Chapter 2 – Doubt and Comfort
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As I walked towards Elise’s house, my mind suddenly wandered and panicked. I had just realized, this was my first time going to someone’s house. Panic ensued, quickly burying my prior thoughts.

My mind racked up all sorts of ideas. My paranoia was not helping, either. What if I came too early and nobody was home? That would be awkward… What if I went to the wrong house? What if I accidentally brought or showed something I shouldn’t have?! What if-

Before I knew it, I was already at their front door. Apparently, during my daily panic session, I was still walking towards my destination.

I stared up at their house. At first observation, it seemed to be much bigger than the others surrounding it. Still, it maintained the roughness of the wood and bricks, looking aged but still well-maintained.

Do I just… knock? I stood there awkwardly, unsure of what to do. To others, I must have seemed like an idiot. There was a ring bell right there… I placed my hand on my forehead, sighing, before ringing it.

I heard footsteps approaching the door. Soon enough, the door clicked then opened, revealing an old man in a black uniform. His hair and beard were white, signifying his old age. “Welcome. What are you here for?” He said in a formal tone. I stood there, speechless. Whose house did I get invited into? Don't only nobles and such have servants?!

"...If you have no business with us, have a good afternoon.” The butler began to shut the door, but I yelled out, “Wait!”

“Yes?” He stopped his movement again, looking at my soul as if judging me. 

“I was… invited here by someone named Elise.” I began, “She gave me a map locating her house… I’ve just been following the directions.” I tried to explain. 

The old man sighed, then gestured his hand. “Follow me.” Just like that? Not even an identification check or something? My head hurts…

I followed him into the house, closing the door behind me. The most surprising thing was the interior. Gone were the rough edges of the concrete outside, now transformed into pure white marble. Ahh… magic, I realized. Wonder what type of tech they used to do this… humans don’t have the magic power to do this normally. I don’t think I would be able to, either. 

“Take your shoes off. We have slippers for you to wear. Place them over there.” He pointed to one of the corners where there was a cabinet. “After that, you can sit on the couch or look around. If you’re going upstairs though, I’d like you to inform me. You can ring these bells here if you need something.” He held up one of the golden bells, not much different from the one outside. 

“Thank you so much.” I bowed. Is this what people do to show respect? I’ve always seen others do that before…

“No need to bow. I am merely a servant. You are a guest.” The old man then bowed himself and left. 

I took my shoes off, put them in one of the cabinets, and took out a pair of slippers. It was comfortable, very fluffy, and had a cute bunny face in the front. I then plopped down onto one of the many couches, as well as putting the stuff I bought onto a table. 

I scanned around the living room. While it was big, it was all it had going for it. The decorations were minimal, though there were some nice color contrasts and portraits on the walls. It was minimalistic, but still nice to look at. 

“This is impressive, though. I never thought I’d see spatial magic used like this.” I muttered under my breath. “I don’t think any single person could do this by themselves. Must be a device.” 

Who was Elise? Was she some big shot around here? Did I get myself into something I shouldn’t have? Those thoughts floated in my mind, but I shook them off. “No. There’s no way Elise is a bad person, right? She didn’t seem to be someone that would want to harm me.”

“…I’m feeling thirsty.” Remembering what the old man had told me, I shook one of the golden bells a few times. Soon enough, the familiar figure appeared again. 

“What do you need?” He asked with the same monotone voice as before. 

“Uh… I don’t know what to call you. Well, I would like something to drink.” 

“My name is of no importance, but you can call me Walt. Now, Would you like tea, coffee, soda, or water?” 

“Tea would be nice.” 

Walt nodded and went to what I presumed to be the kitchen. Aside from the sounds of what seemed to be a brewer, the place was quiet. It was peaceful and tranquil, quite unlike the life I’ve been living so far. I could get used to this…

The sounds stopped. Walt came back carrying a mug before putting it on the table.

“Here you go. I assumed you wanted milk tea, so I added some. If it’s not to your taste, ring the bell again.” He bowed once more and left upstairs.

Milk tea? I stared inside the mug. The liquid inside was a light brown hue. It doesn’t look bad, at least. 

I took a small sip of the drink. It was nice. Sweet, but not overpowering. It was refreshing, too. I quickly drank the rest of it.

“It’s nice in here… maybe I’ll take a short nap. I hope nobody minds.” Before long, my vision darkened as my eyelids slowly closed.


Opening my eyes, I came across a street devoid of people. Numerous decorations and stands stood beside me. This looks like something from a festival? “Where am I?” The last thing I could remember was falling asleep in Elise’s house… mansion. “How did I get here?” 

“Yaomi! Come on! Let’s go!” An energetic high-pitched voice called out my name. I turned around to see two blurred figures. I couldn’t make the faces of either of them, but what stood out to me was their head and back. They had ears on their head and a tail, just like me, except hers were much bushier, almost like a fox.

Piecing my thoughts together, my only assumption was that one of the two were me. But how? Even for a dream, this feels too realistic and out of the usual.

