, but she put it out of her mind. She hadn't worked this hard for this long just to run off to some fantasy world. Besides, she didn't play video games, anyway. What would she do in a place like New Eden besides be eaten by some monster spider?

A year of people going in was followed on the news, as it was the only topic people talked about. The visitors added locations in their terminals where governments could watch and see what was happening in New Eden. Every news station had pictures and short videos of the goings-on of random players and the fantastic monsters they were fighting. Hannah recalled seeing a few clips of a group of players battling a giant. It looked fascinating, but she had no interest in participating. Thousands of people began to pour into this new world, with governments offering faster access to people with life-threatening conditions or serious disabilities. Every day, hundreds more joined the swelling numbers of players in a world that seemed impossible to believe.

Hannah shrugged it off and never gave it another thought, but then, one day, the choice was taken away from her. There were rumors that the visitors were taking people in secretly. These chosen were often abducted from their beds and given preferred status in New Eden. Heather went to sleep one day and woke in a green field under a sky far too blue to be real. In one mind-shattering moment of panic, she realized that, like it or not, she had been chosen, and nothing would ever be the same again. Once in New Eden, there was no way back, or so they said, but she would not accept it.

Her first days in the new world were chaos as she was nearly eaten by a giant worm, killed by a crazy player, and chased off by a herd of fluffy emoji-like creatures. Thankfully, she found a boy named Frank hiding in a little graveyard. He took her in, held her hand, and offered to help her see the world as he did. Frank saw it all as an amazing adventure full of wonder and magic, but all Hannah wanted was to go home. She stubbornly refused to see the world as he did and focused all her efforts on being unhappy here.

She got her wish and remained miserable, but Frank wore her down over time. She began to see the wonder of it all and the potential for greatness and, most of all, fell in love with the man who stood by her side through it all.

“Oh, Frank,” Hannah sighed as she thought of her husband. “I love you.” A smile crossed her face as she leaned on her arms, looking over her sleepy city. Somehow, she and that boy accomplished the impossible, and now he was a prince, and she was a princess ruling their little kingdom. They had four other beautiful women, including a goblin queen, a zombie warrior, a feline priestess, and an elven Banshee. They all shared her love, her bed, and her husband as a family like no other. Umtha, the goblin queen, was already married to them, but they planned to add the other three in the next few months. Together, they would rule the land and its people to create a home for all while avoiding the dangerous eye of the north where the mad king dwelt.

Through the course of her adventures, she earned her title as a princess by saving a desperate Queen from a plot to steal her power. That queen named her a daughter and changed her name to Princess Hannah while giving her the right to her own land inside her borders. It was the start of something wonderful, but as always, there was a darkness looming on the horizon. Hannah looked to the far mountains and prayed that the darkness was behind her now. Perhaps now she could live her life free of the curse of what she was. Perhaps she could finally enjoy being the woman she wanted to be. A slave girl in the jade harem, her life dedicated to serving her masters.

Soft hands came around her sides and over her ample breasts as she jumped in delight and thrashed her tail. She recognized the touch of her lover and master, Blackbast, from the fine black fur that covered her body. She shivered when a prickly tongue licked her neck, making her want to giggle in happiness.

“What is my pet thinking about?” the feline woman asked as she pressed herself to Hannah’s back.

“I was just trying to come to terms with what happened,” Hannah replied. “I still can’t believe it’s over.”

“Ah, having trouble letting go of the pain,” Blackbast purred as Hannah turned around to regard her. She loved how Blackbast looked with the hypnotic green eyes of a cat on the body of an incredibly sexy feline woman. Her body was human, with the exception of her head, which strongly resembled a house cat. She had dark fur, whiskers, and pointed ears high on her head. She also had a long black tail that caused her to purr with delight when it was stroked. Her hands were human with retractable claws that she used in sensual massages, but her feet were feline and soft. She rarely wore more than a simple silk over her chest and waist as she was a priestess of Bastet, a goddess of lust and comfort. As part of Blackbast's character, she could establish a temple where travelers were welcome to stay and rest. Food, drink, and comfortable beds would be provided to all who sought rest, but comfort was the most important of her services. Blackbast was a temple whore, and she offered her body and skill at sex to all who came to her temple. As part of her class, she could take slave girls to aid her in serving the guests, and Hannah proudly wore one of her collars.

“I have been living with this curse for so long,” Hannah said, putting her forehead to Blackbast's. “I never dreamed I would escape it this way.”

“You had a tumultuous beginning,” Blackbast agreed. “But I knew that day you came to my temple that you would be mine to keep.”

