11. Adding a Problem To The List
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Kishiko’s heart raced. A ticklish sensation ran up her body as Misaki’s fingers gently put more pressure against Kishiko’s private parts.

It wasn’t a completely unknown feeling. Although still a virgin, she couldn’t exactly conceal her sexual urges, so she did the only thing a girl her age could do. Even now, she’d only gone as far as inserting one finger, but it had been enough to make her climax.

It wasn’t the first time someone tried touching her down there either, but it was the first time someone had actually been able to. She’d activated Full Defense to protect herself anytime someone even got close down there, but she’d been so shocked by how sudden everything was that she hadn’t thought about activating it immediately.

And now that Misaki was this close, Kishiko couldn’t just activate it. Full Defense worked by forming a protective shield around the person, anything that may interfere with the shield would be cut through. In this case, that would be Misaki’s finger.

But since she wasn’t her master, there was a simpler way of going about this.

“B—” Kishiko held Misaki by her shoulders. “Back off!” Her hands glowed for a moment, and she pushed the elf girl to her feet. Kishiko quickly stood after her. Her face was heavily blushed, and her heart was still racing. She glared at Misaki as she said, “Who said you could do that?!”

Although she looked down at Kishiko’s hands for a moment, she just as quickly turned away. “If it’s for master’s sake, I’ll do anything,” she declared in a hollow tone. “If you not having any experience becomes an inconvenience to master, then I, as a slave, would’ve failed my—”

“Don’t you think he would want to be the one to teach me those kinds of things?!” Kishiko yelled with a fully reddened face. That had been the last thing she wanted to declare so openly, especially since she had no intention of letting him teach her those kinds of things either, but she couldn’t see any other way to escape the situation.

From what she understood, many men loved feeling that sense of superiority, so although she wasn’t certain what she was saying was true, there had to be some truth to it. Even if it was just a possibility.

Misaki’s eyes widened. She turned her gaze to the floor for a moment then faced Kishiko once more. “You…might have a point.” The elf girl bowed. “I apologize for my actions. I see that you also have master’s best in mind.”

“I-I…” She was a moment away from denying her claim, but she had made an opening out of the conversation. She couldn’t very well toss it away like that. Without saying anything else, she simply nodded.

“Alright. That being the case, I’ll let Master teach you. If you don’t have anything else to talk about, I’ll have my leave,” Misaki said suddenly and snapped towards the door.

Kishiko was ready to just let her leave. For all intents and purposes, that probably was the best idea. Whatever Misaki’s thought process was, it clearly didn’t coincide with that of hers. This way of forcibly taking charge, it wasn’t something she was as willing to do. But on the other hand, it brought forth a burning question that’d welled up in her mind from the moment they arrived.

“Misaki,” Kishiko called out, quickly resolving to go through with her line of questioning. After a deep breath, she started. “I did want to ask one thing.” Without waiting for Misaki to say anything, Kishiko continued. “Why are you so willing to do all of these things? Why don’t you resist even a little?”

It was a question that had been on Kishiko’s mind since the moment that she’d seen how forward Misaki was. She really couldn’t see herself ever being someone that was that willing to roll over for someone, especially not for a “master”.

It took a few icy seconds, but eventually, Misaki slowly opened her mouth. “Why?” she asked. “That’s because we don’t have a choice. Even if you resist, it won't matter. It doesn't matter if we want it or not.” She declared without turning. “You and I are slaves, and a slave's only purpose is to please her master. That is all you are meant to do.”

Kishiko fell silent. For the first time, she felt true emotion coming from the elf girl. It was faint, but she noticed it. Like a tiny crack on a glass pane that disappeared when looked at in the wrong angle.

"So you might as well give up.” Misaki continued. “Don't resist, and things will go smoothly."

Kishiko, unable to formulate a response, simply stared at Misaki.

"Now then, if I’ve answered your question, I will take my leave." Misaki walked out, closing the door behind her.

Kishiko stayed frozen in place for a long time, not moving or saying anything. Eventually, she sat back down on her bed and sighed.

“She’s quite something, huh.”




