Exploring and Gaining Ep 4
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"So that is the wooden cabin huh? It is smaller than I expected,  but I guess it should suffice for the three of us." whispered Faust as he scouted the surroundings with his eyes. As Vali had said there was a boar-man standing guard at the entrance of it, and it also didn't move from it's position as it just surveyed the surroundings. 

"Hah, it is indeed a chosen of the dark gods! We're very lucky.. you boy are very lucky. I've used some of my scent dampening potions to mask our scent for now , but you didn't thr first time you were here as you were drenched in its brethrens blood." said Bale who was next to the two of them. He seemed very excited as he looked through what seemed to be a silver monocle without the glass part. Of course Vali was intrigued about the thing and couldn't help but ask Bale about it.

"Oh this ,  this is just a mana detecting monocle. It is an enchanted item that shows you the mana expelled by things   be it living or dead....and no, you can't try it."

"But I didn't say anything...." 

"No, it is still a no!"

Vali crossed his hand and turned to look at the boar-man. It was still guarding the place, and then at Bale again' Hmph, it's not like I would have broken it.....anyway it seems that our plan is right on track. We just have to wait a couple of more minutes and we shall kill it before taking all that's inside.

Faust and Bale will deal with the thing and I'll be staying back to keep an eye on the rear. Several of its kind may come so someone to spot them is crucial. I won't get much of the loot , but it suits me just fine. I'll first go back and then I'll....


"Huh...what happened?" Vali's thoughts were interrupted as Faust cussed. It was something so mundane and Vali wouldn't have even registered the word if it was another time, but this was not the moment for such a word. Vali turned his head towards where Faust was looking and two boar-man coming from the forest. They were looked somehwat haggard and bloody,  obviously having been into a fight...and it also seems they had won. Two human corpses were dangling on their shoulders, their kill obviously.

"This is not good! said Bale with a worried expression. The silver monocle beeing stained with sweat. He seemed like a kid who found out santa wasn't real.

"I know,  this is something we can't handle. Maybe we can handle one extra boar-man , but two of them....

"They seem to be somehwat injured though. If we take all of them by surprise then there may be a chance."

Faust shook his head and looked straight into Bale's eyes " I thought that you weren't good at gambling,  or is it that gambling with our lives is okay?"

"That....of course not! But can we let such an opportunity slip by us? If we take what we can from the cabin we will surely be set for at least ten days. It's not a lot,  but it's not little either. Also, if we take back the carcass of the dark gods chosen we will most likely get ten big silver pieces. And that is not including....

"Stop...I know, I know that!" Faust sighed " It is indeed a lost opportunity,  but it's still very dangerous.  Although I don't like it , I agree with you, so I suggest we stay and observe the situation for a little bit longer."

"But what if it doesn't change?" said Vali with great concern. He was the most inexperienced and the weakest of them, so he of course was afraid.

"We shall see..." was the only thing Faust said,  and Vali was angry at that response . He wanted to speak up,  protest about his position,  but he understood that he had already mounted a horse , and he had to wait it to stop before getting of it.  He didn't speak any further as he made up his mind to run at the smallest inconvenience. During that time he remembered Faust's word's; ' Don't trust anyone!'He smiled bitterly at that thought, and lamented his nativity.

'I guess that I have to change my mentality. It's good to be friendly,  but I've to make so.e boundaries. This time I got swept into this mess,  but not anymore.


More than half an hour passed and the three of them were getting impatient. The three boar-man had entered the cabin and hadn't come out since. It was strange,  the dark gods chosen had also left his post and entered inside,  the reason unknown.  At first they  thought that this was a good opportunity as they could trap them inside and lit the cabin on fire,  but that  would also take away any reward besides Ep from them , and that's not something they want. So, they didn't make a move and waited,  and waited.....until the door opened and the three boar-man came out. The three of them held their breath,  seeing what was going to happen with anticipation ,and fortunately for them the two that came also left. 

"Good..."Faust let out a sigh of relief,  and Bale beamed with joy. Vali was the only one who was conflicted about the situation.