Faction – The Imperials
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The Imperial Court has seen far better days. For almost 2000 years the Island of Azadora has been ruled by a continuous line of Emperors and Empresses descended from the former second son of the Count of Ruvia Basile Belmonte. Basile would go on to found the Empire of Azadora and from that moment to this the Empire has stood.

Beginning with the abdication of Emperor Ashton in IY 59 each successive ruler of the Empire has been female by law. Males may not inherit or be raised to the throne. While the rules regarding children were initially very strict, those rules have been relaxed over the years to ensure a female is available to ascend to the Sapphire Throne.

While enjoying a long and successful period of absolute power the Empire thrived or ebbed depending on the individual abilities and policies of the Empress which sat at her head. That reign of supreme power ended with the signing of the Windshell Accords at the conclusion of the Despair War in IY 1693.

With its power shattered, the Imperial Court has seen a steady and precipitous erosion of its influence and prestige. While the first few Empresses had struggled against the newly created limits imposed by the Accords, they began to realize that the threats to their individual rule came not only from without the court, but also from within.

With the other noble houses having a say on the High Council and the ability of the Council to hold a vote of no confidence suddenly the position of Empress became one fraught with challenges. With many cousins and former rivals, the Belmonte hold on the throne weakened dangerously. Victoria, the previous Empress, survived two challenges to her rule from distant cousins attempting to usurp her position. When Victoria died her daughter, Celeste, was raised to the throne with even more uncertainty than her mother faced.

Where once the Imperial family had buoyed the finances of the entire Empire with their personal fortunes, they now find it necessary to close many of their far-flung holdings to save money where they can.

With the bickering, backstabbing nobles plotting around her, the family’s finances in dire straits and the ever-present threat of the Order of the Magi, Celeste has been forced to navigate dangerous waters. However, she is not alone. While the Imperial Court has seen better days, they still command the might of the Legion and the stealthy Imperial Secret Service. Celeste may have her back to the wall, but she is far from alone in the struggle to claw back the power she feels the Sapphire Throne needs to regain its rightful place as the undisputed head of the Empire of Azadora.