As they reached the top of the stairs, Shiari came to an abrupt stop, leading Hikari to do the same. Standing only a few meters away from them was the beautiful elf girl with long blue hair. Her dull eyes shifted from one girl to the other before she finally opened her mouth.

“Did you need something?”

They quickly shook their heads. ““We were just curious about what you were talking about.”” Their tails snaked around in anticipation.

It was genuine curiosity that had brought them up here. They’d never had a chance to interact with many people openly back at the church, so now that they had this opportunity, they couldn’t just let it slip by them.

“What we were talking about,” she repeated. “I see. Well, we were discussing the best ways to pleasure master.”

‘“Pleasure Master?”” Their tails nearly curled into a question mark. After they thought it over for a moment, their eyes shot open. ““We want to pleasure Master too!””

“That is good.” Misaki nodded. “You should—” she stopped. Seemingly thinking it over for a bit, she shook her head. “No, you should wait for master’s orders. I’m sure he has something planned for you two. For now, just make sure nothing bothers him.”

““Ohh,”” they smiled. ““We can do that!””

With their objective completed, they rushed back downstairs to finish the bread they’d left behind.


“I wish they would’ve said how they plan to pleasure master,” Hikari said with a pout. She had just finished her last piece of bread and was staring at her empty plate disapprovingly.

“Could it be the sex thing they mentioned, could it?” Shiari asked as she too finished. The way it had been presented to them, that had to be a pretty effective way to pleasure a man. And it’d make sense that Kishiko was the one that called Misaki since Kishiko apparently didn’t have actual experience with it.

Maybe, like Shiari and Hikari, she had some questions about that too.

“Hm…maybe!” Hikari said. “But does sex really feel that good?”

“Can’t say, I can’t.” From the moment she’d been told what it was, she too questioned how sticking something down there would cause any sort of pleasure, but…“But if Misaki says It does, then it has to be true, it has to!”

Unlike Misaki, they’d only just learned about the topic of sex. All they could do was trust in Misaki’s word. From what they’d been told, it was mainly about procreation, so making babies. But how did that even work, they wondered. How does a simple act like that create an entire person? It just didn’t make sense.

Nothing about sex made sense, which only made them want to know more.

““We’ll just have to convince Master to do sex with us!”” they both declared with large smiles.




“That…is…definitely a reason…” I tried to say anything I could, but I really wasn’t expecting Morgana to be that explicit. I could even feel my own face start to get red, never mind how crimson Kasey was now. He was basically a tomato.

I didn’t really feel like I was getting to the bottom of what I was trying to get to. If anything, she was just spiraling everything out of control. Well, bold it is.

“Do you at least love Kasey?” I finally decided to ask.

She looked at me with a blank expression for a few seconds before finally saying, “Love? Uh…I think?”


“I’m sure I’d love his dick if that’s what you’re asking.”

“Not only did I not ask, you’re missing my whole question—and can you be at least a little less perverted?”

Something audible snapped inside her eyes. She slowly let go of Kasey and she limped her way towards me. As she approached me, I realized that she was pretty short. She was about a head taller than Kasey, which meant she was still much shorter than me.

But as I realized that, she grabbed my shirt near the neck and pulled my face downward. “Did you…call me perverted…?” It was a simple question, but it was delivered with a coldness that sent a chill down my spine.


“Are you saying that I’m just some horny girl who’s desperate to fuck? You're calling me a dirty girl who is always thinking of dick when I’m around guys?”

“I didn’t before, but something tells me that maybe I should’ve.”

“That’s not true!” she shoved me back. “A lady from the Silverheart family would not be so obscene as to feel that way. Of course, since Kasey is my husband-to-be, I want us to spend time together…and fuck—but that’s unrelated to all those vile things you called me!”

I didn’t call you anything, that was all you.

I kept the truth buried within me. She was angry enough. Anymore and I was risking making the whole situation worse.

I walked over to Kasey and patted his shoulder. “Sorry man, I’m out of ideas.”

Kasey’s eyes widened, “Don’t leave me here with her….”

Thankfully, just in time, a man left the store. He was an older-looking fellow, lean, and clearly rich based on his attire, a nice, embroidered suit. He had silver hair combed back and a silver beard and mustache. Now this was someone I recognized.

