(Vol 4) Chapter 9: Sweet, Sweet Carrots *
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14 FE gained due to user belief/acknowledgment. Follower conversions successful. 14 FE gained. 14 Daily FE gained; 2 Followers have obtained quality grade Devout (Daily FE total: 480).

142 FE gained from assorted Follower prayers. 80 converted to (Light) FE.

Sammy side-eyed the sleeping Midnight while producing another carrot for Floofa and making quiet ‘shushing’ noises in Floofa’s ear. The cabbit nodded wide-eyed as she snagged the carrot and began oh so slowly, gently nibbling on her second treat — the very height of naughtiness to the sensibilities of her strict sister.

Midnight made a snuffling sound, twitching her nose back and forth with her hair bristling, and the two Carrot Criminals held their breath in absolute stillness for a few moments. But soon Midnight stilled and relaxed, and so did the two culprits as they grinned mischievously and chortled silently, knowing they’d gotten away with crimes totally off the hook!

It was surely the sweetest carrot ever.

Alright, what little thing did Create Servitor alter then…

And indeed they were small but big: summoning, so long as the body was preserved, could be done twice a day per Servitor, instead of once. The real thing she’d been hoping for had happened too, in one particular line altered about new Servitors:

Other Servitors may be created under them for 44 FE that have the same abilities but start at level 2.

Excellent! 4 levels below is not great, and it might get worse. But better than level 1. I’m inevitably going to be making a bunch more, especially with incentives to create sooner rather than later.

There was also a temporary note about level 6 drastically improving the speed of Servitor Special Skill growth to (Expert) once they obtained that level themselves. Doing so would then make a second skill easier. That was useful intel to feed to Jeeves so the realm could build up their assorted specialties.

The twice-a-day summoning was huge as well, freeing up versatility and emergency response. There were always Servitors waiting around on the daily reset so they could go somewhere else they’d been assigned.

Alright, time to check out the no-doubt ‘jaw-dropping’ Mirror Sense change…

Mirror Sense

All open mirror faces in the material world are a part of you, your sense of them increasing with their clarity and your deliberate focus. You can see and hear through each mirror. Subjects can be focused on to narrow a search. An enshrouded or hidden mirror can only be very vaguely sensed and provides no input. Level determines versatility and sensitivity.

Level 6: See/hear through mirrors of poor or better reflection quality and manufactured design, or other not-roughly-disturbed mirrored surfaces at least able to show a 13x13 centimeter square picture (such as a polished shield or reflective water surface). Passive awareness is moderate, requiring relevant engagement or activity. Familiarity (with a mirror or subject) increases sensitivity.

Avatarhood: You may utilize a tangible mirror in-world to convert into a view portal similar to those within your Demiplane, with all the same restrictions.

Levitation effects are deferred to the (superior) Mirror Control power.

Merely a Mirror (Detection Ward Synergy): While you are simply observing through a mirror, you may, as a switchable effect, make yourself completely undetectable as scrying through it. Active or passive spells, enchantments, or abilities cannot detect you or target you through it under any circumstances. You cannot ‘trip’ alarms or wards, though access-blocking wards still inhibit you unless you win the contest.

However, this goes both ways for supernatural detection — all you may do is see or hear, and extrasensory feeds or magical aid is blocked. Physical eyesight or hearing improvement is nonetheless allowed.

You must switch this off to perform any actions beyond normal observation, including Mirror Communication.

If this is switched off, double Detection Ward’s bonus against any form of scrying, divination, or detection by means of the mirror. Your mirrors never (directly) provide the means to perform Sympathetic Targeting against you.

Whoa, I didn’t expect that! Hmm. Merely a Mirror! Hehe… sounds silly. Okay, so does this mean I can be bolder spying on dangerous locations? I can also hide from ‘vibey’ types better this way.

Next up was Mirror Walk… which increased to 12 kilometers in range and had an extra line, allowing bringing along one other for triple the cost.

Oh. Oh, that is deceptively powerful. Back and forth, I can sneak in a small army somewhere! It’ll take time and cost a bit, but still. I wonder what the next range upgrade will be from 12 kilometers…

Mirroring Duplicates was next, with a modification to the Hard Light enhancement:

Hard Light (Light Synergy): By expending 1 FE (Light) or 2 FE in addition (at the time of activation) you may make one duplicate made of 'hard light' which is capable of inflicting harm, at the same level that they defend.

If you use this on yourself, this duplicate may be given partial autonomy (tied to your subconscious orders similar to the Independent enhancement on Create Illusion) and can move up to (5 meters per level) from you, if desired. You may switch which duplicate is made of hard light once per 5 seconds, including if the prior one was destroyed.