Hannah smiled to recall the day she and her friends stumbled into the cat woman’s temple and discovered the nature of her services. Hannah was far more timid and reserved back then and blushed when Blackbast explained it. As amazing as it seemed now, she left that temple collared and answering to Blackbast as master. Her future husband, Frank, was against the idea and implored her to take it off, but the collar became a blessing. It limited her primary class and added the class of sex slave in service to the collar's owner. It was something she tried not to consider as they wandered the land and pretended to be Frank's harem.

“I can’t believe you got this around my neck,” Hannah said as she touched the metal ring on the front of her collar. “And now I love being a slave girl.”

“I told you that you would,” Blackbast said as she stared back with those hypnotic eyes. “But you needed time to understand.”

Hannah did indeed need time, weeks, in fact. She only wore the collar because it allowed her master to make cosmetic changes. Hannah was a hunted player, thanks to opportunistic players who took advantage of her inexperience. There was a bounty on her head so high it was paid in kingdoms, and she couldn't be seen in public lest somebody try to claim the reward. Even then, they found her hidden home, and on a terrible day of violence, it was destroyed. Her friends were killed, and she was nearly carted away for the reward, only to have a friend save the day. They fled their ruined home and lived on the run, all but Frank wearing collars to hide who they were.

They didn't have to worry about being recognized so long as the collars were on, so they began experimenting with them. It turns out that being a sex slave had amazing advantages, and it intensified sex for the wearer. One night with Frank and, she never wanted to make love without the collar again.

“I suppose now that everything has changed, I should serve in your temple,” Hannah said as she smiled. “Frank already told me he thinks I should.”

“I have never pushed you to do so,” Blackbast replied. “I admit I would love to see you serving, but you needed time to grow into this.”

“I know, but I have grown,” Hannah said as she stepped out of the cat woman's arms. She threw her hands high, and bat wings magically sprouted from her back. “I am a succubus and a member of the jade harem. I serve four masters and have had sex with dozens of women. Am I really going to say that serving in the temple is a step too far?”

“If your heart is ready, then so be it,” Blackbast said. “But you are a slave girl, and I have differed decisions like this to Frank. He will decide when your service in the temple begins, not I.”

Hannah nodded and thought of her husband asleep in their bed with half a dozen women. Most of them were his wives-to-be, but some were members of the jade harem, the city's local center of sensual power. Hannah was a member of the harem formed by a tiger woman named Rajeen. She ruled a vast inn known as the Jade Temple, where everything was designed to be sensual. Rajeen was a collector of women and had over fifty girls in her private harem. Blackbast and Rajeen were lovers from long ago, and Frank found the woman agreeable. As they were prince and princess, Rajeen offered to let Frank join the harem as one of its masters. Of course, the catch was he had to put his girls in the harem. He took a little while to think about it, but he agreed, and Hannah now had a silver tiger paw branded to the left cheek of her rear. It was the mark of the harem and a sign that she belonged to Rajeen. No man was allowed to touch Hannah without permission, and those that did were quickly corrected. Rajeen treated her girls like treasures, ensuring they wanted for nothing while providing a home where they could spend their days making love.

“I am sure Frank will tell me to serve soon,” Hannah said.

“I know he will,” Blackbast replied, brushing a red clump of hair from Hannah's face. “And it will be the second happiest day of my life.”

“What was the first?” Hannah asked.

“The day you said you would wear my collar,” Blackbast said. “Even though you had ulterior motives for it.”

Hannah smiled as she recalled her reasons for accepting the collar and how she tried to exploit its power. It had become a running theme with her that the rules were made to be exploited. She had found several ways to twist what the visitors intended and use them to her advantage. The collar was just one more tool to be used, but she was glad how it turned out.

“Any plans for today?” Blackbast asked.

“Hmm, make love to Frank, then maybe Jaina,” Hannah replied with a smile. “Then play in the harem and make love to the other girls.”

“Ha, didn’t you get enough of that last night?” Blackbast asked as Hannah shook her head.

“I love being a sex slave,” Hannah replied. “And I don't care what anybody thinks. I am a sex slave of the jade harem, and I intend to enjoy what that means. Especially now that I am free of the chains holding me back.”

“I am proud of you,” Blackbast replied, hugging her. “You make me proud to be your master.”

