Chapter 56: Train
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“Eh? Sun breathing? Lord Feng, isn’t this called the ‘dance of the fire god’?

“Yes, but accurately speaking, actually it could be said to be a wrongly inherited breathing…”

Maple saw that Tanjiro was still confused, he explained further on the general record of sun breathing, but he only explained them generally, and let Tanjiro have some knowledge, as for the secret sword arts, Maple felt that he still did not need to gesticulate so profusely.

After all, information on the sun breathing, in the demon slayer corps could be said to be a little-known secret. Maple, as a “pillar,” knows that it is normal, but if he even clearly knew the names of all the sword arts, and even knew about the secret of the sword dance, that would be too abnormal.

Maple was not worried about not wanting to let Tanjiro depend on that kind of cheat-like “memory dream” to know about the key. This was because from now on, his “soul breathing” also needed even more sharpening, and considering his battle talent of Tanjiro, fighting against a “pillar” using a real sword and guns would bring about a great benefit.

But there needs to be a premise, that Tanjiro’s abilities could still be improved.

“Sounds so strong…”

Tanjiro’s thought was not as complicated as Maple’s, seemingly not understanding the hidden meaning of being able to learn the sun breathing.

“Do lord Kocho and lord Feng want to learn? Although I am still unable to use the complete “Dance of the fire god”, I remember all the movie sets. If every ‘pillar’ can learn the sun breathing, then we can kill even more demons, right?”

“Ara, thank you for Tanjiro’s kind intention, but for breathing technique, it does not mean that the stronger the better, everyone has their compatible breathing technique, for Tanjiro to be able to use the sun breathing, then you should exhibit its strength well!”

Shinobu smiled lightly while shaking her head, and softly declined Tanjiro’s proposal while turning her gaze towards Maple, who was sitting beside her.

“But, if Tanjiro wants to become stronger, you can look for Feng, Feng’s soul breathing is the most mysterious breathing technique I have ever seen.”

“Eh? Can I, Mr. Feng?”

Hearing Tanjiro’s plead; Maple looked at Shinobu who had a tacit understanding with him while nodding his head at Tanjiro with a smile.

“Of course, you can, Tanjiro, I also want to see the full strength of the sun breathing technique, actually you no longer need to call me “lord Feng” anymore. I am only older than you by a few years, you can just call me ‘Mr. Feng’.”

“Ara, is ‘Uncle Feng’ pretending to be young?”

Kocho Shinobu suddenly covered her mouth and teased, making Tanjiro recall his previous “offense”, and become a bit shy while scratching his short hair.

“It’s okay, Tanjiro, Shinobu is sometimes like this, you just need to get used to it.”

Maple helplessly glanced at the poisonous Shinobu and continued to ask.

“How is it, Tanjiro? Are you willing to train with me for a while? However, you need to prepare yourself, my ‘training’ is not that relaxing.”

“Mr. Feng, don’t worry! When I joined the demon slayer corps, I have been enlightened!”

At this moment, Tanjiro’s current serious temperament, lets Maple understand why he was called “the son of brightness”.

“Truly has a sun-like spirituality.”

Maple murmured in his heart while informing them of his next plan.

“Tanjiro, you should have mastered the trick for [total concentration breathing], right?”

“More or less! This time round I am sure I can pass Kanao’s test!”

“That’s good, come and find me when you have passed Kanao’s test, I will bring you to senior Rengoku’s place, the characteristics of the flame breathing technique are the closest to the sun breathing, you should be able to obtain inspiration.”


Tanjiro confidently replied, then as if remembering something, he hesitatingly asked.

“Mr. Feng, may I ask, can Zenitsu and Inosuke follow me to train?”


Maple raised his eyebrows, then recalled this matter which he had missed.

“Of course, there is no problem, but regarding how much you can learn, it will depend on each of you.”

“Thank you very much!”

“Feng, do you wish to complete that technique through sun breathing?”

Once Tanjiro had left the pharmaceutical room, Shinobu asked Maple about her doubts.

