(Vol 4) Chapter 26: The Meeting of Sand and Water
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Under the water with the merfolk looking at her expectantly, Sammy quickly turned and began swimming back toward the shore… and then she kicked herself because that was probably super unimpressive to merfolk who knew they were conversing with some higher being. There she was, waddling around like some primitive, when they probably moved at [Ludicrous Speed] through the water.

So she created one of her mainstay hard light constructs, which was effectively a contiguous exoskeletal frame wrapped around her, and made the illusion like some sort of glowy, cool halo of multi-hued energy. Using this, she zoomed through the water much faster by simply moving the hard light, evenly pulling her from each point for the best control.

The merfolk followed along behind, perhaps politely.

Closer to the shore, she shot up out of the water and flew upward in an arc to float to the shore, then turned around to face them as they stepped out.

She saw no real indications of their prior ‘merfolkness’ as they looked completely human, just somewhat oddly dressed in rather skimpy armor and barefoot. All quite attractive and athletically fit, also. Sammy detected no illusions and was pretty sure it was physical shapeshifting.

Sammy put on the illusion of full robes and a tiara, with some touches of jewelry as she approached.

Before she could say anything, the lithe mermaid-with-legs, Morriam, looked her up and down and said in a musical voice, “It is not necessary to hide your natural form, Ascendant — it does not offend us and is most shapely and pleasing. Though you are exceptionally skilled, I can see through the illusion cloak.”

Sammy’s cheeks grew hot as she fought off the urge to cover herself — particularly with the guy standing there eyeballing her. Instead, she painted on a smile and asked faintly, “Can? Everyone? See? Through? Here?”

Heizon and Alkai — blessedly — shook their heads immediately.

Heizon added, “Though what could be seen in your prior garments was indeed admirable and aesthetically pleasing. Your scent is also intriguing.”

Alkai nodded in agreement and said, “Your beauty is great and truly should be displayed in model form, as fine art.”

Sammy struggled to get over her sheer embarrassment at their words… but to them, it obviously wasn’t worthy of shame.

Here I was thinking they saw me as primitive when I swam, but they were checking me out!

She took a deep, deep breath and said, “Thank you. You three are also aesthetically impressive, each in your unique way, particularly in your natural forms which were honestly quite breathtaking and magnificent.”

All three smiled and bowed their heads to this.

Okay… okay, good! Maybe it’s just… how they break the ice! No biggie. That or I just indicated receptiveness to a mating ritual and I will regret this forever.

Sammy continued, “I am unable just yet to reveal my true name to you, being what I am, but I can tell you I am the Seeress of Geirkos, and one involved with the spiritual resurgence in this region which involves multiple entities. Even in this, I ask for discretion, but beyond this, I’d require oaths of confidentiality.”

Heizon and Morriam exchanged glances, then Heizon held a hand out flat as he said, “Our apologies, but we cannot swear oaths without sanction from our higher authorities, Seeress.”

Morriam bowed her head. “It must be noted that, though we came upon you by chance, it is for information of this region that we travel. After scouting and exploring in our extra time, we are planned to meet a friend in Geirkos with news of spiritual matters at the witching hour of the new moon.”

Sammy nodded to this, but then suddenly smiled. “Peretheia the Nereid and her friend?”

Morriam was shocked especially. “You know her?”

“I am more than a friend to the Fae. I’m surprised you didn’t sense it…”

Briefly, she squinted her eyes, opening her Third Eye partially to spy their spiritual presence. It was there, but not like a spirit would be, and they all had the specific tethers of Fate showing them to be reincarnating mortals. “Ahh! I see now. I am not well-versed in your kind. You are fae-kin similar to elves and centaurs?”

Morriam nodded. “Since very long ago, far beyond the shattering of memory. Most of our immortal ancestors hide from all, even us, in melancholy for the changes of the world. We hide too from most land dwellers, but particularly the wizards.”

“The Dominion, you mean. The sages.”

“Yes, though they do not deserve the term.”

Sammy huffed in bitter amusement. “We’re in perfect agreement there, sister.”

“They are your enemy?”

“Of course. They want nothing more than the annihilation of all spirits and fae. A mutual enemy, though I understand they are probably not a huge threat to your people. If they ever fully conquered the land, though, they might then turn their eyes to the waters.”

“Yes. But it also goes beyond this for our kind, Seeress. We know who offended and degraded memory and they will never be forgiven that travesty.”

Heizon leaned on his spear. “Though I make no oath, we will keep your confidence, Seeress. But would you allow us to report to our leaders about you and our contact, as well as your beauty? We would of course communicate your desire for secrecy and it would not be announced publicly. There would likely be a desire for response and further interaction.”

“Of course,” Sammy said with a queenly nod. “Please convey my own desire for that, as well as good relations between us and our peoples. Know that I will work always toward growth for the purposes of defeating the Dominion and ending their persecution. If your kind feel the urge to assist in their downfall, I will be glad to help you find the means together. And feel free also to ask Peretheia about me and to mention our encounter.”