Interesting… I probably need to incorporate this into any preparatory buffing, as it is quite useful even against those who see through illusions. When it is inevitably smashed, the effect continues to be useful, unlike Create Illusion hard light constructs, which require active re-creating.

“Alright, time for the inevitable Create Illusion upgrade… what will it be this time, Floofa?”

The cabbit, just finishing the carrot, looked up at Sammy and blinked in puzzlement. “Polka?”


Independence: You may hand off up to three 'sections' or 'layers' of an illusory system to your subconscious to maintain, at your full levels of effect for up to 30 seconds, then -1 effectiveness beyond this, until 'refreshed,' but never worsening any further.

“Independence, from prior Partial Independence… one extra layer from before, and much more durable effectiveness when handed off. A great upgrade for illusions and hard light!”

Floofa, in a carrot-induced great mood, jumped up onto Sammy’s shoulder and threw her paws up. “Yay! Independence Day!”

Sammy giggled and nodded along to that. “Sure, we’ll go with that…”

Next up, Intuition and Inspired Intuition had all the ‘guessing odds’ upgraded:


You often guess right. This improves the odds of flat % guesses by 1/2 — 50% becomes 75%, for example. For 1 FE (Fate) or 2 FE, you can increase the modifier to plus 67%. Odds out to 1 of 33 have a minimum of 22% (33% for FE-improved), Odds out to 1 of 78 have a minimum of 17% (28% for FE-improved), and odds out to 1 of 200 have a minimum of 9% (13% for FE-improved).

Otherwise, this qualifies for +2 Effective Levels on any task where guesswork can be leveraged, but unless obvious, it requires an action (or possibly longer) to ‘feel through it’ and develop a list of possibilities (at least 3 distinct ones). It cannot assist raw comparison tests.

In addition, you can get ‘vibes’ about people with strong personalities, or other hunches about scenarios. The quality of information is random and may not be reliable.

Inspired Intuition: Once per day, you may expend 3 FE (Fate), or 6 FE, to multiply your odds of guessing right by 2 AFTER all calculations — thus, if you obtain 50%, you automatically guess right. In addition, odds out to 1 of 1000 have a minimum of 7% (11%), not doubled.

The minimum of 28% on anything up to 1 out of 78 means that with Inspired Intuition, I can have better than 50% on very long odds, or even up to 2 out of 3 on some. I need to find a casino, I guess. Ha. And any sort of ‘basic’ choice-making like one out of a dozen is at worst 1 out of 3 now.

Perfect Vision was next… and simply added another +1 ELs for the purposes of detecting illusions, improving it from +2 to +3, under the Behind the Veil enhancement.

Uh-huh. I’ll take it. I’m guessing this is going to improve a lot. It makes sense that a Goddess of Illusion would be super good at it. And now for Purify… a small change…

For 2 (Light) FE, or 4 normal FE, you may take an action to remove all temporary [Drain], [Weakness], or [Blind] status effects, any [Darkness], [Shadow], or [Foul] tagged status effects, as well as one temporary, detrimental status effect of choice — or a permanent Lesser curse — all on a single target within 2 meters. Some effects may require a level comparison to remove.

Ah, Lesser curses. Makes sense, because I think removing such things is in the clerical spell capabilities, too.

“And so we get to our Prayer adjustments!”

Grant Prayer (Fate)

3 times per day, or for 1 FE (to a total maximum of 10+level times per day), you may grant aid to any mortal conducting in matters related to your [Fate] domain. In matters of raw guessing, you may bestow an Intuition-like effect improving their odds by 1/2 until the matter is fully resolved or 10 minutes pass.

The statistical bonus of 2 Effective Class Levels is possible, if the subject can manage to leverage it (note that not everyone is creative enough to in all situations).

You may also potentially answer questions related to the future in general guidance, intuitively drawing insight or sometimes having premonitions come to the surface. You may translate this directly as desired. This effect can draw blanks (hidden test) but will not generate lies. It returns the FE (but not the daily use) if failed.

Only 1 use per day on a given mortal is allowed in each case.

The mortal will sense a divine presence granting the boon, and a nascent two-way communication will persist for 24 hours (at the same level as an initial Follower).

The odds improved, naturally… the stat bonus… and slight alteration of the wording about premonitions, removing ‘minor, personal-scale’ limitations. The FT already cheats through this to say what she wants to, but this might actually give her even more wiggle room? Hmm.

The Illusion version did nothing aside from improve the ECL ‘Prayer Boon’ effect that went to ‘the purpose of the request.’

As for the Grant Prayer (Light)...

Oh shit… I never even read it. Heh. Got lost in the shuffle. No worries… After all, no one else knows…

Eyes shifting around briefly, Sammy cleared her throat surreptitiously and drew it up.

