(Vol 4) Chapter 30: Blood and Tears
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“Samantha,” Red began with a sigh and a shake of her head, “this is level 10 or 12, maybe even 13… it would be exceedingly dangerous for you and your Followers. All trolls do is fight and eat. They’re vicious and difficult foes, and some are [Shamans] or are supported by them.”

Sammy replied, “My defenses are in the high 20s or even to 30 against the physical, and really good even on the mental front, too. On top of that, I can pick moments of absolute success via Fate. On top-top of that, I’m… rather tricksome and clever.” Another winning smile.

Redberry chortled, but her eyes turned back ahead as she walked slowly and contemplated it with squinted eyes. “High 20s at your level is very excellent. Defensively, you’re in that range. Hmm. If you want to challenge yourself… So be it, Goddess. But don’t cry to me if you lose an Avatar or your people die. Alright. Bring me the blood of a High Regenerator.”

New Quest unlocked: “Life’s Blood” — Acquire a potion bottle’s worth of the blood of a High Regenerator, and optionally fully defeat a fresh source.

● Rewards: +40-70 FE, 4-7 exp in [Goddess], 4-7 exp in most relevant sub-class used during quest. +30 FE, +3 exp in class and sub-class, and a special regeneration upgrade with a full defeat.

Oh gee, yeah, tempt me with murder why don’t you? Well, I could knock them out, maybe, and then take a shitton of blood. Hmmm… 
It also reminded her of Bast's vision and the hydra. She’d never investigated more on it.

“Red, have you ever heard of the Hydra of Kalishir in some desert?”

“Of course. The immortal seventy-seven-headed hydra that is immune to fire and all else that could counter a regenerator… and thus cannot be killed or stopped. It all but prevents travel through Kalishir but never leaves the desert. It is said to have once been a netherworld pet kept as a challenge to the Avatars of the war gods, to test their mettle, while it grew stronger with every fight.

“When its master was vanquished, it yet survived and got free. It rampaged through the lands and grew stronger and stronger, until a witch trapped it with a desperate curse, sacrificing the land of Kalishir to chain it. The Dominion neglects and forbids fighting it out of fear of it growing strong enough to break the curse. It is understandably regarded as something of an apocalyptic beast.”

Sammy’s eyes widened. “Damn…” Bast, Tashome, and Gabriel killed this legendary monster in that vision without my aid. I’m not sure that Future Me even noticed! Maybe it was a surprise gift? Haha. Just goes to show the power of technology. Immune to fire, are ya? How about fuck you? What was once impossible can become a guarantee.

Redberry studied her as they walked down the path side-by-side. “I hope you aren’t thinking about fighting it. It is perhaps at the highest level or near it, and engaging it even for blood is not worth the risk to civilization.”

“No, no, no… not yet. One would need special innovation as well as very high levels to deal with it once and for all. I was just curious. Thanks for the information.”

“Mmn. Well. I suppose we should get all of our most capable on the other task because it requires a search. An’sreia En Keiliadona, or Tear of the Unseen Fallen. A dual meaning. Tears of mortals unseen for their beloved slain, fallen even through reality to drip into natural areas of transition to the Underworld. They preserve untouched for a time while in darkness, then crystallize…” Redberry sighed and shook her head.

They stopped before a massive trunk going right overhead on the path, crossing over the wooden platform. Red hopped up onto it easily and turned around, sitting and gazing down at Samantha, her pale green legs dangling. “Once upon a time, I controlled territory including mountains and foothills north of Yura where a people lived, and this included plentiful caverns underneath it… now it’s overrun by monsters and in the territory of arachne.

“Turned corrupt and impure for these purposes. The tears, like the most precious of jewels, are not easy to find. It takes a certain mortal even knowing the proper places. I vaguely recall I once had one, but he was a mortal and now he is long dead. Note that not once has any but a fully mortal person found one.”

“Shit,” Sammy exclaimed. “Why such a weird ingredient?”

Redberry shrugged. “Spiritual significance. A tie to the beyond? Duality? I don’t know. The other option is Zeion Em Quasia. Tear of a Dead God. I know of no way to find that as it is just not my area… or I’ve forgotten. It sounds like an ancient deific thing, so perhaps the knowledge is the casualty of what was done to the world.” Red stretched her arm down and offered a hand.

Sammy took it and hopped up to the tree, adjusting to continue facing Red with one foot on a trunk and the other dangling. Red did not stop holding her hand even after she steadied, and Sammy decided not to pull away, preferring the point of contact. “I was hoping this would be more repeatable…”

“It could be with the right hunter. Or you might find possessors out there without a clue to their worth. For anyone that does, the price is quite obscene, and they are owned by the wealthiest like priceless bits. Mind you… these are useless as spell components. The aura must be relatively pure. Greed will corrupt it.”

“But we could luck out and find a relatively unsullied one already discovered?”

“It is possible. Perhaps it is worth our less capable sorts asking around. It isn’t something well-known in the hinterlands, but it would be in major cities.”

“And perhaps in the future, I can find out about the other thing. Surely some gods have died the old-fashioned way. Perhaps their dying realms hold treasures.”

Redberry frowned at her. “Now you’re getting far too adventurous in your thoughts for your level. How about delaying that until you catch up with me?”

Sammy flashed a cocky smile. “You mean next week?”