Hannah returned the hug as she thought of how long she had run from this moment. Early in her arrival in New Eden, a player tricked her into making a choice she shouldn't have. The result was the bounty on her head and months of running. They thought they had hidden when they founded their city, but that past caught up to her and the danger with it. With her home and friends in danger, she did the only thing she could: she admitted the truth. Or, more to the point, most of it. Hannah went before the people of her city as a succubus and explained her past in great detail. She told them about her misfortunes and the mistake that landed the bounty on her head. She then told one small lie and said the mistake had been corrected. The fact that most of what she said was true, coupled with the boldness of how she said it, made most people believe her. However, the local kings and queens did not. They gathered to question her and ensure that she wasn't lying, bringing the threat of exposing the truth. They used magic and manipulation to get at that truth, but Hannah outsmarted them all.

She found allies in a small dragon the size of a cat and a woman skilled at deception. With their combined powers of illusion and deception, she was able to cheat their magics and make them believe she had truly rectified the situation. She had also done something nobody had expected. She stood before those people and admitted that she was a sex slave. She named her masters one by one and declared she was proud to be theirs.

Her gambit worked with the aid of Zillix, the pseudo dragon, and Alexandria, the deceiver. Both of them risked making enemies of some of the most powerful people in the world to aid Hannah, a woman they hardly knew. With the rulers placated, the hunters were called off, and the chains broken, leaving her well and truly free. She was finally safe to work openly, unafraid to let people see what she really was. She was a princess, a wife, a daughter, a sex slave, and a succubus, or a Lilim, but that was just an evolved succubus, so it was the same thing. As far as she was concerned, she was a succubus, and Frank was her primary master. Blackbast, Rajeen, and a man named Roric were her secondary masters. She had made love to them and many harem girls with a heart of happiness. She wanted this for herself and her life, and nobody was going to take it away.

“So your whole city knows you are a succubus sex slave,” Blackbast said as she joined Hannah at the railing. “You will be seen differently.”

“I will be seen for who I am,” Hannah replied. “They will understand that this is what makes me happy.”

“And what of what Chandice thinks?” Blackbast asked. “Does that bother you at all?”

Hannah paused to think the question over as her smile grew. Chandice was Roric's wife-to-be and Hannah's girlfriend. She wasn't a slave girl, but she was brilliant and a critical thinker. She correctly surmised that part of why Hannah had embraced being a slave girl was to hide from a dark truth. Over the course of their adventures, Hannah discovered that she may have been here before. In fact, she might have been somebody else altogether. Over time, she sought more answers and discovered a dark secret that pointed to one simple truth. She had gone through a process known as being reset, where everything about her was returned to its starting point. This allowed her to change anything she wanted, her race, gender, classes, etc., and then start over as a level one adventurer. Some people took resets willingly, others suffered them due to terrible accidents, but in Hannah's case, it happened as a punishment. She still didn't know all the details, but one thing was certain. Powerful people hated who she was and were determined to ensure she never rose to power again. Learning this dark fact had driven her mad with grief and made the burden unbearable. In what was perhaps a moment of weakness, she embraced the decadence of being a sex slave to escape the need to know more. As much as Hannah insisted she did it of her own volition, Chandice saw right through it. She correctly deduced that Hannah was hiding from her past and using the excitement of sex to keep her mind occupied. Every member of her family agreed, and it raised an important question. Did Hannah really want this, or was this just an escape?

“No, it doesn't bother me,” Hannah replied as she wrapped her tail around Blackbast's. “She's right that I embraced this lifestyle to hide from my past, but now that I have tried it, I can honestly say I love it. I don't care what brought me to this point. What matters is how grateful I am that it did.”

“Every time I test you, you answer beautifully,” Blackbast said as she put her arm around Hannah’s back. “I am so happy you feel this way, my little pet. I look so forward to seeing you blossom into your true beauty.”

Hannah smiled as the two leaned into one another until a second pair of hands came to her shoulders. She looked back to see the eyes of a beautiful succubus looking back, her sharp, angular face smiling as she ran her hands down the arms of Hannah's wings.

“Planning to fly away?” Breanne asked.

“Oh, I had forgotten I had them out,” Hannah laughed and, with a silent command, made them vanish. She was rewarded with sharp nails gently scratching her back as Breanne began to touch her. Hannah sighed as those hands rolled over her rear and grabbed at her tail, beginning a gentle stroke.

“Hmmm,” Hannah cooed. “I love that.”

“We all do,” Breanne replied, tossing her long green hair. She was, in reality, a high elf woman who was also an undead spirit known as a banshee. However, as an evolved succubus known as a Lilim, Hannah could take slave girls. Breanne wore one of those collars, and as a special power, Hannah could turn any woman in her collar into a succubus, too. Now, all her girls wore a slave collar and were turned into succubi, serving Frank as his unholy harem of devil girls. Like Hannah, they had been placed into the jade harem and were slaves under the other masters. It made them one big family of slave girls and masters, bound together by the collar's magic.