Grant Prayer (Light)

3 times per day, or for 1 FE (to a total maximum of 10+level times per day), you may grant aid to any mortal conducting in matters connected to your [Light] domain. This adds 2 Effective Class Levels for the purposes of the request and can remove any normal (non-supernatural), detrimental mental status effects on the subject (such as from fear or stress).

This prayer may also grant normal, physical light (equivalent to a bright lantern) to emanate in a 10-meter radius, from an object within 2 meters of the mortal, or centered on their area. This lasts for 1 hour per deity level. If desiring both prayer effects, double the FE cost (ignore for free uses).

The mortal will sense a divine presence granting the boon, and a nascent two-way communication will persist for 24 hours (at the same level as an initial Follower).

Only one such Prayer Boon buff may persist on a target and this is not compatible with a Religious Experience buff. Either will cancel the other.

Ah! I like this. Even without mirror access, I can shine a light. Too bad prayers are usually too risky. Oh well. One day the non-Fate versions will serve a purpose, I know it!

It would be interesting to see if various abilities that improved at different levels had some sort of hidden scaling. She could ask Redberry about it, but it seemed likely to vary per ability… on the other hand, Grant Prayer was probably a commonality, and each of them had increased their ELs at the same time. She was definitely going to ask Red if she knew the scaling.

“Well Floofa, I guess that’s my level up, then. More incentive to keep growing, because there’s always improvement ahead!”

From her shoulder, Floofa placed her paw on Sammy’s cheek in a ‘blessing’ and nodded. “Mm-hmm. Sammy get bigger, stronger, smarter.”

“I’ll do my best! Okay… to finish up, we’ll take a quick look at clerical spells…”


Current Sheet


Samantha, Goddess of Fate & Illusion

Goddess, level 6 [0/60]; Lesser Deity

Domains (4/5): Mirrors, Illusion, Fate, Light
Faith Energy: 4454/12000
FE (Mirrors): 50 ; FE (Illusion): 40 ; FE (Fate): 50 ; FE (Light): 80
Followers: 333 (Daily FE Gain: 480 [528])

Devout: 81+11
Priests: 49+6

Brute: 0 [1/10]
Rogue: 1 [16/20]
Wizard (Abjurer): 4 [35/50]
Bard: 2 [4/30]

MP: 109/109

Special Skills: First Aid, Tarot Reading, Meditation, Sympathetic Targeting, Swimming (Expert), Diplomacy, {W} Comprehension, Priestly Ordination, Holy Relic Investiture, Create Servitor, Consecration, Read Runes, Spell Construction, Detect Magic, Ritual Cast*, Draw Mana* (1/1), Focused Spellcasting, Inspire Ally (2/2), Musical Talent, Jack of All Trades 1, Vital Strike, Avoidance

Special Traits: Token User, Immortal, Demiplane Domain, Conceptual Body, Fueled By Faith, Spirit Sight (Third Eye), Soul Companion (Azure), Detection Ward, Split Prediction, Perfect Vision, Light Absorption

Avatars: Av 1 (Core): Samantha (Mental Res 2, Magic Res 1, Quick 2, PFE: 110/130; Faces: Core, Stillwater (Charisma 1, Vital Strike +1)), Av 2: Green (Mental Res 2, Magic Res 1, Quick 2, PFE: 110/130)

Spells (MP): Allspell Zero (1), Identify (5), Icebolt (3), Spirit Ward (6), Savant of Language (4), Telekinetic Thrust (6), Seeking (8), Web (10), Delicate Touch (9), Personal Levitation (12), Minor Contingency* (18)

Powers: FE Utilization, Grant Prayer (Illusion, Fate, Light), Mirror: (Sense, Communication, Maze, Walk, Other, Control), Intuition, Alter Fate, Create Illusion, Grant Invisibility, Dazzling Spectrum, False Auras, Mirroring Duplicates, Reflect Force, Light Manipulation, The Dawn Will Rise*, Removal, Channel Domain, The Unseen Animus, Purify, Phantasmal Haunt, Sheath of Light

Items: Bound Staff/Scepter (+1 EL, Knockout, Spell Absorption 0/8), Suit of Mirrors (Relic; +2 M. Armor), Ring of Shield Projection, Ring of the Cheater, Amulet of All Defense, Q. Chalice of Mana Coll., Dimension Closet Sack (portal DIA: 32 cm), Potion of Seal Major Wound (1)

Status: Ascendant, Big Boss, Savior of the Fae, Spells of Deja Vu (1/999), Token User Promotional Bonus (24/30), Free Minor Divine Enchantment (1/use), Free Consecration (1/use), 3 Free Priestly Ordinations

The asterisk in titles is for the existence of the sheet, for later backtracking if desired.