The nature goddess rolled her eyes. “I’ll expect it in a month, but I will be sure to level in that time.”

“Ohhh, I see how it is! Anyway… let’s do it. We’ll set our Followers to look for a Tear in cooperation!”

New Quest unlocked: “A Tear for Two Realms” — Organize and assist teams in finding a Tear of the Unseen Fallen.

● Rewards: +30 FE, +200 Pantheon Contribution FE (or 50 Pantheon FE if already created), 3 exp in [Goddess], 3 exp in [Bard], 3 exp in [Wizard]. Rewards for the discovering team.

Sammy made an excited noise. “Ooh, Red, did you get that too?!”

Redberry was grinning at her reaction. She nodded. “Of course. Quite the incentive to get on it, hmm?” She lifted Sammy’s hand to her lips and kissed it, then released it so she could hop back down.

Sammy pulled her hand back to her body, blinking. Her intuition was not silent on what was in Red’s eyes. “Yeah…” She’s attracted to me, isn’t she? Of course. There would be mixed emotions after everything. But that would be… complicated. Super complicated.

After Sammy hopped back down, they continued down the platform. It came to a point where a stream from the river went underneath, making it something of a bridge. Red looked off down the stream with a wistful little smile.

“What is this place?” Sammy asked.

“A place I had forgotten, yet somehow preserved,” Red answered. “It is nice to feel some of it return. Deja vu, mostly. Emotion.”

“You brought your lover here, didn’t you? Perhaps even created it for her?”

“Not really. Lovers? Yes. Plural.”

“Wow… um, I’m… honored.”

Red laughed softly. “It is a place for me as well as to be shared with friends. I am comfortable here and think more clearly. Freer. It’s a place for the plots and dalliances of spring and summer. There is a waterfall and a place for swimming some ways ahead. Care to partake?” Red turned her head to Sammy and cocked an eyebrow, everything about the offer teasing and playful.

“Uh, heh… I think I am going to save swimming for the hot girl meeting. Oh! Did I ever mention that? I’m gathering up all the girls for a pool party sometime. I’d definitely want you there.”

“That was a nice experience when I went before. Yes- hmm… That’s an idea: you could turn it into a celebration for Marjorie when she is restored.”

“Oh, holy shit, yes! Perfect. That’ll be our target, then. And another one to get her out of her medieval shell a bit, too. No better time than a new, young body! Actually, ah, will she be young? How long do dryads live, anyway?”

“It depends on the tree they are tied to. Those I am thinking of live a thousand years or so on their own, but the symbiosis will double that or more. In her case, not being expressly young, I’d say close to two thousand years is a good estimate. As for her appearance, it’s up to her human-wise, being a shapeshifter. As a dryad, she’d appear seasoned but not old or young.”

“Damn, that’s quite an upgrade! Yeah, so, she can totally go for a younger man if she wants. Or maybe an elf. Hehe… she’ll be a hot momma out on the dating scene!”

“Actually, that’s something to point out. It will take… adjustment… adapting to being a dryad. To be frank, our libido is very strong in the growing seasons and we fall easily and obsessively into love. It takes time and effort to get a handle on it. Do you think she is only attracted to men, by the way?”

Sammy nodded. “I’m pretty sure she is straight as an arrow.”

“That is at least a bonus to getting a handle on it early. Perhaps we can keep her around other dryads for a while in the beginning…”

“Isn’t there some spell or potion that could help with this?”

Red had a sour expression as she shrugged. “How should I know? Do you think I’d distribute such things?”

“The Goddess of Fertility and Freedom… eh, well, I guess not. I bet you don’t even know what contraception is.”

“What a strange word. Does it mean a contrary internal thought?”

Sammy giggled. “Nope! I’m not telling you, either. But can you see why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch?”

Red blinked at her in confusion, then narrowed her eyes. “Because… it is cinnamon-flavored, toasty, and crunchy? And… let me guess… sugary? I know of baked desserts that combine the sugar of cane and cinnamon.”

Sammy was amazed. “That is a surprisingly accurate assessment. Well done!”

“What do I win?” She smirked suddenly. “A kiss?”

Sammy’s eyes widened and she sputtered. “B-wht-tsh!” Her cheeks growing hot, she turned her back on Red and crossed her arms. “Red! You’re such a lecher. As bad as Bast.”

“Well, that is my nature in this season as a healthy fertility goddess. And it’s your fault, after all. You healed me.” Teasing yet accusatory.

Sammy scoffed and rolled her eyes while also shaking her head. “Oh, gee, I guess that means I’m responsible for satiating your urges, huh?”

“I wouldn’t argue.”

“I’m sure you wouldn’t!”

Redberry chuckled richly. “I’m succumbing to my own temptations just teasing you. Of course none of that is serious. I’ll stop… Please accept my apologies, Samantha.”

“Yeah, sure. Whatever. Accepted.” Sammy cleared her throat. She’s so aggressive! The slightest bit of encouragement, and she’d pounce. Unlike with Zadkiel, I’m flustered with her. I need to learn to flirt back similarly. Accept… attraction without action. Right! She wouldn’t do anything without permission. But why deny the obvious? I know. She knows.

Taking a breath, Sammy turned around, smirked, and said, “I’ll studiously complete the ‘healing’ of my red-hot patient later. For now, business is business.”

Redberry smiled and nodded. “That’s my Moth.”