Chapter Three; Holmgang.
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Karl strode into the arena with an air of arrogance, his chest puffed out and his expression oozing confidence. He postured and bragged, ridiculing the very idea of this holmgang. He taunted Svinna with mocking laughter and dismissive gestures, believing that her challenge was a poor choice, one that would lead to her ultimate humiliation.


Bormak, the Jarl, sat on his imposing throne nearby, reveling in the ridicule directed at his daughter. He watched with a cruel grin, thoroughly entertained by the spectacle unfolding before him. As the overseer of the duel, he held the authority to set the rules that would govern the confrontation.


Bormak's voice boomed across the arena as he addressed the participants and the eager crowd. "Before we begin this holmgang," he declared, "I shall ask both contenders for their preferred rules. Speak now, and let it be known."


Karl, still basking in his own arrogance, opened his mouth to voice his preference, but before he could utter a word, Svinna stepped forward with unwavering determination. Her voice rang out with a firm resolve that silenced the arena.


"The duel shall be to the death," she declared, her words cutting through the jeers and laughter that had surrounded her. At that moment, Svinna had made her choice, setting a course that would leave no room for compromise or mercy.

Karl raised an eyebrow, his expression shifting from arrogance to intrigue, as he looked at Bormak, the Jarl, who seemed deeply troubled by Svinna's unexpected declaration. The entire purpose of this arranged marriage had been to forge an alliance through familial ties. Bormak had anticipated gaining a competent warrior at his side, and Karl had set his sights on inheriting Bormak's realm once the aging Jarl met his inevitable end. Svinna's death, or even the death of Karl, would undoubtedly hinder such ambitions.


However, neither Bormak nor Karl truly believed that this was anything more than a defiant act from the woman. To them, it seemed inconceivable that Svinna was genuinely prepared to die and to kill. It was a challenge, a display of bravado, they assumed. What they didn't realize was the depth of resolve that had taken root within Svinna's heart, a resolve born of a desire to break free from the chains of her past and protect those she held dear.


As the duel began, Karl's superior experience and levels were immediately evident. He moved with a fluidity and precision that came from years of training and combat, his every strike calculated and efficient. Svinna, despite her newfound determination, was outclassed by a wide margin. Her strikes lacked the finesse and skill of her opponent, and Karl's blows landed with punishing force.


The crowd watched in suspense as Svinna fought valiantly but struggled to hold her ground. The discrepancy between her level one class and Karl's level five class was glaringly apparent. Her stats were lower, her proficiencies lacking, and it seemed as though defeat was imminent.


But Svinna had one last card to play. She knew that her resolve alone wouldn't be enough to bridge the chasm that separated her from Karl's superior abilities. With a deep breath and unwavering determination, she activated her class's active skill, "Suffer no Rivals."


A surge of power coursed through her, and for a brief moment, her world transformed. She could feel the skill allowing her to push the limits of her abilities to the fullest. In that critical instant, she chose to maximize her Great Axe proficiency.


Suddenly, Svinna's strikes gained newfound precision and strength. Her great axe cleaved through the air with a deadly grace, and she matched Karl blow for blow. The crowd watched in astonishment as the tide of the battle began to shift.


Karl, initially taken aback by the sudden change in Svinna's abilities, soon realized that she was no longer the meek woman he had expected. She had become a formidable opponent, her strikes hitting home with an unyielding ferocity that belied her previous weakness.


As the duel raged on, the combatants clashed with a level of intensity that no one had anticipated. But even so, despite her temporarily maxed-out proficiency, the drain of the skill was eating away at Svinna's stamina Stat. She was starting to sandbag, her energy waning, and even her temporarily peerless skill wasn't going to be enough to secure victory.


That's when it happened. Svinna, with a calculated move, purposefully overextended herself, leaving an apparent opening for Karl. He seized the opportunity, aiming a powerful blow at her exposed side. But just as the strike was about to connect, Svinna pivoted with uncanny speed, parrying Karl's attack with her great axe.


In that crucial instant, Svinna's resolve flared once more. With a fierce determination, she activated "Suffer no Rivals" again, but this time, she chose to maximize her strength. Her muscles bulged with newfound power, and she swung her great axe with a thunderous force that defied comprehension.


The blow struck Karl's neck with a velocity that surpassed the speed of sound. The impact was catastrophic. Karl's head didn't just roll from his shoulders; it had exploded, showering the audience with blood, bone, and brain. The shockwave of the blow rippled through the arena, and for a fleeting moment, silence reigned.


Karl's lifeless body crumpled to the ground, and the crowd erupted into a cacophony of awe and disbelief. Svinna stood triumphant, her great axe still raised, her strength now absolute. 


As the realization of her triumph settled in, Svinna knew that this was a turning point in her life, a moment where she had defied all expectations and emerged as a force to be reckoned with. The consequences of her victory, both within her community and within herself, remained to be seen, but one thing was certain—Svinna had chosen her path, and she would stand as the victor, no matter the cost.