“Mr. Silverheart,” I called out, hoping that he could diffuse the situation. As soon as I did, the man turned his attention to me. He smiled the instant he saw me, and then his expression turned to that of worry when he noticed who was with me.

“…Mr. Starlin, it’s great to see you again,” the man said as he approached me. He shook my hand as he said, “Also, I haven’t been able to tell you this, but you have my condolences.” He lightly bowed.

Right. Although I wasn’t as well acquainted with this man, I did see him from time to time whenever he came by. On the other hand, my dad was pretty close with most people in this town, including the merchants who came by.

I hadn’t seen Silverheart in the time since my father died.

“Thanks,” I said. My chest began to feel heavy again, but I quickly shook that away with a thin smile, “This is the first time I met your daughter…she is pretty energetic, huh?”

“Heh, if you want to call her that,” he scratched his head. “She’s quite a handful. Especially now with all that talk of marriage. It’s been a rough time recently.”

And we quickly got to the matter at hand.

“Oh, so you’re okay with the marriage?” I asked.

The man sighed. “I’m not, not okay with it. I’d prefer if my little girl never got married, or even hung around guys, but this is what she wants so I can’t very well say no.”

Such a doting father. Willing to put his own objections aside for her sake—that’s exactly what we don’t need right now. But there seems to be something here, I noticed. The fact that he is still not entirely for the marriage means that there’s a wedge we can exploit.

Maybe I will be able to do something about this after all, young Kasey.

“I see…” Using every last bit of energy in my system, I thought up what to say. As something hit me, I silently apologized to Kasey before speaking, “Not to meddle in things that don’t concern me, but don’t you think that marrying into a family like Kasey’s would be damaging to your image? Kasey’s a good friend of mine, but don’t you think that the daughter of someone of your caliber should marry someone about as rich and/or influential?”

He let out another heavy sigh. “Don’t remind me. I share those same feelings. If only she had fallen in love with someone like you, Mr. Starlin.”

“M-Me?” I worriedly asked.

“Of course. Your father had proposed that idea at some point, jokingly, mostly, but now it seems it’s too late for that.” Shrugging he turned back towards the carriage. “At the end of the day, this is about my daughter’s happiness. Whatever negative rumors and reputation that may come with, I’ll gladly take it.” He warmly looked over to his daughter—who was whispering something to Kasey.

If anything else, he was a respectable father. Unfortunately, that was a bad thing in this situation. For Kasey mostly.

“Well, it was good catching up,” Mr. Silverheart suddenly said as he fixed his fancy suit. “I got some business the next town over, so we won’t be back for a week, maybe two.”


“Oh, your daughter is coming with you?” I asked, hope rising in my chest.

He laughed as he said, “Yeah. She’s at that age that I need to teach her how to be the best businesswoman she can be. In only a few years she’ll have her own sector in my company—after the marriage that is.”

I nearly pumped my fists, but I restrained myself as I said, “I see. Well, I hope the trip goes well.”

“May it be so.” He turned over to the girl still holding on to Kasey and said, “Morgana, it’s time to go!”

She turned her silver eyes towards him, glancing for a moment towards me, and finally let go of Kasey. “Aw, it’s a shame we couldn’t spend more time together.”

“R-Right…” Kasey weakly smiled.

“But don’t worry my husband-to-be. You’ll be the first person I visit when I come back.” She poked Kasey’s nose. “Miss me plenty!” she waved before hurriedly making her way towards the carriage, her father trailing closely behind.

Kasey did a halfhearted wave as she disappeared into the carriage.

“She’s definitely something,” I whispered to him.

“Y-Yeah…” he groaned.



****Author's Note***

Once again, I want to apologize for the long wait. I already explained everything on my little update chapter, so I'll leave it all out from here. But yeah, I have once again come back to posting. I'm hoping I can make this a weekly thing again, even if chapters might end up shorter than before. In this case, this chapter was about 2500 words, about the same as the others. But maybe I'll have to cut that down a bit if I want to make it in time. I could've turned that into like two chapters if I really wanted to, but I always feel like I have to get to a certain point before I can finish a chapter. Anyway, I'll see what I decide (Once again, check out my twitter for updates: @LennoxPerinox).