They all bowed their heads in response and seemed pleased. Morriam further asked, “Ascendant and Seeress, may we approach and kiss your hand, for the sake of old customs?”

Heizon also added, “And may we bestow upon you gifts to mark our meeting with gracefulness?”

Sammy did well in not hesitating. She smiled. “Of course you may. But after, I will give you gifts as well. Approach as you will.”

Morriam approached first and knelt on one knee, taking Sammy’s proffered hand to kiss the top of her fingers. With that, she took off a necklace of colored seashells and pearls to give. Sammy directed her to put it on immediately, which she obliged very solemnly as Sammy moved her hair out of the way.

Heizon came next to kiss her hand and bestowed onto her finger a ring of bronze worked like it was made of coral, inset with three light blue topaz stones and one pearl.

Lastly, Alkai knelt, and her gift was a bracelet of stones and rare shells, in shades of green, turquoise, and blue.

“Your gifts are absolutely beautiful,” Sammy said when they were through. “Thank you. Now, allow me to bless each of you likewise.”

Retrieving her dimensional sack, Sammy pulled out jewelry of her own — gold chain necklaces with different hard light crystal charms. All were like intricately painted glasswork or porcelain made into artistic shapes. Permanent baubles she’d first practiced her arts on.

Sammy delivered them simultaneously with floating hard light platforms. “These are artistic items made with my power, and there is no other who makes precisely this material, so they are technically one-of-a-kind. Please feel free to transfer the bauble from the gold chain if you prefer.”

As they each stared at and studied the gift in their hands, Sammy pulled two more things to float to them — identical small figurines of hard light made into colorful moths. “Extend this from me to your two tribes’ leaders, as a token of friendship.”

Heizon and Merriam took them out of the air gingerly and bowed low. Heizon said, “We will do this and are humbled by the honor, Seeress.”

“Thank you for this wonderful gift,” each said, one after the other, bowing again.

“Let us all get back to our respective duties,” Sammy declared with a smile, “but it was a pleasure making your acquaintance. I do hope we meet again soon.”

“As do we,” Heizon said, and they all returned her smile. He and Alkai turned to tread back into the water to disappear, but Merriam stayed.

The mermaid gestured seemingly at Sammy’s hand. “That naga ring you keep on your finger, it is a very scintillating artifact with a mysterious aura. I am sorry to ask, and of course, you may refuse to answer, but... where did you acquire it?” As she spoke, one hand clasped a wrist, and suddenly Sammy could see a coiled, golden snake wound around one of her fingers, as a second ring. It might not have been visible before…

Sammy could feel the Ring of the Cheater’s serpentine eyes slide left and right, even without seeing it. Somehow, Merriam’s words held a significance she didn’t understand, which made it difficult to reply. Perhaps mystery was the best policy? “It is a rather illustrious serpent, isn’t it? Wholly unique and personalized — from a friend. While also… earned. It happens to be quite powerful. Almost like having a cheat, you might say.”

The Ring of the Cheater plainly held back a snicker at that.

Merriam’s eyes fell into the middle distance between Sammy’s face and the ring for a moment. She nodded with carefully cultivated expressionlessness, then finally returned her eyes to Sammy’s and smiled anew. “I truly do hope we meet again soon and come to know one another. Farewell, Your Majesty.” She then bowed and turned to go.

Sammy blinked a few times as she watched the mermaid swiftly enter the water and disappear.

Welp. I’m not sure what she was really asking, nor if I made the right response. But if she does know Goldy, that’s enough to vet me if she has some means of doing so. Perhaps I should have shown her that coin. Hmm. I don’t have enough vibes to completely trust her yet, though.

She lifted her hand to look at the ring. “More sneaky serpentine stuff to discover out there, eh Cheaty Snek?”

The ring shyly made a quite innocent shrug, then went still. Sammy snickered and shook her head. “Just how intelligent are you? Can you really not converse with me directly? I’d welcome your interactions if so.”

To this, the ring did not react at all — clearly playing coy. Throwing up her hands, Sammy turned back to the hard light rock to retrieve her things and get the outfit back on. If she pawned it off until later she’d end up forgetting, and she didn’t need to flash any more people in her lifetime as far as she was concerned.

I should’ve asked them for some underwater material tips… I could totally start my own clothing line… Azure and I could model for it… hehe…

Hesitating before she left the inviting nighttime shore, Sammy utilized constructs of hard light to make a big sand castle, figuring there was no better time to decide the height than the highest tide of the month…

Or is it twice a month? Eh, Saruman will keep track of that shit for me.

Boom! Operation: Sand Castle completed! Fairly crude, but the ability to force shapes quickly was quite useful for an efficient ‘product.’ And who knew — maybe it would inspire someone to top it with good old-fashioned elbow grease or whatever when they beheld its glory.

Even better, she managed to find a beautiful sundial-style seashell while digging up the wet sand. It looked somewhat like a coiled-up snake. A memento of the occasion? Hell yes!