After all, as the one closest to Maple in this world, Shinobu also knew about the high expectation Maple had towards the “soul breathing technique”, and Tanjiro’s breathing is the origin of all breathing techniques and could be said to be like a “turning point”, and provided Maple with the opportunity.

“Yes, the secret of sun breathing technique, I would like to validate with my own eyes.”

Maple nodded his head and could be said to have confessed his intention, after all, it was not something that could not be known by other people. At the same time, he also inexplicably mentioned.

“One other thing, Shinobu, did you realize that Tanjiro himself is a big ‘vortex’?”

“Tanjiro himself? Indeed…”

Hearing Maple’s “point”, Shinobu’s eyes flashed, apparently recalling the wish he had entrusted to him before.”

“A young man who can use the original breathing technique, and a sister who had not harmed any human after becoming a demon, Feng, now that you said it, it seemed appropriate. I remembered Mr. Rengoku once said, ‘Tanjiro had a very strong attraction’.”

After saying this, Shinobu’s heart was shaken and deliberately looked at Maple.

“Feng, is this the reason why you urgently wanted everyone to become stronger? I felt that something big was about to happen…”

“Shinobu, it’s okay, I’m here. Do you not realise that your abilities have transformed by a lot?”

Maple gently held Shinobu’s hand and comforted her.

“That’s why I am not very worried.”

Shinobu laughed softly, her heart had become much better, and just clapped Maple’s hand that was holding hers, but did not try to get away.

“But, Feng, why do plan to bring Tanjiro to find Mr. Rengoku?”

“If you want to ask this question… “ Maple paused and then explained his thoughts.

“Firstly, I heard that senior Rengoku was currently dealing with the countless people who disappeared from the train, this is a training opportunity for Tanjiro and his friends. Secondly, I wish to see whether someone talented like Mr. Rengoku can make a breakthrough using the sun breathing technique, additionally…”

Speaking to her, Maple remembered a slightly “crazy” plan of his and did not continue speaking, instead giving a “fortune-teller”-like a smile.

“I think with the personality of that demon king, Muzan, would not allow a demon slayer who knew sun breathing technique to grow, who knows, this time, I can still ruthlessly plot against him.”

“Feng…are you sure?”

Shinobu was a little bit worried, but she understood, every demon slayer grew in this kind of danger, this was also the case for a “pillar”.

“Well, around 60 to 70%, after all, it is just a test, if it fails, there is also no problem, but if it succeeds, Shinobu, this would be a happy surprise.”

Maple’s tone was very calm, with not much concern.

“After all, right now, the only one who can feel a ‘fighting intent ‘, is Akaza.”

While chanting softly, Maple looked at his own [soul breathing] using spiritual vision, that bold and “crazy” thoughts were gradually coming together.

“Is this an earth god?! I saw an earth god with my own eyes!”

Inosuke, who was wearing a boar mask, shouted and wished to rush towards the train but was held down by Tanjiro and Zenitsu.

“Inosuke, stop behaving like this! This is not an earth god, it’s a train!”

Zenitsu held down his voice while trying his best to suppress Inosuke who was like a boar, but looking at him, it looked like he was almost crying due to the stare given by the surrounding people.

“Inosuke, stop! If you continue the police will come!”

Tanjiro was also trying his best to hold Inosuke down while smiling and gesturing to the surrounding people not to pay attention to this “country-side person” who had never seen the world.

With great difficulty, Inosuke’s thought was changed from “a living earth god” to “earth god’s transportation tool”, and did not attract an arrest from patrolling police, only then did Tanjiro release a sigh of relief, and quickly move towards Maple, who had been waiting at the train door.

“Mr. Feng, we’re truly sorry! I did not realize Inosuke’s reaction to a train would be so big, we’re almost arrested…”

Tanjiro scratched his head shyly, looking at the quarreling Zenitsu and Inosuke at the side, and while helping Inosuke explain.