She smiled wider as Breanne lifted the tip of her tail and kissed it while stroking along the length. Hannah loved having her tail played with, and the dark beauty behind her knew it. Breanne normally looked like an elven princess with long black hair and a fair complexion. But as a succubus, she had pale blue skin, long green hair, and soft blue lips. A pair of black horns sprouted from her head and slightly curled as they went back. Her tail ended in a fork, and the slits of her eyes were a radiant emerald green. Like all succubi, she had pointed ears that stuck out to the sides and hung with several golden rings. Of all the women in her family, Breanne was the oldest, having come from a retirement home after a long life and a lonely finish. Her husband had passed, and her children were well into their fifties, having long forgotten their mother languishing alone. When New Eden opened, she saw a chance to be young again, rushing to sign up and begin anew. With that age came wisdom and a motherly point of view that Hannah greatly valued. With it also came an unusual amount of affection, as Breanne often displayed her love physically.

“Hello, my dark lover,” Hannah said with a delighted smile. “And good morning to you, too.”

“I didn’t get a chance to make love to you last night,” Breanne said as she played with Hannah’s tail. “I hope you weren’t upset.”

“There were over ten people in our bed. How could I be upset that you didn’t get to all of them?” Hannah replied with a bat of her eyes. “But just in case, keep stroking my tail.”

“You are terrible for each other,” Blackbast laughed.

Hannah didn't agree with that statement at all. Breanne was perhaps the one woman she felt absolutely free to be herself with. Breanne expressed her love in gentle ways, caressing, kissing, and soothing away all hurts and pains. Breanne proved that point by kissing along Hannah's shoulders while continuing to play with her tail. Hannah took a deep breath and relished her sister and soon-to-be wife's affection.

The three huddled together and looked over the city from the balcony of the floating palace where Hannah and Frank ruled. She realized they had never given the place a name and wondered if they should. She shared the idea with the other two, and they agreed that a name would be fun, but it needed to fit the nature of those who lived there.

“The lover’s nest?” Hannah suggested. “Or does that sound goofy?”

“A little goofy,” Breanne agreed. “And far too simple. You are a princess, after all. It needs to have a grander name, like the white palace.”

“That name doesn’t mean anything to anyone,” Blackbast suggested. “It needs more connection to who you are.”

“Well, most of us are succubi,” Hannah replied. “So maybe it needs a sexier name. The halls of seduction, or maybe the palace of sin.”

“Do you really want people to call your home that?” Blackbast asked.

“You said it needed to reflect who lived here,” Hannah said. “And, were all devil girls.”

“What about the harem girls?” Breanne asked. “There are always a dozen or so wandering about now.”

“And Roric and his girls come here,” Blackbast reminded.

“Hmm,” Hannah replied as she considered the others. “It would be too similar to call it the jade palace, and Roric’s home is called the Lovewood.”

“This place is essentially the harem chambers,” Breanne agreed. “Rajeen made the palace open to the girls so they can come here at their leisure.”

“Maybe we should give every master a bedroom here,” Hannah suggested.

“That may not be a bad idea,” Blackbast said. “Maybe it should have a name that focuses on the masters.”

“The master's hall?” Breanne suggested.

“That one sounds alright,” Heather mused, then frowned. “You know what aggravates me is the second Frank hears the idea he's going to make that stupid face, then spit out the perfect name like it was obvious.”

“He is good at that,” Breanne agreed.

“Hey, what are you guys doing?” Quinny called as she and Umtha ran from the archway to join them on the Balcony. Both succubi girls raced to join the hug and were quickly brought into Hannah's love. Hannah smiled as she held her little family until a final form appeared in the doorway. He was a tall man with dark eyes and darker hair that fell in waves to his shoulder blades. His bare chest was rippled with muscles, and his smile made her heart thump.

This was Frank, her husband and lover, the man who had stood by her side even when she was making terrible choices. He appeared now as a human man, but this wasn't his true form. Frank had come to this world to play a ghoul, and his true form was a horrible hunched abomination with claws that could rend armor. His human form was a gift from Blackbast when the feline woman realized that Frank's horrid appearance kept him and Hannah apart. She gave Frank a small magical figurine of a handsome man made of white marble. With a single command word, he took on the form of that man while the figurine became the ghoul, thus allowing them to finally be close.

