Chapter 15 – Rimuru (2)
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We lay sprawled on the ground, utterly drained—this had been one of the most grueling battles we’d ever faced. Just as I began to relish a moment’s respite, Source’s alert interrupted me.


*A concealed presence has been detected*


I jerked my head up, deploying my Magic Sense to scan the tangled labyrinth of trees surrounding us. As Source augmented the range of my Magic Sense, a nebulous silhouette crystallized in my view, perched on a distant tree. Yet, as if sensing my focus, the figure vanished into thin air.


“What the hell was that?” A shiver trickled down my spine. If this entity could sneak up on me so effortlessly, what was to stop it from launching a covert attack?


I darted my eyes around the perimeter, half-expecting another warning from Source. But nothing came. Resigned, I turned my attention back to the dragon carcass sprawled before us. We made quick work of it, our proficiency in feasting growing almost disturbingly efficient. The silver lining? I obtained my first resistance skill: Fire Attack Resistance.


As the sun bowed out, casting its final orange glow over the forest, it was time to settle in for the night. Shiro and Kumo went off on a foraging mission, gathering sticks and foliage. Meanwhile, I stayed behind, eager to unlock the secrets of Nihility energy, which, despite my persistent probing, remained an enigmatic force; its only defining traits were an insatiable desire for destruction and its peculiar aversion to magicules.


Quite odd, indeed. Shiro and Kumo soon returned, stacks of sticks somehow placed on their backs (I wonder how they do that with paws).


After setting up a campfire, it didn’t take us long to drift off to sleep.



Day 15


I woke up to another of Source’s warnings.


*A concealed presence has been detected*


Springing to my feet, I assumed a combative stance, eyes darting. Yet, the attack I braced for never came. The hidden figure, likely the same one as before, remained still—perched on a tree branch about 50 meters away. I could almost feel the weight of his scrutiny, observing me as if I were an exhibit.


“Is that Souei?” I wondered. His unparalleled skills in stealth were notorious in the Jura Forest. However, instead of approaching, he seemed content merely watching, eyes locked onto me like a hawk.


“What should I do?” I struggled with my decisions. Firstly, I didn’t want to anger Rimuru, which is quite obvious since he is the protagonist after all. But secondly, I don’t really want to die to his subordinates either.


*This one suggests the Host ignores individual ‘Souei’ based on your memories he will not abruptly attack unless he deems you a threat to Rimuru.*


Source spoke into my mind. Though, I was doubting its decisions, what was stopping Souei from culling me, a person who has a chance to be a threat to Rimuru, early so I don’t become one? I decided to go against Source’s decision and call out to him.


“Hey! I know you’re there, how about you come down and we talk about this?” I shouted. The presence seemed to shift, before appearing behind me, directly below the tree and next to the two direwolves. His body was leaning against the tree and his eyes looking almost nonchalant.


As I expected, it was Souei. He materialized behind me, leaning casually against a tree, his expression unreadable. “How did you know?” he questioned, his eyes narrowing, a hint of suspicion coloring his voice.


Now sensing the presence of this overwhelming figure, the two direwolves were jolted from their slumber, instantly rising to their feet and to my side, baring their teeth at the unknown intruder.


“What do you mean?” I asked, wary of anything he might do.

“Sense me.” He replied.

“I just can.” I shot, unwilling to share my secrets.


Souei, as though understanding my intentions, decided not to pry. “Rimuru-sama wants to meet you.”


Shit, this is too early. I’d hoped to accumulate more abilities before confronting someone as formidable as Rimuru. I played dumb. “Rimuru-sama, you say? And who might that be?”


His sneer told me I’d played the wrong card. “Our leader,” he retorted, a tinge of venom lining his words.


Realizing I’d stepped on a landmine, I weighed my next move carefully as Souei began to close the distance, flanked by my growling dire wolves. “We leave now,” he commanded, not a request but an ultimatum.


As expected, he wasn’t really giving the freedom of choice here. Not wanting to anger Rimuru and his fanatic subordinates this early on, I could only comply as he sank into the shadows, bringing us along.


*Extra Skill: Shadow Motion has been obtained after analyzing the usage of the skill*


Source informed me midway. A momentary thrill washed over me, quickly dampened as we arrived at a rustic yet oddly opulent building that appeared to serve as the city hall.


Source informed me midway. A momentary thrill washed over me, quickly dampened as we arrived at a rustic yet oddly opulent building that appeared to serve as the city hall.


Leaving me and my direwolves amidst the crowd of goblins, who were giving me odd stares. I took a deep breath and stepped through the doors, entering an ostentatiously decorated hall. The Goblina receptionist beckoned me over with a bright smile.


“Rimuru-sama has been waiting for you,” she chirped, as she got up from her seat and signaled me to follow her. Sweat trickled down my forehead as I anxiously followed her. She led me up 3 flights of stairs, where the end of the stairs was a long hall, followed by a singular door at the end.


“Rimuru-sama awaits you within,” she gestured, offering a curt bow before retreating down the flights of stairs. Shiro, the ever nonchalant wolf now had an anxious expression. Kumo, on the other hand, had an excited expression, seemingly not worried by our predicament.


As I approached the door, each step felt increasingly heavy. A torrent of considerations whirled through my mind. Could I escape using my newfound Shadow Motion skill? Would I even stand a chance? With a sigh, I pushed aside those thoughts and reached for the door handle, my hand trembling.


As I stepped into the room, an overwhelming aura engulfed me, forcing a shiver down my spine. Behold, in all his gelatinous glory, the Mustache Rimuru.





Day 15


Name: Lucian

Race: Demonoid

Title: Kin-Eater, Ecohazard

Skills :

Unique Skill: Nihility

Unique Skill: Covalent

Unique Skill: Source

Extra Skill: Predator's Eyes (All of Creation, Predation, Appraisal Eye, Thought Acceleration, Coercion),Magic Sense, Water Manipulation,

Skill: FarsightThought CommunicationFlame Breath, Apply PoisonSteel Thread,Sticky Thread,Body Armor,Sense Heat SourcePoisonous Breath,Drain,Ultrasonic Waves,Paralyzing Breath,Enhance Body,Absorb Sunlight,Wind Blade,Glow, Poison Excrement, Temperature Regulation,

Resistance: Fire Attack Resistance





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