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Beep Beep Bo-

Isykle quickly switched his bezel alarm off and got out of bed. By the door a slave stood holding a plate with four blue round fruit the size of apples. Taking his two he looked at Vanilla still asleep with his alarm going off.

The young acosian finished off his fruit in four bites each listening to that damn noise.


The fruit was caught before it splattered on Vanilla's face.

"Get the hell up already, before I burn your food."

He rose like a demon possessed glaring into my eyes. "No. You wouldn't. You're too passive. And even if you did, I'd just eat you after killing you."

"Not once have you gotten close to killing me. Not even on that lake, it was purple. What makes you think you can now?"

Vanilla slowly walked towards the me so lax he would have fallen over if he didnt have a tail for balance, as if to say I wasn't a threat to him. "Oh, I guess the practice records are irrelevant then, me being up thirty wins?"

"Yeah, I don't try against chil-"

He thrusted his hand to where Isykle's head once was touching nothing but air. Now to his side Isykle began to speak again. "-dren. 

Now, we shouldn't keep Krustallos waiting. He might actually kill us for that…"

Entering the yard, Isykle immediately had to guard a kick to his head. Skidding back he thought back to how many times this happened.

Ducking a punch only to be hit with a haymaker he wondered how long this 'spar' would be.

He raised his shoulder taking another kick before grabbing Krustallos' kick, shifting stances with a grunt, he lifted his superior. 


A powerful ax kick landed on Isykle's head causing him to let go. And then it was back to blocking a fierce flurry of limb.

That's how this always went: he blocks, parries, and when he tries to attack its always punished.

"Hm. That's enough for now. Ten minute break, then we go over forms. Then history for the rest of the day."

'At least it's not an all fighting day, those days are a drag. The rest of the days are surprisingly chill for a race ruled by Emperor Cold, oh that's right Frieza isn't in charge yet, only a 'kid' with his own platoon. I don't know what that means on where I am on the timeline but it's one of the things I learned.'

Ten minutes passed quickly and Isykle and a now beaten Vanilla were practicing the standard Arcosian stance. It was kind of like an on guard sword stance but no sword, only fists.

Krustallos never taught them meditation saying their race we didn't need to, being an inherent skill that just needs to be trained. Being a dumbass human originally Isykle had to make a method to meditate himself, luckily these lessons are about ten hours in total (both physical and academic parts) so he had a lot of time to laze around and develop his own kind rhythm for it.


Unstable mental captains log: night 98

'Being in a new world as a child equivalent is honestly incredibly boring. No, being a child isn't the problem, it's the captivity. No battle academy, outstanding quarrels, young masters to be slapped (maybe Frieza fits that, but I can't slap him). It's all just sad bland shit here! 

I have a serious complaint to whatever god dropped my shit here as I am. I should have started this when I joined the force, or well established in it.

Shit, moving on two important things happen today that i absolutely fuck with. First: i learned to fly by myself, fuck you ya krusty fuck… bad insult fuck with fuck. Umm yeah I've been trying for the last week, so it was a pleasant surprise when Vanilla swept my legs and I just rolled in the air instead of eating snow. Lets just say i haven't touched the ground since this shit became on command.

And the second: this line of cobalt blue on my pale blue skin. From what Krustallos said in his lessons its the bio armor starting to form. Which will finally open the doors to testing out my theories like Coolers fifth form and golden. I just hope my armor doesn't turn out to be something lame, could you imagine dying and being sent to a different universe just to look like gum under a shoe…'


Sleep, fight, learn, Cold propaganda, sleep, learn, sleep, train. I can't take this mind numbing routine anymore. So I ran away, I flew so far away. It would not matter much anyway I'm trapped on this rock without a ship and the watch I buried is likely a tracker. 

I flew over an endless desert of snow with a wide smile. Five whole years I've never flew so fast, always in circles in that cramped place! 

I can practice soooo many things out here! That disk thing that killed frieza, ki blades, bombs, waves, transformations! I could practically feel my ki burning in antici…pation!

The snow crunched beneath my feet, I sent out a small thin pulse of ki for it to connect to a creature the size of a moose. I flew close to take a look not high enough to be seen by any random arcosian flying by but higher than the thing could detect me. It was a rotund beast covered in scales and horns it dug in the ground with two of it's six limbs. 

I saw it find several smaller creatures below the snow and continued to follow it. In my twelve days out here stalking has been exponentially more lucrative than straight killings. Mainly because everything is so rare out here. One or two scavengers that are so spread out and camouflaged I had to develop a shitty radar ki sense just to survive, but most always return to a group. 

But I'm not a perfect hunter, barely even just a hunter, and my trigger hand was itchy, but not because I blew it up trying to fire a ki blast. Like now this thing could fill me for four meals, eight days if spread it out like in that complex. Killing it's whole group would be a waste as all that meat would spoil, even if this planet was cold as a bitch. 

But something told me to wait, something was off. I don't know if it was that my human side was weirded out that it had scales in the snow even though ki can keep you warm, or me wanting to practice a passive ki sense. So I followed that feeling and stalked my prey.

Snow blinded my vision, falling and whipping as if it wanted to erode everything. I've lost sight of the beast, it is barely still in my range of ki pulse. I no longer followed the lizard for food but because of the sharp 90 degrees it took and speed it's going, it wants out this weather, it's going to it's nest. And I plan to steal that spot.

My head hurt from constantly pulsing just to get my bearings in that ever worsening storm. But I was here, I found it's cave. I dearly wished for a nap but those crawling dragons need to die for safety. I doubted that my race would allow any threat to them to live on this planet- sentient or not- unless in zoos but on the off chance they did.

A purple ball illuminated my stretched out clawed hand as I rounded a bend going deeper and deeper.


A powerful roar reverbs in its thick throat as it sees me and charges.

It threatens to chomp down on my chest.

I nimbly sidestep out the way bringing down the light in my hand while overloading it.

It exploded on contact with its neck scales sending the beast crashing into the wall.

I summoned another bright ki ball as it roared once more, it's roar now seeming layered upon itself. 

It charged again, as I shaped ki in my other hand, thinner, sharper.

I twisted out the way of it's massive claw as a disk no bigger than my palm formed.

I pushed a little more ki, it needed to be bigger, but it grew unstable, blunt, burning my hand.

"Fucking hell" I cursed, uppercuting the failed special attack into it's maw. It created a small slit through before blowing the cut open.

Green blood poured on the floor as half its neck was disconnected. It limply tried to claw at me again, but it's energy was draining faster than it could move, dying.

'Rest well, you will be joined soon if you had friends.'

I lifted the light forward, it's time for a dungeon crawl. The greatest crawl of all.

as always please tell me if i made a mistake

If you have ideas you would like to share 

Or if you have a dog that needs headpats