12 ♡ Today I Became A Magical Girl
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It had been a few days since that unexpected event when I had to deal with my first period. I was recovering well, both physically and emotionally, thanks to Miho's support. Our sisterly bond was growing stronger by the day, and I felt fortunate to have her in my life.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, breaking the tranquility of our home. Miho, who was in the kitchen preparing dinner, called out to me, "Kaede-chan, can you get the door?"

Setting aside the light novel I had been engrossed in, I went to answer the door.

"Heeey, Kaede-chan!" Hana chirped, her enthusiasm infectious.

I returned the smile. "Hana-chan! What brings you here?"

Hana's eyes sparkled mischievously as she held up a bag. "I heard you were feeling a bit under the weather recently, so I thought I'd bring you something to lift your spirits."

Miho, hearing the commotion, joined us on the doorstep, offering a warm welcome to our guest.

Miho smiled appreciatively and gestured for Hana to come inside. "That's very kind of you, Hana-chan. Please, have a seat."

As we settled on the couch, Miho went to the kitchen to prepare some refreshments. She returned with a cup of coffee for Hana and a glass of apple juice for me.

Hana took a sip of her coffee, savoring the rich flavor. She looked at me with a mischievous glint in her eye.

I don’t like that look Hana-chan has on her face right now… Today she’s Evil-Hana!

Evil-Hana was what I had decided to name Hana whenever she wasn’t in her casual, caring mood.

“So… Hana-chan. What did you mean by lifting my spirits today?” I said, hesitantly.

I had already noticed she brought a bag with her when she came in, and I didn’t have a great feeling about it.

Hana's grin widened as she reached for the bag.

“Today you’re all mine. Miho already agreed to it!” she said, as she opened her bag.

I drop of sweat slid down my cheek, and I looked at Miho with a ‘you know about this?’ look. To which she responded with an awkward smile.

Ah, I get it… Miho can’t say no to Hana-chan.

I had to think of something quick, so I got up from the couch.

“H…Hana-chan… I have to go to the toilet—”

She put her hand on my shoulder and forced me back down.

She really is Evil-Hana today!

“Tsk, tsk, tsk. Don’t run away now, Kaede-chan!” she said.

A-are you a villain or what?

Hana reached into her bag and pulled out a costume. She held it up for me to see.

"Ta-da! I brought you a cosplay outfit!" Hana exclaimed, her excitement palpable.

I blinked in surprise and leaned back, my thoughts racing as I tried to process Hana's unexpected request. "Hana-chan, that's really sweet of you, but I don't think I can—"

Before I could finish my sentence, Hana interrupted me with unwavering determination. "I'm not asking you to do it. I'm telling you to do it."

I couldn't help but feel a bit taken aback by her insistence.

Wh...what's with that look on her face? I wondered, my confusion evident in my expression.

"Heh?" I managed to let out, my voice tinged with uncertainty.

Hana's eyes sparkled mischievously as she explained her motive. "Since I helped you when you went grocery shopping alone for the first time, you have to return the favor by wearing this cosplay for me."

“So you didn’t do it out of the goodness in your heart…” I muttered under my breath.

She really is Evil-Hana today.

Hana turned her head, seemingly not having heard my muttered comment. Her gaze remained fixed on me as she continued to press her point.

"But, Hana-chan," I began, attempting to reason with her, "didn't I already return the favor?"

Hana raised an eyebrow, genuinely intrigued. "Hm? How so?"

I hesitated for a moment before reminding her, "I helped Sakura-chan, your little sister, with her grocery shopping, right?"

Hana responded with a casual shrug, her mischievous grin still firmly in place. "That's a favor to Sakura-chan, not to me. If you want, I'll make sure Sakura-chan returns that favor to you. However you want ♡."

I let out a defeated sigh, realizing that there was no talking myself out of this one. It seemed that Hana was dead set on having me fulfill her request, and I reluctantly accepted my fate.

Miho, seemingly aware of Hana's persistence, simply chuckled and said, "You know, Kaede-chan, once Hana sets her mind on something, there's no escaping her. Might as well go along with it."

I let out a resigned sigh, realizing that the odds were stacked against me. "F...fine."

Is this how it was last time for Miho? When Hana-chan climbed on top of her in that cat costume?

I shook my head. No… Miho definitely looked like she enjoyed it.

Hana's mischievous grin turned into an excited smile as she grabbed my hand and practically dragged me to the bathroom.

I blinked in disbelief as I stared at the cosplay outfit Hana had brought with her. It was a costume of a character named "Luna Starlight," a fictional magical girl from a popular anime series. The outfit was a combination of baby blue and silver fabric with ribbons and glittering stars adorning it. It was far more extravagant and revealing than anything I had ever imagined wearing.

Hana flashed an excited grin. “It's Luna Starlight’s outfit! I thought it would be perfect for you, Kaede-chan."


With a mixture of nervousness and embarrassment, I began to undress, each motion feeling awkward and self-conscious. The clothes I had become used to were now lying in a heap on the ground, having been substituted by the unfamiliar material of the costume.. It was a weird sensation, like stepping into a different skin.

Just as I was struggling with the zipper, , Hana' spoke up. "Need some help, Kaede-chan?"

I turned, my face a bright shade of red, and nodded, unable to find my voice. Hana's presence, while comforting, only amplified my embarrassment.

She stepped in; her gaze was kind and reassuring. "Don't worry, Kaede-chan. I've got you."

With Hana's assistance, we maneuvered the costume into place. Her touch was careful and considerate, a stark contrast to my earlier clumsy attempts.

Finally, with a final adjustment, the costume was in place. I hesitantly looked at myself in the mirror, surprised by the transformation. The character I had admired on screen now stared back at me, and for a moment, a smile formed on my face.

Hana's eyes widened in delight. "Kaede-chan, you look absolutely amazing! It’s just like I though, that costume suits you perfectly!"

I answered with a gentle nod, still mesmerized by my reflection in the mirror.

Hana's mischievous grin returned. "Alright, now let's go show Miho how cute you look!"

With a reluctant nod, I followed Hana back to the living room.

Miho, who had been waiting in the living room, turned to see me. Her eyes lit up with surprise and delight. "Wow, Kaede-chan, you look lovely!"

Despite the compliments, I couldn't shake the lingering sense of self-consciousness. It was a strange feeling, like I was both myself and someone else entirely.

Hana's joyful clapping interrupted my contemplation. "Now, let's capture this moment with some photos," she declared, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

I couldn't help but hesitate, a mix of uncertainty and vulnerability bubbling up. "Hana-chan, no photos, please," I implored, my voice filled with a touch of unease.

However, Hana, being Hana, had already begun snapping pictures with her phone, her nimble fingers dancing over the screen. "Don't worry, Kaede-chan," she reassured me, "I won't share them with anyone. They're just for my private collection."

That’s… even more weird.

I sighed, realizing that I was no match for Hana's unbridled enthusiasm. With a sense of reluctant surrender, I decided to make the best of the situation and even managed a small, albeit slightly forced, smile for the impromptu photoshoot.

As we spent the afternoon together in our familiar living room, taking pictures, sharing stories, and basking in the soft ambiance, the sense of self-consciousness that had initially haunted me began to fade into the background. In its place, a growing sense of contentment and belonging took root, reminding me that acceptance and friendship could transcend the boundaries of identity.

Maybe this wasn’t so bad after all. I thought.