Episode 4: Training (2: The First Day)
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Without delay, Jennifer then proceeded to teach Sara the basics of dancing, sometimes showing videos and such online as an aide to her teaching. Sara had to marvel at the difference between learning something strictly online and something in person the longer the day proceeded.

Things she had assumed she was doing correctly before, were harshly reprimanded.

[Straighten your back!]

[Spread your legs open more, your feet are pointing in entirely the wrong direction too!]

[Nice balance.]

[Your timing to the beat is off, stick to the beat!]

As could be seen, three out of every four things that were spouted out of the mouth of Jennifer were harsh criticisms.

But Sara bit her tongue and soldiered through it all, drawing back some experience from the past in her gymnastic days, she knew some trainers were harsh because they wanted to whip out your potential, and not just to be cruel. And Sara was most assured from her previous interactions with Jennifer that she belonged to the former category rather than the latter.

Hours passed as Sara absorbed her lessons like a sponge until a sudden ringing sound cut through the beat of the music, Jennifer’s lecturing and the sound of Sara’s heavy breathing.

[Ah, that’s break time.]

Jennifer said, her breath coming out a little heavy; having not been standing still either, she had worked up quite a sweat as well. She had repeatedly been showing Sara the ropes on each move she was teaching, doing them several times as well to drill the right form and timing into her head, so it was inevitable that she had to exercise some effort as well.

[Ah, hah, hah… How long is the break?]

Sara asked amidst heavy exhalations, one hand coming up to stroke the soaked strands of her fringe out of her eyes aa well as the sweat dripping down her forehead and cheeks. Sara could already feel the aches of her body; the worst part was knowing that later, these pains would only worsen as well, and who knows how much a night's rest would actually work in easing these aches. Sara full well expected to awaken to some muscle ache tomorrow as well.

[You should take half-an-hour. Feel free to grab a drink and bite to eat if you want. If you don’t have food with you, I can point you to a few good places to eat around here.]

Jennifer explained with a smile before seeming to suddenly realise something and continuing quickly:

[I should also inform you that in the future, I’ll most likely not be able to stay beyond this time, or may not be able to tutor you at all on some days. I'll stay the full day today as there is too much to teach you otherwise.]

[Ah, okay.]

Sara nodded in acknowledgement, already understand that this would be the case.

[Don’t feel you can slack off though, there’s a camera in this room for a reason.]

Jennifer stuck her tongue out playfully, but Sara understood by her undertone that she was being serious.

[I’ll make sure not to prance around naked, even if my clothes are as wet as the sea.]

Sara quipped back, hand blowing warm wind into her reddened face. It did rather little to help her state, but it was better than nothing.

[Haha, spoilsport.]

Jennifer simply chuckled as she headed to the desk with the laptop on it and picked up her bag which she had left there, swinging it around her shoulder before turning to Sara once more:

[I’m going to a nearby café, you coming?]

[Yeah, let me just grab my purse.]

Sara readily agreed, doing some light stretches of her arms as she travelled the short distance to her backpack leaning against the far wall.

Turning the lights off as the two left the room, Sara waited for Jennifer to lock the door before following her lead out of the building.

The two didn’t return until 25-30 minutes later, feeling hydrated and full after a nice easy lunch where Sara found herself easing more and more into familiarity with this temporary instructor of hers.

The first action upon returning to training was another set of stretches, and then finally after those, Jennifer had Sara get right back to work with basic dance and choreo training.

Hours passed both swiftly and unbearably slowly for Sara at times as she fought to digest each move and each tip fed to her by Jennifer Wallace. At around 3pm, Sara welcomed another break, joining Jennifer for another small break before resuming training at around quarter to four. Back to work, Jennifer changed up things for this final stretch of the lesson and practised on the vocal side of things.

By the end of the day, when it was time to finish up at 6:30 pm, Sara was thoroughly exhausted but held strong even until she got home before throwing herself onto her bed. Immediately falling into a deep sleep, Sara skipped any sort of leisurely activity to instead get some much-needed rest...

Sara awoke several hours later, surprisingly under the covers rather than on top of them as she vaguely remembered. But her confusion was swept away quickly when she realised that her mother or father must have tucked her in some time when she was asleep.

Sara's lips formed a warm, happy smile as she inwardly thanked her parents while also internally reminding herself to thank them in person later. She expected them to both be in their beds now, so she'd have to do it sometime later.

Looking at her phone, Sara realised it was quite early in the morning and that there was still a bit of time left before she had to head off for the days training session.

Moving into a sitting position, Sara is reminded by the aches pulsing through her body of the hectic training she had gone through the day before. The feeling caused a feeling of frustration and disappointment to swell in Sara.

She had done so badly, having had to repeat moves over and over again to even begin to display any competency in the dance moves she was learning. She was also constantly forgetting that which she had already learned as well, causing her to fumble whenever she had to do a set of moves in a sequence.

Grasping her hands into fists in front of her, Sara suddenly felt her blood begin to boil despite her tired state and felt a strong urge push her next actions as she rushed into a new set of clothes before leaving her house-as silently as she could without waking her parents-to the nearby nature park, the place where she had last met Briana. This thought also reminded Sara that she should text her friend, something she had forgotten to do in her tired haze the night before.

After a quick text to her friend, Sara quickly changed her pace from a casual walk to a brisk jog, and looking around, Sara quickly became glad that it was so early in the morning. There was no one in the streets and thus no one to see her terrible running form caused by her still aching legs and arms.

Arriving at the park a few minutes later, Sara was glad to see the place empty and found a somewhat private place to begin some extracurricular training, only stopping a little over an hour later to head home and prepare for the training session ahead…