9 ♡ You Remind Me Of Myself
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I comfortably sat on the couch in the living room, a satisfied smile on my face. I had just finished reading the latest works by Angel-sensei and Mayo-sensei.

"Angel-sensei's stories just keep getting better and better," I said with excitement. "I can't wait to see what happens next in 'Stardust Dreams.'"

As for Mayo-sensei's work, I was pleasantly surprised. "Miho's editing really shines in this one," I mused. "The story flows so well, and the characters are engaging. Mayo-sensei's talent is undeniable."

My heart swelled with pride as I imagined Miho as my future editor. I was determined to become a successful light novel author, and having Miho's guidance and expertise would be invaluable on my journey.

With a contented sigh, I put the books back on the table.

“Gaah, I can’t wait till I become a published author and I get to hold my own book like this.”

Pushing myself up from the comfortable embrace of the couch, I reached for my phone, eager to check the message Miho had sent me.

[Can I count on you to get the groceries again today? Money’s on the counter like always.]

A sense of responsibility welled up within me. After the initial panic attack I had when attempting grocery shopping alone for the first time, Miho had accompanied me a few more times. Those outings had been crucial in helping me get acclimated to the store and the area, building my confidence in handling this task solo. So, with newfound determination, I replied with a quick [OK!].

I headed to the kitchen counter, where Miho had left the money and a handwritten shopping list. As I picked them up, I couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for Miho's unwavering support in helping me overcome my anxiety.

I was on my way to the grocery store, determined to tackle the task on my own once again. As I neared the store's entrance, my eyes caught sight of a nervous girl standing at a distance, her gaze fixed on the store, clutching a piece of paper with trembling hands.

She reminds me of myself not too long ago. I thought, a soft chuckle escaping my lips.

Deciding to offer a helping hand, I mustered a friendly smile and approached her. "Hey there, are you alright?"

Startled, her eyes met mine, and she nodded hesitantly. "Y-yeah..."

I couldn't help but sigh, knowing that the longer she hesitated, the more daunting the task would become. With a gentle tone, I probed further, already having a hunch about her concern.

"What's bothering you?" I asked, my empathy evident in my voice.

"I... I'm just a bit nervous about shopping alone," she admitted, her voice wavering.

I understood her fear all too well, having struggled with it myself not long ago.

"Well then," I proposed, "how about we shop together? I get a bit nervous doing it alone too."

Relief washed over the girl's face as she nodded gratefully. "Th-that would be really kind of you."

Together, we entered the store, our steps mirroring each other's cautious pace. It felt like a small victory for both of us, overcoming our individual anxieties about grocery shopping alone.

As we navigated the aisles, I noticed her stealing glances at the shelves, her eyes wide with a mix of curiosity and unease.

"Do you have a list?" I asked, trying to be as supportive as possible.

She nodded, clutching the piece of paper even tighter. "Yes, I do."

"Great! Let's follow it together," I suggested, offering a reassuring nod.

Step by step, we checked off the items on her list. I shared tips I had picked up during my shopping ventures, like comparing prices and checking for expiration dates. With each task we completed, her confidence seemed to grow.

We encountered an employee who smiled and asked if we needed any assistance. The girl's grip on her list tightened, and I sensed her anxiety rising. But before she could retreat, I stepped in.

"We're good, thank you," I replied with a friendly smile, sparing her the need to respond.

She shot me a grateful look, her shoulders relaxing just a bit. It was a reminder of how even small interactions could make a significant difference when battling social anxiety.

We successfully gathered all the items on her list, and I was also able to collect everything on Miho’s list in the process. We proceeded to the checkout counter. The girl's expression had transformed from one of unease to quiet confidence. It was evident that she was learning to conquer her fears, one step at a time.

We completed our purchases and made our way out of the store, our bags filled with groceries. As we stood outside, the girl turned to me with genuine gratitude in her eyes.

"Thank you so much for your help," she said, her voice more steady than when we had first met.

I smiled warmly at her. "You're very welcome, ehmm—”

“—Sakura,” she said.

