Forced Recruitment 1
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At first there was confusion,  then realization, and finally a splitting headache he really didn't like. Those were the feelings Vali experienced as he regained consciousness.

"Ughh...I'm going to throw...uppppp..." bile clogged his throat,  and he tried to hold it down, but to no avail. Like a gyzer vomit came out of his mouth and nose, a burning feeling tickled his throat. Vali dry heaved as all the contents of his stomach lied bare on the ground and nothing but his stomach juices came out. He felt relieved,  as if a burden had been lifted from his shoulders,  but a strong impact to his stomach made he curl up in pain.

" You dammed swine! How dare you throw up?"

"Hah..hah...what.. " Vali was confused by the hit and the angry voice yelling at him, so as he struggled to get up from the ground,  he managed to get a glance of the surroundings. Crude wooden logs tied together with some kind of linen rope, a ditry stool flipped over and a buff bearded man in his late twenties staring down of him angrily. The man wore a mix of linen and leather clothes,  something Vali expected to be fashionable about 3 to 4 hundred years ago, but they felt so familiar to him. He was to stunned to speak  as he looked frantically around, and finally understood that he didn't know where he was. He wasn't in his home,  his car,  or even anywhere near his home...and he didn't like it.

"What are ye staring at? Did your mind rot after drinking all that alcohol? Haha....too bad, you've already signed the contract." said the man as he showed Vali a piece of slightly yellowish paper. In it were written something in square and rectangular characters,  something that baffled Vali, but not because he didn't understand them.

'What...why can I read this? What kind of language is this...wait...cough it be..' his damaged brain cells worked in overdrive as some faint memories came to Vali's mind.  The text on the paper was the written language of the Olsof Empire and the last four words on the end were his name.

" Valos, son of Thomas....

"Heh, so you haven't forgotten how to read. At least you're good for get your behind from the ground and follow me. I aslo suggest you do it fast...."

Vali still in his stupor just soullessly nodded,  and he barely managed to get up. The man exited what seemed to te a crude tent\cabin and Vali followed him. As soon as he went out the sun made him squint his eyes and he was bombarded with chatter,  noises and smells. It was so familiarly strange that a shiver crossed throughout Vali's spine. He gulped to try to alleviate the burning feeling on his throat , but to no avail.


More than three hours had passed and now Vali was sitting down of a long wooden table eating some kind of soup with a wooden spoon. If someone looked at his he would think he was retarded of something as after each spoonful of soup he stopped to look around. Different faces,  different hair colors,  and even different races by the looks of it were also eating on the same table. 

"Hey, haven't you ever seen people before? Why are you staring so much?" 

A sudden voice startled Vali and he accidentally dropped his spoon on the ground. Laughter immediately followed and Vali turned to his right to see the perpetrator. A somehwat chubby  young man not older than 20 was laughing his ass off as he pointed at the annoyed face of Vali.

"Hahaha...your face seems as if you've faced a banshee. Why are you getting so scared without even entering the dungeon? Hahaha....

Vali squinted his eyes at the young man , but he didn't say anything. The young man was right,  he was scared,  very scared,  and he definitely had a good reason to. He didn't know how or why,  but he definitely wasn't on Earth anymore. He didn't want to accept it of course,  but the memories that kept flashing on his head spoke the opposite. He was now on a new world going by his new memories and he was a citizen of the Olsof Empire, resident of Kina village and a drunkard apparently. He was now Valos,  son of Thomas the cobbler and he was in deep trouble. Going by his memories this was a world of miracles,  magic , gods, demon's , and many others magical creatures, but he was a regular human. As a regular human and the son of a cobbler he would live his life inheriting his father's profession,  marry someone from his village and die from old age or something like that,  but he or more precisely the previous Valos had signed a soul binding contract for a dungeon exploration. In his drunken state he seemed to have signed his death warrant as from his memories he knew that a dungeon was a very dangerous place.