“It’s alright, everyone who saw this kind of mechanical creation for the first time would be shaken, it’s normal.”

Maple shook his head while laughing, and did not put this small problem in his heart.

“Board the train first, then we will go and meet senior Rengoku.”


Tanjiro hurriedly replied, and called Zenitsu and Inosuke to quickly follow, while feeling slightly uneasy.

“Mr. Rengoku, what kind of person is he?”

But Tanjiro’s worry was quickly extinguished, there was no other way, who could hate a “big brother” who ate eleven boxes of beef hotpot?

Just as Kyojuro put down another empty box, Tanjiro and Inosuke were once again surprised.

“Mr. Rengoku is so ferocious! This is already the eleventh box!”

“Damn! Have I lost completely?”

“Hahaha! Just wait until you are a little stronger, then you will be able to eat as much as I can!”

Kyojuro laughed loudly while slapping Tanjiro’s shoulder who was beside him.

“Tanjiro’s eating volume is already not bad! Very good! Continue your hard work!”


Zenitsu, who was by the side, looked at the lively trio and suddenly wanted to say something weakly.

Only he noticed, the inconspicuous Mr. Maple had eaten fifteen similar-sized meal boxes, it’s just that Mr. Feng ate very gracefully, if one did not pay attention, no one would realize how fast he ate.

Furthermore, Maple was very attentive, after finishing a few boxes, he would ask people to clean them up, so from the beginning to the end, there were only two empty boxes seen on his table.

“Zenitsu, what is it?”

Tanjiro seemed to have heard Zenitsu wanting to say something, confusedly turned his head and asked.

“Oh, it’s nothing, I was dazed just now.”

Seeing Maple blinking his eyes at him, the clever Zenitsu immediately understood what “lord Feng” meant, and quickly changed his words.

“Senior Rengoku, can you lend me a moment to speak?”

At this moment, seeing that Kyojuro and Tanjiro seemed to get along with each other, Maple finally informed the wish to speak privately with Rengoku Kyojuro.

“Eh? Mr. Feng, is there something you want to talk to me about? No problem.”

Hearing Maple’s suggestion, Kyojuro was slightly startled, but not by much, after all, before Maple came, he had informed him using a letter that there were things he wanted to discuss.

“Then Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke, all of you please wait for a while.”

“It’s alright, Mr. Rengoku is too polite!”

“Eh? Do Rengoku and Feng have some business? That’s great, Zenitsu, let’s arm wrestle!”

“Hey, boar head! You are too impolite!”

Not caring about how the three young men behind them had started to make a riot again, Maple and Kyojuro walked towards the neighboring compartment and found an empty place to sit.

“Sorry for the impoliteness, senior Rengoku, let me shield the surroundings for a bit.”

After informing Kyojuro and not seeing his objection, Maple unsheathed his blade by half an inch, and used the “omnipotent” [soul mist lock] …

In this world, this could be considered a different type of spiritual wall.

“This is Mr. Feng’s famous soul breathing, right? It is so great! It looks like I have to continue to work hard on my training!”

Feeling the noisy environment from the surrounding people suddenly disappeared, and even their seat was being ignored by the surrounding people, Kyojuro slightly widened his fiery golden red eyes and praised.

“Mr. Feng being so serious, looks like you want to discuss something important!”

“Indeed, senior Rengoku, in a certain way, if the things I wanted to say were a succeed, the strength of the demon slayer corps would undergo another transformation.”


Hearing Maple’s high valuation, Kyojuro was accidentally released due to the fluctuations in his heart and released a hot breath.

“I guess Mr. Feng would not speak without evidence, please speak, I wish to hear.”

Kyojuro’s words also became serious, his whole momentum became extremely solemn.

“Senior Rengoku, what’s your impression Tanjiro?”

Hearing Maple’s seemingly strange question, Kyojuro did not immediately reply, instead, he considered it carefully, and then slowly said his conclusion.

“A young man with great potential, and strong ‘charisma’, Mr. Feng, the things you wanted to say, is it related to him?”