Frank walked across the balcony as the girls all smiled at the man who was their master. Even Blackbast bowed her head to him, though she didn't wear his collar. Sadly, Frank didn't want to play a class that could take slaves and wouldn't follow the path that would allow it. Most slave master classes took slaves for pleasure, but some slaves played important roles. Roric's slaves were part of his combat ability, and he needed them to use some of his powers. In return, his slaves gained some power from him, and together, they made an effective team. Frank's slaves were very different and in a very one-sided relationship. His slaves were little more than batteries to be used by their master as extra power, drained and discarded on a whim. Hannah didn’t mind how his slaves were used so long as it was his collar, but she would settle for Blackbast’s collar so long as they all understood she belonged to Frank.

“Good morning, handsome,” Hannah called with a wide smile as her girls huddled in her arms. “Did you sleep well?”

“I dreamed I slept on a bed of beautiful women whose love puts the greatest of treasures to shame,” he replied as he walked up and put his arms around them. “And then I woke up to discover it wasn’t a dream.”

“This is the boy who said he was terrible at talking to women,” Blackbast laughed.

“I know a few romance novelists who would steal that line,” Breanne added.

“He’s not a boy anymore,” Hannah remarked as she leaned over to kiss him. “And I love the man he has become.”

“So, what are we going to do today?” Quinny asked as she leaned back and tossed her dark hair.

“Hmm,” Hannah replied as she considered her options. “Well, we were trying to think of a name for our palace that fit our relationship and family.” She shot Frank a glare as he looked lost in thought, then shrugged as if he had an offhand idea.

“How about the Halls of Paradise?” he suggested as Hannah, Breanne, and Blackbast gave him an icy stare. “What?” he asked when he noticed the looks.

“See, this is exactly what I said,” Hannah insisted. “It took him five seconds.”

“What did I do now?” he demanded as Hannah shook her head.

“I will tell you about it later,” Hannah replied, patting his face. She turned to the city and motioned the others to look over the rooftops far below. “This is our first day free from the threat of being hunted. We are free to do whatever we want. So what does everyone want to do?”

“Let’s have a picnic,” Quinny suggested. “We can have it on the shore of the lake.”

“Maybe not the shores,” Frank said as he put a hand to her waist. “Players swarm over the shores and would spoil it, but I could hide it in the hills on the far side.”

“Will we invite the harem girls?” Umtha asked as she played with her lower lip.

“Let’s keep it to just our immediate circle,” Hannah said as her form blurred and she took on the appearance of a sexy elf woman. “Besides, with our succubus power to shapeshift, we can be any woman our master desires.”

“I think the picnic is a wonderful idea,” Blackbast agreed. “All of you need some time to relax and be together.”

“You say that like you are not coming,” Hannah said.

“I am afraid I am not coming,” Blackbast replied as she took Hannah's hands. “I have to spend time in the temple caring for the guests. Besides, Anasara needs to be looked after.”

Hannah was sad to hear her master wasn't coming, but she fully understood. Blackbast couldn't be away from her temple for long, or she started to suffer a reduction in power. She needed to be present as often as possible, or she would lose a great deal of strength. She also had a new elven slave girl named Anasara, who needed guidance and attention. Hannah briefly wondered if she should visit the temple and meet this woman. After all, she and Hannah were both Blackbast's slave girls. Perhaps they should spend a little time together in one of the bedrooms, truly getting to know one another.

Hannah nodded in acknowledgment of Blackbast's needs but leaned forward and kissed the whiskered cat. “Alright, but promise me you will be in our bed tonight.”

“I will do everything in my power to be there,” Blackbast replied. “Now, obey your master and enjoy the start of your new life.”

“Yes, master,” Hannah replied as Blackbast patted her head. She headed off, leaving Hannah and the others to plan the picnic, as Frank assured them he would set it up.

“I will plan the picnic and have it all waiting for lunchtime,” Frank assured them, then explained where they could find it in the distant hills.

“So what shall we do while we wait?” Breanne asked as she looked over the city.

“That’s easy,” Hannah replied and spread her wings. She leaped into the air with a smile and beckoned her girls to follow. With giggles, they sprouted wings and chased after her, calling out with laughter as Hannah dared them to catch her.

“Remember, the picnic will be set up by noon,” Frank called from the balcony below. “If you're late, I will feed it to Webster.”

Hannah swooped past him and blew him a magical kiss to let him know she had heard, then flew out over the city with her girls in pursuit. It was a new life with a new perspective as Hannah shed her old identity of Heather and embraced her role as a sex slave to her four masters.