My current memory couldn’t figure out who this person was. It was to be expected. I can't remember my childhood at all. Her tone of voice and gestures seemed to show that we were very close. But… who was she?

More scenes of us together flashed by. They were like short recordings, showing the two of us playing, sleeping, and bathing. 

I never thought there would be a day I would envy myself. I laughed bitterly. I could only imagine the feelings I felt back then. Was I happy? I probably was, at least happier than now.

The scenery slowly faded, like when a movie ends, except there was no end screen. It was pitch black. An endless void as far as my eyes could see.

I’m a mess. I lay down in the void and closed my eyes. The show was over, and there was nothing else for me to see.


I woke up, once again, in another place. I rubbed my eyes, scanning my surroundings once more. It was a grand bedroom, extraordinarily big and filled with amenities, as well as a mirror and a desk. 

“You were asleep on the couch. My elder daughter brought you up to this room so you could rest. When you’re awake and ready, ring the bell or come downstairs. 

P.S. She tried to take your hat off but it wasn’t budging. Did you put some binding magic? I don’t mean to probe, you don’t have to answer.”

How considerate of them… and thankfully I safeguarded my hat and clothes. That would have been a big mistake otherwise. I patted myself on the back for that save. 

I got up from the massive bed. This could fit like four people, jeez. I was sure now that Elise and her family were really influential. What I still don’t understand is why they’d invite a random stranger like this… do they have that much trust? Or am I being manipulated here?

No, they would have pulled something while I was asleep if that was the case. 

I looked in the mirror, my reflection bearing on me. My silver hair contrasted with my dark blue outfit. My ice-blue eyes seemed dull, devoid of any life or passion.

Sighing, I pushed open the bigger-than-average doors and walked down the corridor. At the end was stairs leading down, presumably back into the living room. The hallway itself was grand and simplistic. Much like downstairs, there were a few paintings, depicting numerous events and people. 

This is beginning to look like those big mansions in storybooks. I recalled the few times I went to those bookstores. What were they called again? 

Walking down the stairs, I could hear numerous voices chattering. Peeking down, I saw Elise on one of the couches, another girl around the same height as her, and Mina on top of her lap. That must be her older daughter.

“Had a nice rest?” Elise inquired as she gestured me to a space next to her. I nodded. “Great. We’ll be having food soon.” 

“Big Sis Yaomi! Can we play now?!” Mina energetically hopped over to my side, swaying her head. 

"You just went to play outside. Calm down, rascal." The older sibling said with a look of disapproval. Then, she turned to me. “Hi. I’m Diane. The older one. Sorry for this little gremlin over there.” 

“I’m not a gremlin!” The gremlin-in-question protested.

“I’m Yaomi, and it’s fine.” I gave Mina some headpats. “Later, okay?” 

“Hehe. I want big sis Yaomi to stay here! She’s better than big sis Diane!” Mina clung to me, her small arms wrapping around my waist.

“Say that again, you little devil.” A dark aura emanated from Diane. I could hear her cracking a knuckle.

“Eek! Big scary monster!” Mina cried out, though her sarcastic tone betrayed her supposed fear.

“Oh, this big scary monster is going to come eat you. Better run while you can!” 

Mina ran around the living room. Diane stood up and chased her like the scary monster she is. A good minute passed until Diane caught her younger sibling. 

“Ahh! I’ve been caught! Big sis Yaomi, save me!" Mina called out. I froze in response, not expecting the sudden invite to their game.

Elise smiled warmly at me, whispering, "Don't be nervous, they do this all the time. If you don't like it, you can always tell them to stop."

A switch clicked inside me from her words. They invited me to their home, gave me a bed, and respected my privacy. They were treating me so well that it wouldn't be fair to reject them anymore. I trust them. Deciding to play along, I got up from the couch, did my best hero impression, and walked toward the two sisters. I lightly pushed Diane and picked up Mina in a princess carry, lightly brushing her long bangs from her head.

“You’re safe now, my princess.” 

"Uwahh!" She let out a yelp, which made all three of us laugh, much to her embarrassment. 

"Hmph. Meanies." She crossed her arms together and puffed up her cheeks. So cute. Resisting my urge to stretch and pinch them, I sat back down next to Elise. Mina seemed so content in my arms that I almost didn't want to put her down. Her pout soon quickly turned into a smile with her snuggling inside my arms. I squeezed my arms in return. If 

“As much as I want to relax more, I’d feel like we’d all get too lazy here. Come on, let’s go get some food. Our chefs and cooks can make something ready for us quickly.” Elise stood up and gestured us to another room. Diane, still on the floor, quickly got up, but the two of us weren’t as eager to move.

“You can carry her. Is that what you wanted?” Elise teased. 

I could feel my own cheeks become hotter. Mina, meanwhile, unaware of my turmoil, pulled out her arms and cheered.

Still holding her, I followed Diane into the room, wishing that this could last longer. 


so tired