“Right, Sakura-san," I acknowledged. “I’m Kaede.”

Sakura paused for a moment, and then she repeated her name, "…Sakura."

I furrowed my brow in confusion. "Huh?"

Her cheeks turned a bright shade of pink. "You… can drop the 'san.' Just call me Sakura.”

I nodded in understanding. "Alright then, Sakura-chan," I said with a gentle smile. I decided to use "chan" because I thought it suited how cute and innocent Sakura was, and it felt like the perfect way to express my fondness for her.

Sakura's eyes brightened, and she seemed to like it. "Kaede-chan," she responded with a friendly grin.

I returned her smile, feeling a sense of warmth in this newfound connection, appreciating the innocence and charm that Sakura brought into my life.

We said our goodbyes and started walking our separate ways, or so I thought. However, as I continued on my path, I couldn't shake the feeling that Sakura was still trailing behind me. I turned around, my expression a mix of confusion and amusement.

"Sakura-chan, are you... following me?" I asked, trying to hide my embarrassment behind a nervous chuckle.

Sakura blinked those innocent eyes of hers and then giggled, her cheeks turning a delightful shade of pink. "Oh, no! I'm not following you, Kaede-chan. I just happen to live in the same direction."

I scratched my head, feeling a bit sheepish. "Right, of course. What a coincidence!"

With a nod, we continued walking, side by side. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm, romantic glow over the neighborhood. It felt like something out of a cheesy shoujo1 Genre primarily targeted towards a young female audience, often characterized by themes of romance, relationships, and personal growth. manga, and I couldn't help but blush at the thought.

"Sooo… Sakura-chan," I finally said, trying to start a conversation. "Do you like reading manga and light novels?"

Sakura responded with an enthusiastic nod. "Oh, absolutely! I love reading manga!”

Curious, I inquired further, "Really!? What genres do you enjoy? My favorite is fantasy!"

Sakura's eyes lit up. "Fantasy is amazing! I'm a huge fan of heartwarming stories. I especially love ones with strong, cool characters, like, um, you!"

Sakura's cheeks flushed a deeper shade of red when she realized what she said.

"I mean, not that you're cool! I mean, you are! I mean..." Her flustered attempt at clarification was endearing.

I couldn't contain my laughter, and it bubbled out, filling the empty streets with the echoes of my laughter.

"It's alright, Sakura-chan. I think you're pretty cool too."

"Really?" she asked, a hopeful glint in her eyes.

I affirmed with a nod. "Yeah, the way you conquered your fears today was really cool!"

Encouraged by my words, Sakura's smile returned, and we continued our walk with a newfound ease. As we approached my home, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the chance encounter with Sakura. It had not only brightened my day, but also reminded me of how far I had come in overcoming my own anxieties.

With a sense of fulfillment, Sakura and I exchanged goodbyes as we reached the point where our paths diverged.

"Well, Sakura-chan, it was really nice meeting you today," I said with a friendly smile.

Sakura returned the smile, her eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you so much for helping me, Kaede-san. I really appreciate it."

"You're welcome, Sakura-chan. Remember, if you ever need a grocery shopping buddy or just someone to talk to, you know where I live now. Don't hesitate to reach out," I offered.

Sakura nodded enthusiastically. "I will, Kaede-san. Thank you again. Goodbye for now!"

"Goodbye, Sakura-chan. Take care," I replied, watching as she continued on her way.

Returning home, I felt a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. I couldn't wait to tell Miho about my experience.

When Miho arrived home from work, I eagerly recounted the day's events, including helping Sakura with her grocery shopping.

Miho's eyes sparkled with pride as she listened. "Kaede-chan, I'm so proud of you! You've come a long way. Helping someone else like that is a wonderful thing!"

With a warm smile, Miho wrapped her arms around me in a loving embrace.

As we stood there, I couldn't help but feel a sense of purpose. With my sister's support and my determination, I was sure I could achieve my dreams as a light novel author.

Whaat!? Two chapters in one day? Yeah, I was feeling generous today ^_^